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Okay, let's talk Botox, Restalyne and injections


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 I would love to talk openly about this without judgment or negativity. Have any of you ever had anything of this nature done? Did it turn out the way you'd like? Maybe a relative has something done? I am not talking major face lifts or anything, just the needle stuff. I am curious about people's experiences. 


Also curious about laser. I have scarring from acne from when I was a teen and it's always made me self conscious. I might be able to save up for that if it really works as it would make me feel a lot better about my skin.


Please don't just comment that you think it's gross, and it objectifies women etc. I get that argument. I am just curious about the practicalities of it all--did it hurt? Did you look better? Was it expensive?  Now, whether I can afford any of this is a question LOL, but I am curious about people's experiences.



No judging, please! :)


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My dermatologist gave me a tiny bit as a free sample once (I remember thinking it must be the doctor version of drug dealers giving people a free high) and I didn't like it at all.  I got it just above the bridge of my nose and it felt really weird to not be able to scowl. ;P  But it wasn't a "real" treatment and maybe if I'd had it done for real I would have liked it better...?  At the time I didn't even have any wrinkles on my forehead, so I can't say I noticed a difference.  Sorry, that's all I've got.


eta Oh, I didn't see the other injections part. I have had collagen before (this was long ago, before Restylane) to treat some light "smoker's lines" (I don't smoke, they are hereditary and appeared at a very young age. Thanks, Mom) and I loved it. I didn't get it to make my lips bigger, just to get rid of the lines that I was very self-conscious about.  It lasted quite a long time and that was just collagen. I hear that Restylane lasts even longer and that Restylane combined with Botox is even more effective.

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Call me vain, but I have thought about looking into this as a preventative measure. I don't want to have a deep scowl line, but I am concerned about looking stiff. Thinking about it is as far as I have gotten.


Have you tried tretinoin for the scars you are concerned about? I had acne scars on my back, and tretinoin helped.

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I have asked about Botox at my Dermatologist appointment. She did one of her rotations in cosmetic dermatology so I know she has a pretty good bit of experience in the field.  I have deep scowl lines from working at a computer all day for 16 years.  I get tired of people assuming I am pissed off when I am just concentrating.  She quoted me $400 for the Botox alone.  I think I am going to do it at my next visit to see how much it will help.  Then go from there.  The problem with Botox is that it will only last 3-4 months and then you have to do it again.  So, it will cost 1200 to 1600 per year to keep it up   :crying: if i like it. 



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Years ago, a friend of mine had several laser treatments for scarring from her acne. It was great for her. Totally boosted how she felt about herself and her skin -- which never seemed that bad to me. Her face was really smooth when all was said and done. The only downside for her was that her skin was really red for a bit after the treatments.

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I've done botox in my forehead, for the 11's between the eyes as well as my eye area. I think it has been two years now of regular (every 3-4 months) use. I've been happy with it except in my eye area. My eye wrinkles are more under my eyes & botox is used more for crowsfeet.


My sister had her forehead done once and her eyebrows raised & arched to the point she looked silly. She couldn't wait for it to wear off & will never use it again.


My mom goes pretty regularly and has her forehead, 11's, and eyes done all with botox. Recently she did juvaderm in her smile lines. My moms results have been decent but the Dr said for her to see more impressive results she needs lasers & things beyond injections. That's the reason I started botox when I did. My mom has aged well beyond women her age and I started to get lines rather early in life.


My body breaks it down fast and I only get 3 months out of botox. The injector is very important! Make sure you explain what look your going for. Many doctors go light your first time to see if you like it. You can always add more & touch up if needed. Find out how many units are being used in each area. Some doctors charge by area, so your forehead is say 300.00. Some doctors charge by number of units used per area. Depending on how many units you neex you'll know which is your cheaper option. Its best to price several doctors in your area as price per unit can vary greatly.


Good luck!

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I have also known a couple people who got botox (and more) to stop their "resting bitch face" type issue.  It was more that as they aged they also looked angry all the time. One was a nurse at the university and she felt strongly that it was having a negative impact on her job. She needed to look friendly and approachable to the students or they weren't going to trust her, kwim? A nurse in her job won't do much good if the students don't feel comfortable telling their secrets to a grumpy looking nurse.  Another just got sick of friends and family asking 'what's wrong?" when there was nothing wrong. It was just her face.


Both of them were very happy with the botox and fillers etc. I think for both of them, given the job market etc, it was a good decision. Also for their mental health, lol. Who wants to go through middle and old age branded a grump if you haven't claimed the title?


And yes, tretinoin (AKA  retin-A) works very well for acne scars.  I bet a laser works more quickly, but will cost a whooole lot more.


I would do laser treatment to get a nice skin tone.


I personally don't like the filler in cheeks look. I really don't. All these middle aged actresses suddenly looking like chipmunks! I know that some must have it done but very skillfully, think Jennifer Anniston. and Madonna, but most look really weird.  It's like they all become Faye Dunaway.


In some states the rules on who can administer Botox are pretty loose. For example, I used to be friends with a woman who was a dentist in Florida. We have since lost touch over the years. But she got qualified to administer botox, if you can believe it. She said it was pretty common to have botox services at non-dermatologist offices. She was telling me that she would get groups of women, like 5-8, who would offer to all go in on a bottle of botox and get injected together. Because they were paying for the whole bottle they would get a cheaper price. 


And FTR, I would do it in a heartbeat if I could afford it.


My mom has that thing where her upper eyelid is all droopy and it causes vision problems. I keep saying that I will have surgury at age 55 (getting closer!) to avoid ending up like her. She could get surgury but refuses because it is 'plastic surgury'...but she has trouble reading!!  That is unacceptable to me.

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well, i started retin-A after seeing the derm. He also started me on Obagi, which better work because it was expensive!! My face already looks better, I think! I think Obagi is an 18 week treatment. 


I think Obagi was the one my derm wanted to put me on.  It was a whole expensive system.  If I remember correctly, Google showed me that only one part of it was really the good stuff.  Maybe check it out and see if you can save some money that way?  Or, I'm thinking of something totally different, in which case, ignore me and go about your day!

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I did both Botox and various injectables several years ago when I was still working (and had $$$ to burn). I looked amazing! I would do it again in a heartbeat if I had the money. Go you!


ETA: I also used Retin-A, but had to stop because you will peel your skin off if you wax. A lot of people thread instead, but I prefer to wax.

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I hope the tretinoin works well for you. just remember to use a very small amount. Pea size is about right. Don't increase the percantage too quuckly. You may see some dryness, but it will pass. In that case you can lesson the number of days that you use it and increase every other week. Be sure to use sun block everyday and reapply often.



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I am debating about botox. I don't have a lot of wrinkles, to be honest, and I am concerned that once I start, i would want to keep going forever LOL. 


And yes, Obagi is expensive! I know there are certain components that are more important than others, so when I "refill" (assuming I keep going) I will focus on those for sure. 


And thanks for the advice on the Retin-A. I have "tough" skin so I don't think it will be too bad, but I could be wrong. The derm said just to cut back or alternate days if it gets to be too much.

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I have a friend who did Botox and it looked great. She went to a plastic surgeon, I don't know if that made a difference? Better training? I am getting the deep line between the eyebrows. Right now I'm more quizzical than mad, but I can see wanting it done. Now the pain part is what gets me! I do not like to subject myself to pain.

I did the laser treatment last year for some broken capillaries. It stung, but not too badly.The pain was similar to threading your eyebrows. It worked great - I did not need a second treatment. I'm not sure if that is similar to how they treat acne scars. I did have a good bit of bruising that lasted several days. I wasn't expecting that. If they are similar treatments, I would definitely recommend the laser treatments. It was worth it. 

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red squirrel, my ophthalmologist offers it! I am thinking if I ever went to try Botox, I would go straight to a practitioner dedicated to that, rather than to someone for whom that is not a big part of his practice.


Has anyone done lasering for rosacea? Mine is getting to the point that I'm thinking about it.

At my last appointment the derm recommended IPL (intermittent pulse laser?) treatment. Not covered by insurance, not currently in the budget, but it's on my wish list. He said it would help eliminate the broken capillaries and that there was some thinking that it may reduce the chance of future flare ups.
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ANyone done anything about the nasolabial lines? That and the fine lines under the eyes are the only things that bother me. Well, and the melasma. But I am hoping the OBagi helps with that. 


I think for nasolabial lines you would use restalyne or juvederm. ANd yes,  I think you need to go to someone who specializes in it!

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I have asked about Botox at my Dermatologist appointment. She did one of her rotations in cosmetic dermatology so I know she has a pretty good bit of experience in the field.  I have deep scowl lines from working at a computer all day for 16 years.  I get tired of people assuming I am pissed off when I am just concentrating.  She quoted me $400 for the Botox alone.  I think I am going to do it at my next visit to see how much it will help.  Then go from there.  The problem with Botox is that it will only last 3-4 months and then you have to do it again.  So, it will cost 1200 to 1600 per year to keep it up   :crying: if i like it. 



this is my concern with the botox. now, the restalyne lasts about a year, so for me, that's a better choice for me. i don't have many wrinkles anyways.

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