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I also posted on the cleaning thread.  Which is laughable. 


Never listen to my advice on threads about cleaning.  Or science.  I should not be allowed to post on these topics. 


Was it the thread about whether or not one gets help cleaning, and there was a poll with an option for "my house is never rarely clean"? Cuz, I have no business on threads like that either. Although I did answer the poll.

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 I think I like the trend of substituting a single word in place of a dependent clause. 


So do I, with the realization that I can only use it on the Internet, not IRL (unless I'm talking to one of my IRL friends who also frequent FB and will understand if I say, "Because bacon.")

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Was it the thread about whether or not one gets help cleaning, and there was a poll with an option for "my house is never rarely clean"? Cuz, I have no business on threads like that either. Although I did answer the poll.


Yes, it was the cleaning poll thread.  My brilliant reply was something like - we never clean because we're too lazy to pick up. 


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Yes, it was the cleaning poll thread.  My brilliant reply was something like - we never clean because we're too lazy to pick up. 


 I could have said, it's never clean because nothing ever gets picked up. I decided to spare my family the embarrassment.  


I'm here all day, but I work from home. I only have the 4yo here, and my dh hasn't worked in about 3 weeks. I would come out of my hidey-hole to a complete disaster. Dh will wash dishes and do the floors  though. So, that looks decent. It's all the clutter that's the problem. 


I wish I were a minimalist.

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Hello, young lads!  Okay, no one is a young lad here, but I like to say that because it's funny.  It's what I call my boys.  


Little dd and I went on an American Heritage Girls overnight trip to the Homestead Heritage Farm in Elm Mott and the Mayborn Museum in Waco, then stayed at a hotel and swam in the pool and ate hotel brekkie and had a great time.  Moms were run ragged, and it is not too cool to share a double bed with a nine year old who marches in your sleep, shoving her knees into your butt repeatedly, but it is done.  And nice memories were made.   :)


Anyway, checking in to say hello.  Hello!  


And Goodnight!  (We are having tornadoes in our area, though we are not in danger.  Also, we are having golfball sized hail with rain.)


Oh, my dd would love that.


Stay safe!  

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I was so surprised to see how each kumu interprets/choreographs the same song so differently. Here you can see several dancers from different halau doing the same dance...at the same time...The two kane (men) and wahini (woman) in the middle must have the same kumu, who choreographed it slightly different for both:


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A mile wide tornado hit just 45 minutes south of our house last night.  Our friends lost their barn. We are still waiting to hear from them this morning.  This was a really large and bad storm.  Fortunately, it hit a largely rural area.


Wow. That's pretty scary.

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A mile wide tornado hit just 45 minutes south of our house last night.  Our friends lost their barn. We are still waiting to hear from them this morning.  This was a really large and bad storm.  Fortunately, it hit a largely rural area.


ACK!!! I'm so sorry for your friends!!

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A mile wide tornado hit just 45 minutes south of our house last night.  Our friends lost their barn. We are still waiting to hear from them this morning.  This was a really large and bad storm.  Fortunately, it hit a largely rural area.


Oh, no! That's terrifying.  When we looked for place to go post-California, being prone to tornadoes was a deal-breaker. 


I'm sorry that your friends' barn was destroyed, but I'm so glad it wasn't a house. Do you have a basement, texasmama?  And does everyone fit??

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Report about Dad. On Thursday, at the specialist, the pressure in his eye was lower. So that was good. One doctor, a student or intern maybe, said he wouldn't be able to see again, and she wanted to laser the nerve so he wouldn't be in less pain. Then DH said another older doctor came in, and he was more hopeful. He said that he believes dad may be able to see from that eye again, but probably not able to read. It is still very messy in his eye, but there is hope. We go back Wednesday again.

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Yes, it was the cleaning poll thread.  My brilliant reply was something like - we never clean because we're too lazy to pick up. 



This is exactly why we can't hire someone to come clean for us -- we have too much cr*p lying around getting in the way of anyone from outside of this household that comes in.  I have a major tidying up spree on the rare occasions we do expect someone in to do some work (DH is very handy and handles most things quite competently).  Oh, and there's another reason:  DH hates having strangers in our house unless they are constantly monitored.


Our house is untidy and cluttered, but not actually dirty.  There's always some cleaning to be done (just like laundry), but the most important bits get done daily, moderate important tasks weekly, and the rest as we get to them.  Having work done on the house tends to spur a big round of catching the other stuff. 


"Here, honey, as long as you are on that ladder taping before we paint please pull the vent covers and light fixtures down and I'll wash them."  "Before you put the blinds back up in the windows let me give them a thorough cleaning inside and out while I can still see where the streaks are."  "As long as we have the furniture all moved out let's clean the carpet before we put it back."  Stuff like that.  DH says prepping and putting pack after any home improvement task takes much longer than predicted because I'm always finding other stuff to do "while things are out of their usual places".

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Okay, Renai, disregard my "gardening envy."  Please substitute with "snowman envy."


Me, too!  I live in the land of snow-only-comes-every-9-years and the-mosquitoes-can-bite-you-all-year-round.  I MISS snow....

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A mile wide tornado hit just 45 minutes south of our house last night.  Our friends lost their barn. We are still waiting to hear from them this morning.  This was a really large and bad storm.  Fortunately, it hit a largely rural area.


Crossing fingers (need an icon for that) and lots of hugs too all up there.

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Report about Dad. On Thursday, at the specialist, the pressure in his eye was lower. So that was good. One doctor, a student or intern maybe, said he wouldn't be able to see again, and she wanted to laser the nerve so he wouldn't be in less pain. Then DH said another older doctor came in, and he was more hopeful. He said that he believes dad may be able to see from that eye again, but probably not able to read. It is still very messy in his eye, but there is hope. We go back Wednesday again.


More crossed fingers and hugs.

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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There are no basements in Texas.   :)  (Well, I'm sure there are some, but it is not common.)  You have to sink a storm shelter into the ground on your property, which most people don't do.  I have lived her 43 of my 48 years and have never been in a tornado, though I was very, very close about 15 years ago.   I was a guest lecturer at a local university and a tornado came through.  I was pg with ds14 and had college girl (age 4) with me.  We went to the bottom level and gathered in an interior hall until it passed.  It did major destruction through the DFW area.  I was never in any danger, but it hit a few miles from the university I was at.


I have a sister that lives in the DFW area. Twice when tornadoes hit, she and her oldest daughter (just turned 6 a couple of days ago!) were at a particular mall. They hid in the same closet both times as the tornado went over them. Crazy! I told her to stay away from that mall.

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In other news, 4yo is still asleep. Guess she had a hard night.


Dh and I suspect 15yo stole money out of my purse.


I am on this board, in between doing actual work for my contract. Or, vice versa.


It's really chilly outside.


I think that is all.

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In other news, 4yo is still asleep. Guess she had a hard night.


Dh and I suspect 15yo stole money out of my purse.


I am on this board, in between doing actual work for my contract. Or, vice versa.


It's really chilly outside.


I think that is all.




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Report about Dad. On Thursday, at the specialist, the pressure in his eye was lower. So that was good. One doctor, a student or intern maybe, said he wouldn't be able to see again, and she wanted to laser the nerve so he wouldn't be in less pain. Then DH said another older doctor came in, and he was more hopeful. He said that he believes dad may be able to see from that eye again, but probably not able to read. It is still very messy in his eye, but there is hope. We go back Wednesday again.




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In other news, 4yo is still asleep. Guess she had a hard night.


Dh and I suspect 15yo stole money out of my purse.


I am on this board, in between doing actual work for my contract. Or, vice versa.


It's really chilly outside.


I think that is all.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I was in a tornado once. It was while I was pregnant with my youngest. I've never been more scared in my life. We were in the corner of the basement and when the lights went out, my oldest started screaming that she was hungry and she wanted to go upstairs and eat. Meanwhile the house is starting to groan and the garage doors on the open side of basement were shaking like they were going to come off. When the whole thing was over, my front porch furniture was on one side of my house, and the back porch furniture was on the other. We had some other minor damage. There were other places in our small neighborhood that were much much worse. No one was hurt thank goodness. 


On a lighter note, the tornado lifted a port-o-potty out of the lawn of one of the neighboring houses that was under construction and set it down in my neighbors yard. We had tons of drive by gawkers that afternoon and one of them pulled up, turned the port-o-potty right side up and used it!!!! Imagine how disgusting it must have been!




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I was in a tornado once. It was while I was pregnant with my youngest. I've never been more scared in my life. We were in the corner of the basement and when the lights went out, my oldest started screaming that she was hungry and she wanted to go upstairs and eat. Meanwhile the house is starting to groan and the garage doors on the open side of basement were shaking like they were going to come off. When the whole thing was over, my front porch furniture was on one side of my house, and the back porch furniture was on the other. We had some other minor damage. There were other places in our small neighborhood that were much much worse. No one was hurt thank goodness. 


On a lighter note, the tornado lifted a port-o-potty out of the lawn of one of the neighboring houses that was under construction and set it down in my neighbors yard. We had tons of drive by gawkers that afternoon and one of them pulled up, turned the port-o-potty right side up and used it!!!! Imagine how disgusting it must have been!


:ohmy: What a terrifying experience!


I have lived through a big hurricane, but not a tornado. My closest contact with tornadoes is either the Wizard of Oz or Twister.



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A mile wide tornado hit just 45 minutes south of our house last night.  Our friends lost their barn. We are still waiting to hear from them this morning.  This was a really large and bad storm.  Fortunately, it hit a largely rural area.

I'm sorry for the damage. I'm glad everyone's alright.


Report about Dad. On Thursday, at the specialist, the pressure in his eye was lower. So that was good. One doctor, a student or intern maybe, said he wouldn't be able to see again, and she wanted to laser the nerve so he wouldn't be in less pain. Then DH said another older doctor came in, and he was more hopeful. He said that he believes dad may be able to see from that eye again, but probably not able to read. It is still very messy in his eye, but there is hope. We go back Wednesday again.



In other news, 4yo is still asleep. Guess she had a hard night.


Dh and I suspect 15yo stole money out of my purse.


I am on this board, in between doing actual work for my contract. Or, vice versa.


It's really chilly outside.


I think that is all.

I'm sorry.


I was in a tornado once. It was while I was pregnant with my youngest. I've never been more scared in my life. We were in the corner of the basement and when the lights went out, my oldest started screaming that she was hungry and she wanted to go upstairs and eat. Meanwhile the house is starting to groan and the garage doors on the open side of basement were shaking like they were going to come off. When the whole thing was over, my front porch furniture was on one side of my house, and the back porch furniture was on the other. We had some other minor damage. There were other places in our small neighborhood that were much much worse. No one was hurt thank goodness. 


On a lighter note, the tornado lifted a port-o-potty out of the lawn of one of the neighboring houses that was under construction and set it down in my neighbors yard. We had tons of drive by gawkers that afternoon and one of them pulled up, turned the port-o-potty right side up and used it!!!! Imagine how disgusting it must have been!

That's horrid.





I'm KonMari-ing(?) our closets today. Wish me luck.

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On a lighter note, the tornado lifted a port-o-potty out of the lawn of one of the neighboring houses that was under construction and set it down in my neighbors yard. We had tons of drive by gawkers that afternoon and one of them pulled up, turned the port-o-potty right side up and used it!!!! Imagine how disgusting it must have been!


He (had to have been a "he") must have really REALLY needed to go.

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On a lighter note, the tornado lifted a port-o-potty out of the lawn of one of the neighboring houses that was under construction and set it down in my neighbors yard. We had tons of drive by gawkers that afternoon and one of them pulled up, turned the port-o-potty right side up and used it!!!! Imagine how disgusting it must have been!


I suppose one might say, "Any port in a storm."

I could not resist. :leaving:

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I was in a tornado once. It was while I was pregnant with my youngest. I've never been more scared in my life. We were in the corner of the basement and when the lights went out, my oldest started screaming that she was hungry and she wanted to go upstairs and eat. Meanwhile the house is starting to groan and the garage doors on the open side of basement were shaking like they were going to come off. When the whole thing was over, my front porch furniture was on one side of my house, and the back porch furniture was on the other. We had some other minor damage. There were other places in our small neighborhood that were much much worse. No one was hurt thank goodness. 


On a lighter note, the tornado lifted a port-o-potty out of the lawn of one of the neighboring houses that was under construction and set it down in my neighbors yard. We had tons of drive by gawkers that afternoon and one of them pulled up, turned the port-o-potty right side up and used it!!!! Imagine how disgusting it must have been!


They must have been desperate for a toilet!


That sounds very scary.  I've had a number of near misses with tornadoes, but no direct hits.  One was during my cousin's baby shower -- lots of comments afterwards about what kind of a "shower" it could have been.  What with the numerous near misses and the fact the only two hurricanes to hit my area came when I was out of state away from family I have been told I'm only allowed to travel if I take family with me.  I seem to repel vortexes just a bit, though they fascinate me.


Another odd fact about me:  I can't wear battery-operated wrist watches.  They stop working once I wear them for an hour or so, and then they work fine again after I take them off and leave them alone.  This happened with so many different brands and qualities of watches I finally took to buying really cheap ones and putting them on my belt loop.  That seemed to work fine.  Now I use my phone as a timepiece, and I simply don't wear jewelry.


I always wondered if the watch thing and the tornado thing were related....

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