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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Another really hot day in the kitchen. 33oC outside at least 50oC in the kitchen. Made a week's baking of bread, bottled the bread and butter pickles. etc......


I feel like I am melting.


Then spend the whole afternoon doing a major houseclean. It is amazing how dirty the whole house gets during food preserving time.

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Who knows! The kids are supposed to have an overnight at my parents' house but dh and I have discussed it yet since they were sick yesterday. They are better today and my parents have already been exposed to what we had. I'll talk to my mom this morning and she can decide if she wants them or not.


Other than figuring that out I want to clean the upstairs tonight because the state of the house is starting to drive me crazy!

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This morning is church and this afternoon I am working at our Chinese New Year celebration at church.  I have to man the booth and hand out Nian Gao cake slices (I made 5 of them yesterday......not well I am afraid!)


Very little time at home but I need to get some things in order for sure:


Map out homework  with boys

Help Aspie think and type up his Eagle plan for BSA

Clean kitchen from yesterday's baking spree

Maybe buy a rug off of CL

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I think I have posted once or twice here, so you all don't know me, but I frquently follow this thread because it is very encouraging to me.  Church services were cancelled due to the weather today, so I am a bit at a loss.  I do need to find my kitchen this morning.  It is under that mess somewhere. 


Make bean soup and muffins.


Plan basic school schedule for the week.

Then what????


Susie in SWVA

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Good morning- I hope dd1 has school tomorrow, we are under a windchill advisory until 1 pm tomorrow

- dishes- done

- laundry- load in washer and dryer

- fold laundry- done

- tidy house- round 1 done and vacuumed

- dinner- done

- baths- done

- bedtime routine

- read/chemistry

- anything else I manage to get done- surface cleaned the master bedroom and bathroom, tok a nap due to a migraine

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Good morning! Our winter storm has extended into today. It is snowing lightly now. We tried to get to mass last night, but the roads were really icy, and traffic was stalled at the hill we needed to climb. So we turned around and went home, passing accidents on the way. Dh is trying to get to mass this morning, he will be leaving soon.

So, probably just a lazy day here. I am going to needlepoint and watch Daytona.


Have a great day!

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Hey Susie :)


We had more snow yesterday and less icy rain overnight than I expected. In two hours I have to drive dd to a Science Olympiad training event at the local-ish observatory. I hope those winding roads have been adequately plowed!


Up ahead:

--eat the blueberry muffins Dh cooked :D

--serve in my capacity as SO coach and take notes during the training event

--double-check school plans for the week

--fix dinner before dh leaves for a Chinese New Year shindig on campus (I decided not to go this year)

--continue working on school planning for next year

--finish the latest library book :D

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Kids are having an overnight!! I'm so blessed to have parents who want the kids over all the time and to be the ones to suggest such things so I never feel like I'm taking advantage.


So we've got Mass, lunch with my parents and some siblings and their families. After that dh, baby, and I will head to mil's for dinner. We'll be leaving g earlier than usual so I can clean upstairs this evening and do some laundry.

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Just gonna C&P my incomplete list from yesterday.  Only thing to add to it is the 4 kids have theatre rehearsal today from 1-6 so I actually might things done faster....they fought nonstop yesterday which is what slowed me down so much.


Pick up mess off livingroom floor
vacuum area rug
sweep and map livingroom floor
dust livingroom furniture

give tortoises running on floor time while I clean out cage
vacuum loveseat
spot wash fingerprints off walls
find library dvds and books and stack by door
shovel path to "front front door" and the steps so boss can go right into livingroom



finish reorganizing the school books I have stacked everywhere
wash dishes (there is a ton)
wash counters/table
wipe cabinet fronts

wipe front of appliances
replace burnt out lightbulbs

spot wash walls
sweep and mop floor



re sort/hang/shelf the coats, boots, mitts etc the kids have scattered all over the space

pick back up and sort the math manips dd7 was playing with in entrance
take bags of goodwill stuff out to trunk finally
sweet and mop floor
spot wash walls



pick up any laundry that the kids had manged to not get into the dryer or out to the table after dry that they just leave laying there

straighten up pantry stuff

haul dollhouse to basement until I have time to fix it up (wooden plan dollhouse I dumpster dived for)

wipe appliances off





scoop litter box

clean sink

clean toilet

clean tub

sweep and mop floor

wipe cabinet fronts

wipe washer

spot wash walls


alcove between bedrooms:

toss toys back into proper rooms

pick up the laundry they toss there and take to bathroom to be washed

spot wash walls




midterm for understanding trauma

midterm for ethics and law

unit 6 curriculum planning II

Finish unit 5 assignment organizational relationships
unit 6 organizational relationships



type up notes from yesterday's conference and write a summary for our PD documentation

organize materials needed to implement this week with specific children (new goals for spec ed students I have)

Do some more work on the prop box planning

email the trainer at the gym about the children's fitness literacy inservice and the yoga inservice

wash the toys I bought for work from the goodwill yesterday



email guy from gym that books the gymnasium again about booking for cadets in march, have tried to contact him a couple times now.

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OK - almost noon and after the family went off to church I went back to bed for awhile.  Now I have made my bed and have showered and dressed.  Oh and I put away the box of cold remedies.  And started the washing machine that ds had already pre-loaded with dirty clothes.  Now that I've rested a bit from that big effort I'm going to put on a timer and will do 5 minutes of stuff - probably in the kitchen.  

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A normal Sunday - my sister takes care of my kids and cooks during the afternoon/evening while I work.  I have lots of catching up to do for work, and hopefully it will be low stress as nobody is calling or drumming their fingers waiting for anything ....

  • Get self & kids up & out.  [done]
  • Church [done]
  • Sunday School [done]
  • Kids to Dance / Gymnastics [done]
  • Clean kitchen, bathrooms, some clutter [done]
  • List kids' work for today [done]
  • Daily Yoga stretches [done]
  • Work until about 9pm, taking breaks for lunch & supper [done]
  • Try to read at least a chapter of my fun reading [done]
  • Get summer camp schedule started [done]
  • Do a little exercise [done]
  • Pack kids' bags for tomorrow's school - if they have school [done]
  • Kids to bed [done]
  • Work from 10-12
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Just gonna C&P my incomplete list from yesterday. Only thing to add to it is the 4 kids have theatre rehearsal today from 1-6 so I actually might things done faster....they fought nonstop yesterday which is what slowed me down so much.


Pick up mess off livingroom floor

vacuum area rug

sweep and map livingroom floor

dust livingroom furniture

give tortoises running on floor time while I clean out cage

vacuum loveseat

spot wash fingerprints off walls

find library dvds and books and stack by door

shovel path to "front front door" and the steps so boss can go right into livingroom


finish reorganizing the school books I have stacked everywhere

wash dishes (there is a ton)

wash counters/table

wipe cabinet fronts

wipe front of appliances

replace burnt out lightbulbs

spot wash walls

sweep and mop floor


re sort/hang/shelf the coats, boots, mitts etc the kids have scattered all over the space

pick back up and sort the math manips dd7 was playing with in entrance

take bags of goodwill stuff out to trunk finally

sweet and mop floor

spot wash walls


pick up any laundry that the kids had manged to not get into the dryer or out to the table after dry that they just leave laying there

straighten up pantry stuff

haul dollhouse to basement until I have time to fix it up (wooden plan dollhouse I dumpster dived for)

wipe appliances off




scoop litter box

clean sink

clean toilet

clean tub

sweep and mop floor

wipe cabinet fronts

wipe washer

spot wash walls

alcove between bedrooms:

toss toys back into proper rooms

pick up the laundry they toss there and take to bathroom to be washed

spot wash walls



midterm for understanding trauma

midterm for ethics and law

unit 6 curriculum planning II

Finish unit 5 assignment organizational relationships

unit 6 organizational relationships


type up notes from yesterday's conference and write a summary for our PD documentation

organize materials needed to implement this week with specific children (new goals for spec ed students I have)

Do some more work on the prop box planning

email the trainer at the gym about the children's fitness literacy inservice and the yoga inservice

wash the toys I bought for work from the goodwill yesterday


email guy from gym that books the gymnasium again about booking for cadets in march, have tried to contact him a couple times now.

Are you kidding? This makes me want to take a nap.
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My list is huge but really that is just so I have more to cross off and feel accomplished, if I just put clean livingroom it would not encompass all I need to do in there lol  Like I said house is a sty, between work (now doing 40-50 hours a week from the 25 I started at in sept), plus school (4 courses this term and they are half done so they keep me busy) and kids 2nd play of the year is on next saturday which means more rehearsals etc so my housework has suffered for the last 2 months and it shows.  Time to whip it back into shape.  

SO kids are now at rehearsal, I have a migraine starting which is not good, so just took motrin and have a cup of coffee with me, livingroom nearly done, laundry has been going since yesterday but I have not folded and put away the clean stuff yet which is why it is not crossed off. report from friday's conference nearly done, starting making the goal cards etc I am starting at work this week.  And generally just continuing on with my list.

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This is where I am wrt my list:


--eat the blueberry muffins Dh cooked :D

--serve in my capacity as SO coach and take notes during the training event

--double-check school plans for the week

--fix dinner before dh leaves for a Chinese New Year shindig on campus (I decided not to go this year)

--continue working on school planning for next year

--finish the latest library book :D


See you later :party:

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motrin did its job.  GOt a ton done, but not finished yet.  Need to cross out the shovelling though as that is done.  So glad my kids are quitting the theatre company at the end of the play next weekend because the director has lost her ever loving mind and I am ready to knock her head right off.  I won't say anything until the end of the week because tomorrow she is announcing who got what parts (they have all been rehearsing all parts so she can determine best fit), and I do not want my kids penalized because I think she is a complete and utter loon.

5 minute coffee break then back to cleaning a round in each the kitchen and livingroom before starting to make supper. 

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Woo hoo! The bathroom finally has all its issues fixed and tweeked. We are ready to hang the new sheetrock next Sunday! So ready for this!


Tomorrow will be recouping from the work weekend and school.


Measure out living room for couch/seating options.


Mark floor and ceiling of bathroom


Make measured drawing so I know where to hang the toilet paper holder and towel ring after the sheetrock is hung.

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Two loads of laundry are all done

The bills have been paid (finally)

Took care of the animals which somehow ds forgot to take care of tonight (and I wasn't going to drag him out of bed to take care of since this is the first time that I can remember in years of pet ownership where he's dropped the ball on that)


Going to go to bed.  And no, I didn't plan tomorrow's school - there is enough routine there to just wing it.  

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