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Wow, we didn't even notice...Should I tell them?


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We were scheduled to do 2 weeks of Spring Break starting Monday of last week and we didn't even notice when the event came around on the calendar, we just kept doing school each day. The boys have already done their school work for today also we've been in such a nice groove. I could keep quiet and just take Spring Break for the last 2 weeks of March.


Should I tell them?

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I agree with the posters who said save it for when you need it, but make sure that you take it AS SOON as you need it.  Don't run yourself to the end of tolerance/exhaustion.  I would be looking for the first week of nice weather and take it then, to have a nice break.

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If you have it on the schedule, I'm not in favor of waiting  until you need it to take it. It is these types of decisions that can lead to burnout. I don't however, see need for a two week spring break - it doesn't sound like you have plans to travel anywhere. You could easily take next week off, then take a week of in May or end your school year a week early. 


Back when I was able to schedule our own school days (before outside classes and dual enrollment interfered) I scheduled one Friday a month off, one week in November for Thanksgiving, two in December for Christmas/New Year's and one week and a day, starting Good Friday and going through the week following Easter. It was always nice to be able to look forward to down time! 

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If we don't have travel plans, I've been known to put off break by a week just because it's not sunny.  First nice, warm sunny day though, at the very least the books are going down and we're spending a few hours at the zoo.  We go year round though, just so I can do that and not worry about anyone getting behind.

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I'd keep going.   It's rare we get into a really good groove around here, so when it happens, I try to take advantage of it.


This. I don't 'break a really good groove' unless the weather is exceptional or something.


A groove is hard to come by in the spring. I would plan on taking days off when they are more restless to be outside enjoying the good weather.


Yep---- we would push through scheduled days off in favor of taking off time for good weather. (as long as everything was humming along, of course)


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