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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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TGIF!  I think!  It's deadline time and I have to send a bunch of stuff out to my clients which should have been sent days ago.  I hope I can concentrate!  Good thing the girls had school today.


Today is "Friday Fun Day" for the girls (after school) so they are not allowed to do any work (homework or chores).  They are free to do as they please (within reason of course).  We usually go out for dinner on this day, but we're going out tomorrow for lunch, so tonight we're ordering pizza.


The list:

  • Start work early.  [done - 6:30 - got a little done before the kids got up.]
  • Get kids up & out, including study review, breakfast, lunches.  [done]
  • Clean kitchen & bathrooms, some clutter.  [done]
  • Work until 8:30pm, taking breaks for the following.  [done]
    • (Hopefully) get my dad on board with my kids' pinewood derby project.  Mainly cutting a block of wood into a shape.  Otherwise I will need to go buy a little saw and figure out how to help 8yos do this.  [done]
    • Say hi to the kids around 4pm, check their bags & see what work they need to do on the weekend.  [done]
    • Yoga stretches & a little other exercise.  [done]
    • A little reading.  [done]
    • A little housework.  [done]
    • Pizza for dinner.  [done]
  • Watch an episode of Kung Fu - part of our Friday family ritual.  [done]
  • Kids to bed.  [done]
  • Work from 10pm-Midnight.
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I have had a wacky week and have avoided my to-do lists. The house has suffered... I have a lot to do today:


clean kitchen


tidy up



call Shar to arrange to return extra violins

post office to send final missionary package to dd!

box up that package

birthday shopping for dd16


That's a good start - I feel like there's more... I can't remember...


I was able to get so much done! And I drank a lot of water. And I stuck with healthy eating all day. And I went on a nice walk with a friend. I feel good! Time for bed!!

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Good morning, everyone! I hope Friday is a great day for all!


I am going to the convention in Greenville and working the IEW booth! I am so excited! I've never done anything like this before, but I'm always up for a new adventure. 


I don't know how much I'll be on after tomorrow afternoon. I'm getting my nephew and keeping him for 4 nights. I hope it goes well. He is very sweet at times but very difficult at others. 


To Do:

school with the kids

deep clean all the major house areas



drop dd off to go with her theater group to see Wicked at the Fox in Atlanta (She is so excited!)

do our taxes online (I still haven't had time to do this!)



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Good morning

- dishes- done

- fold laundry- Nope

- tidy house- round 1 done

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dd1's play at 7 but she has to be there at 530- done

- dinner- spegghetti if we don't end up eating out- done

- bedtime routine

- anything else that I manage to get done- fixed dd1's mermaid tail, changed master sheets and blanket

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We had some pretty snow this morning :) Only one other person was at the gym while we were there.


Still to do:

--school: math, chem, history, APHG, Science Olympiad event quizzing

--take chicken out of freezer for tomorrow

--daily things

--Friday-specific tasks

--check w dsis about a family dinner

--continue discussion of English choice for next year (dd has to decide by tomorrow)

--continue researching coursework for next year

--dd ballet 6:30

--dry rub chicken for tomorrow

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Well, I got one of my deadlines out via email (pending client signature), received another client's signature (good client, I didn't even have to ask - that never happens), and deferred a problem since I could blame the delay on someone else.  :P  So far so good!  Still got a lot to do though ....

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TGIF everyone! 


To do:

coffee, coffee, coffee



mop downstairs



Continue with the great declutter of bins in the garage...started impulsively last night when I went looking for a reference book.  Apparently when we donated the file cabinets dh dumped the contents into bins.  I just found them.  Ugh.


Pick up car from shop...looks like we're going to be eating lots of noodles the next two months! $$$

Put dc to work on cleaning rooms

Install whiteboard for dd

Pizza for dinner, salad for me

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Finishing up the monumental task from yesterday!


So far we have:






Dining Room

Living Room

Half the living room bathroom




The rest of the basement (will take at least 2 hours I am quite sure)

Take a couple of loads to good will drop off (2 miles away)

One more vacuum/dust in the main areas right before people come



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lunch is over

some schoolwork is done

the first load of laundry is almost dry

the second load is in the dryer

got my Greenville booth schedule set, still plenty of time to enjoy the exhibit hall and some speakers


some co-op questions and posts on our FB group have been added to my agenda for the day


I've got to be dressed to leave the house in just over an hour to drop off dd.  




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lunch is over

some schoolwork is done

the first load of laundry is almost dry

the second load is in the dryer

got my Greenville booth schedule set, still plenty of time to enjoy the exhibit hall and some speakers


some co-op questions and posts on our FB group have been added to my agenda for the day


I've got to be dressed to leave the house in just over an hour to drop off dd.  




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Got several more reports done, but darned if I can get anyone to respond with the OK to file.  Blah!  Do I file them anyway?  Ugh.


Still need to do a couple more filings today, and the rest of the urgent stuff can be done on Saturday and still be "on time."


Got a lot done today.  Too bad I'm usually not this productive.

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Got too tired.

Doctor's appt. in the big city done.  He was impressed that I've lost some weight.

Came home for 20 min. and picked up the family and drove back to the big city.

Had hot dogs at a place blasting Grunge music with the bass turned up.

Went to the Pompeii exhibit at the science center.  Very interesting.  


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