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Exercise Thread ~ February 22nd - February 28


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Tonight is the last of 4 evenings of tennis in a row. I'll be playing a singles match, which will mean more running and hitting the ball than in doubles. So, I need to rest up today so I won't be a complete jellyfish for tonight. And of course, this is the one day it's actually nice enough outside to ski, snowshoe or skate. If I do any of these things I'll never make it to tennis. Bummer. Oh well. Perhaps another warmish day will turn up in the next month or so. ;)

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I'm about to do an hour of: katas and Thai combos and kettle bell's simple and sinister plus this ab workout that may or may not have been posted already- it's the one to Uptown Funk:


Wintermom- I hope your matches went well.

Slache- I loved your sexy arms comment.

Negin- your avatar of beautiful warm water is balm for this cranky iced in mom.

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I'm simply delighted that Multi-Quote is working again!  :D


I was "this" close to heading back to sleep, since I'm absolutely exhausted. Decided that it's not worth it, since the sleep won't be quality this late in the morning. Going to soon do Joyce Vedral's Just Thighs & Arms workout. 


Negin- your avatar of beautiful warm water is balm for this cranky iced in mom.

:grouphug: I wish some of you were here and could enjoy the warmth and heat, any and all of you that are tired of the cold, Winter Mom included. I used to get so tired of winter also. Now that I've here for so many years, I miss having four seasons, not too much cold, however. 



It's been a long time since I've done an Ellen video. 

It had been a long time for me also. I'd missed her. This wasn't her best and not one that I'll be bookmarking/downloading, but good to do her workout nonetheless. 

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It's been a crazy week.  Lately, every week has been crazy, when will it slow????


Sunday-rest day.  It was my birthday and 3 of my kids were in an orchestra concert in the city.  It was fun and we went out to dinner where I enjoyed fish and chips


Monday-5 mile run in the morning and an hour of yin yoga before bed.


Tue-45 mins of yoga this morning.  


I have lots of errands today, and it's still cold and nasty out.  I just want to stay home.  I'm also a bit stressed.  My sister finds out the results of her biopsy today.  I know she's more stressed than I am, but still.  I'm on freak out.  Her appointment is around noon, so I'm just waiting.  



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Sunday: no exercise whatsoever - worked on a job application all day

Monday: no memory of what I did, but apparently I got in my 10,000 steps

Tuesday: yoga, but managed 10,000 too - a first.  I did run on the spot for five minutes just before bedtime to get the last few steps in......


Have been working on stretching whilst otherwise inactive: head rolls whilst filling up the car; stretches whilst waiting for the kettle or the photocopier....

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Tuesday night: martial arts class followed by kettle bell class.  We did the deep six 3 times: http://www.strongfirst.com/how-to-conquer-the-dreaded-deep-6/


Then a ladder drill that started with 2 swings, farmers carrying walk for 10 yards ending in 10 goblet squats.

Carry bell to start and do 4 swings.

Carry back to squat station and do 9 goblet squats.

Carry back and fort continuously adding swings and subtracting squats until you reach 20 swings and 1 goblet squat.





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I haven't posted in a while, but I've been doing my gym workout three times a week and enjoying it. I feel like it's time to start pushing a little more so I will probably make an appointment with the trainer. :) He certainly knows how to push.


I went with my mom on Saturday to the gym and watched her slam out a one hour ab routine--a bit intimidating to watch, but I was so proud of how far she has come in one year.

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Kim-I'm hoping all your stress diminishes and your sister gets the best possible news.

Laura-that sounds like something I would do.

Slache-you're always impressive ;)

Lollie-go get 'em

Winter on- it is 19 and sunny and it feels like a heat wave.narctic cold is back tonight though -sigh


Yesterday I did yoga and zip. Today is sort of my rest day. I did the yoga video that is part of a 30 days of yoga thing I'm working on and I will walk and stretch later but nothing intense. Dh works this weekend and is off today and it's co-op day so no running today made more sense.

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It's been a crazy week.  Lately, every week has been crazy, when will it slow????


Sunday-rest day.  It was my birthday and 3 of my kids were in an orchestra concert in the city.  It was fun and we went out to dinner where I enjoyed fish and chips


Monday-5 mile run in the morning and an hour of yin yoga before bed.


Tue-45 mins of yoga this morning.  


I have lots of errands today, and it's still cold and nasty out.  I just want to stay home.  I'm also a bit stressed.  My sister finds out the results of her biopsy today.  I know she's more stressed than I am, but still.  I'm on freak out.  Her appointment is around noon, so I'm just waiting.  


Kim, Happy Birthday!   :biggrinjester:   and I hope your sister had good news. :grouphug:

Didn't get around to working out yesterday as I was working on a giveaway for my blog and then it was also my birthday. Today I need to work off the duck dinner and tiramisu. ;-)


Headed to the gym in a bit.

Happy Birthday!  :hurray:



Have been feeling under the weather but have not missed a WO.    Today was brutal.


WO stretch roll.

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My sister's news was good!  She was all clear, though the doctor wants her to have genetic testing and wants to keep a close watch on her. But there is much relief all around. 



Today was a 5 mile run, and I've become addicted to House of Cards.  I just finished episode 5 of season 1 (season 3 just came out) so I have plenty to watch. :)



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My sister's news was good!  She was all clear, though the doctor wants her to have genetic testing and wants to keep a close watch on her. But there is much relief all around. 



Today was a 5 mile run, and I've become addicted to House of Cards.  I just finished episode 5 of season 1 (season 3 just came out) so I have plenty to watch. :)


I know we tend to be over enthusiastic about little thing here, but seriously I AM SO HAPPY FOR HER! Congrats!

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Kim, great news. You all should do something to celebrate life and health. 



I'm sore. Today was shorter workout than the last few days. Upper body strength/toning. Chest/back, arm/shoulder, tank top, and fluid stretch  I eased way up on the weights because my shoulder is on the border of going on strike from the last few days of harder work. I did not go above 9 lbs and for some I did 6 or 5 lbs. The tank top video I followed along with Kelli using 3 lbs like she did. Those shoulder circles is how I think I injured my shoulder awhile ago. I did them with 5 lb weights. I'm not sure that's what caused the injury. I'm guessing.


In my A&P class we are going over the different tissue types. The text book said that "cartilage, tendons/ligaments, and skeletal muscles are slow to regenerate as anyone who has suffered a sports injury knows." When I read that I thought, "No sh!t. At least I'll remember that for the test."



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Wednesday: ended up being a full rest day because of general school busyness and unexpected company.


Thursday: session with my PT, then martial arts.  I also am throwing in some kata work and stretching this a.m. 


I miss running!!!!  Here's an article about movement for runners: http://naturalrunningcenter.com/2015/02/23/original-strength-runners-go-baby/

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Haven't missed any WO this week but probably will miss all MA.  I'm feeling just under the weather enough to have no oomph and that could be a recipe for injury at MA.   


Slache, if I didn't already have a program I would be all over the MoveSkill   WOs.    I've posted about it before and I think it's brilliant.   Basically, it's about creating a balanced athlete.


Here are the athletic levels.     


Here is the program.


I really can't say enough about having intelligent progressions towards a goal.    First, it's measurable, second it keeps you focused on a goal.  


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Haven't missed any WO this week but probably will miss all MA.  I'm feeling just under the weather enough to have no oomph and that could be a recipe for injury at MA.   


Slache, if I didn't already have a program I would be all over the MoveSkill   WOs.    I've posted about it before and I think it's brilliant.   Basically, it's about creating a balanced athlete.


Here are the athletic levels.     


Here is the program.


I really can't say enough about having intelligent progressions towards a goal.    First, it's measurable, second it keeps you focused on a goal.  


Thank you!! I don't really *have* a goal anymore. My goal was to get in shape and weigh 160. Now I'm in pretty good shape and weigh... well... we won't go there. Now I'm just looking for continued improvement. I'd say I'm a level 2, except that I can't tackle "whatever" I want. I shall look more into this at nap time.

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