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I make a tuna loaf.  It is from my childhood.  The recipe - not the actual tuna loaf because that would be moldy and gross.  


See tuna is bit better sounding.  Though loaf still sounds soooo….. ugh.


I don't know.  I just wouldn't want to put it on a wedding invitation, know what I mean?

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What is wrong with "beef"?  What did you say instead?


Not sure, exactly.  A little too... beefy?  And I honestly can't remember what we chose instead.  Some version of steak?  I do remember that we considered picking another dish from the caterer entirely.  


I truly have no idea what, if anything, I actually ATE at the wedding.  

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We are done with math.  Dd survived even though the last twenty minutes were soooooo hard.  She has now run joyfully out the door to do parkour at the park a block away.  She scoffed my suggestion that she take a cell phone with her not quite realizing that I was suggesting it so that she could have a means to call 9-1-1 if she breaks her neck.  

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I was in a fairly productive meeting (the most significant point having been the director telling me that she would back me up on my decisions), brought dh back to work, then Aldi, then bank, then maple syrup pick-up, then library, then home to put away groceries and throw together something to eat. Just finished up with dinner, which contained neither beans nor tuna, both of which I hate. Egg rolls (frozen from Aldi!) and lettuce salad for us.


After 5 months waiting on hold at the library, I finally have a copy of Pioneer Girl to read!

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I drove 20 km to drop ds off at a thing. Drove home & ran some errands & hauled a bunch of heavy things downstairs.

Then drove 20 km there & back to get ds home again.

Got to play with a puppy.  Not my kind of puppy but still it was a puppy & puppies are good for the soul.


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Rusty bunny bit me!  He didn't really mean to bite me.  He likes to grab your clothes to tell you to move if you are in His Highness's way.  He grabbed more than just clothes.  I yelped.  He skittered to a safe place.  Smart bunny.  Not that I would have hurt my grandbunny but I did threaten him with his middle name, Stu.  

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Rusty bunny bit me!  He didn't really mean to bite me.  He likes to grab your clothes to tell you to move if you are in High Highness's way.  He grabbed more than just clothes.  I yelped.  He skittered to a safe place.  Smart bunny.  Not that I would have hurt my grandbunny but I did threaten him with his middle name, Stu.  

He's really sorry.  I can tell from here.


Took Lilycat to the vet today, and the vet told a funny story about doing a squirrel operation.  Then she informed us that squirrels and bunnies have teeth that keep growing so they grind the top and bottom ones together.  There is a long name for this.  Who knew???  Now all of you do.  :)

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Terrine de Haricots Rouges


bon appetit!






You are a GENIUS!!!!  



(Now I just have to figure out how to pronounce it.  We aren't exactly the sharpest pencils in the box around here, you know. Dh just asked me, "Oh, what's the last name of those friends of yours? you know….. the ones who talk funny???"  They are from London, Southern Boy, from LONDON.) 

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He's really sorry.  I can tell from here.


Took Lilycat to the vet today, and the vet told a funny story about doing a squirrel operation.  Then she informed us that squirrels and bunnies have teeth that keep growing so they grind the top and bottom ones together.  There is a long name for this.  Who knew???  Now all of you do.   :)

I knew that.  That's why Rusty has lots of things to chew on - but he's not allowed to chew on me.  


Have you ever seen a rabbit yawn?  It is the funniest thing.  

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Rusty Stu, eh???  How'd he get his name?

Well, dd will tell you that isn't his name. . . .    When we were giving suggestions for names we suggested things like Dumpling and Dinner.  I suggested Stuart, Stu for short.  So when dd got him she named him Rusty.  But I still say Stu for short.   ;)   She thumps her foot just like the rabbit to show that she's annoyed with me!   :lol:

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I think Stu for a bunny is perfect.


I actually had to work today at work. 


Then I took DS to the pool, where he was swimming/playing with another boy, and when the crowd thinned out I approached his mom to introduce myself, say hi, that sort of thing.  She shook my hand, told me her name, then turned back to phone and ignored me.  So finally I just walked away.  I'm trying to figure out where I went wrong.  LOL 


Please don't feel sorry for me, though.  I am convinced it was all her. :lol:  :lol:

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I think Stu for a bunny is perfect.


I actually had to work today at work. 


Then I took DS to the pool, where he was swimming/playing with another boy, and when the crowd thinned out I approached his mom to introduce myself, say hi, that sort of thing.  She shook my hand, told me her name, then turned back to phone and ignored me.  So finally I just walked away.  I'm trying to figure out where I went wrong.  LOL 


Please don't feel sorry for me, though.  I am convinced it was all her. :lol:  :lol:


Baaaad phone etiquette.   :toetap05:   Definitely all her.  


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Well, dd will tell you that isn't his name. . . .    When we were giving suggestions for names we suggested things like Dumpling and Dinner.  I suggested Stuart, Stu for short.  So when dd got him she named him Rusty.  But I still say Stu for short.   ;)   She thumps her foot just like the rabbit to show that she's annoyed with me!   :lol:


I love it!  I'd tell you my childhood bunny's name, but it's the answer to the security question I always pick, so I can't.  

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