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Exercise Thread ~ January 25th-31st


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 I'm trying to grasp how little some of you eat.  :( I unfortunately have the appetite of a 14 yo boy. I'm always hungry but can eat 1500 and still lose.

Me too.   I think 1500 cal would be starvation diet for me.   :(

I hope responding didn't cause anyone any grief.

I find this topic fascinating.

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Does anyone want to try to convince me to try increasing my calories? I am very, very cautious because I just don't trust my weight will come down again. I have seen that for me it prob is all about the diet and my exercise is for fitness and health and maintaining a weight loss. I  am  not sure that even if I switched up my calories and then cut them along side a HIIT program that the HIIT would be the thing to tip the balance.


Hi, I don't think I would try to convince you to increase calories but I would be tempted to play around with carb/protein/fat ratios, specifically leaning to increasing protein. For your smoothie for ex. I'd swap the almond milk for soy so you get more protein in there. I'd dump the avocado (but I admit to being biased against avocado lol. Loads of calories for not much joy in my mouth... ) Your roast squash again is very carb heavy so I agree you'd need a protein there.


How do you feel about nuts? I'd be tempted to add a few almonds mid afternoon.


& I'd focus on building muscle. Are you lifting at all?


((hugs)) this is frustrating. you're doing all the right stuff.


echoing endocrine investigations


also - cortisol - how stressed are you? are you taking time to relax, meditate, yoga, be happy? I think when we're stressed (& we're all stressed more than ever) our bodies translate that into "omg, my person is having a horrible time! no doubt there will be terrible hardships ahead:  famine, pestilence & saber tooth tiger invasion! Better store up fat!"   It was a great strategy from an an evolutionary  standpoint & made sure we survived real hard times. But we need to convince our bodies everything is fine & hunky dory even when we're running around like frantic chickens....

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Redsquirrel, if you are usually eating like you posted and doing 45 min on a Nordictrak and 30 min w kettlebells or one of the other regimens you mentioned, I can't understand how you are not dropping weight.    It sounds like you typically workout hard enough to get hot and sweaty, and I would think you're burning a couple hundred calories a day doing that.  Add that to the normal amount your body needs to burn to function and I can't see how 800 is not low enough to drop weight. 


Adding more lean protein might help you feel more full, and planning a snack at the 4-5 PM time is better than eating after dinner.  Also, I have embraced having a light protein snack before workouts and it seems to help me.  


I love avocado but putting it in a smoothie does nothing for me. I prefer it diced on eggs or something.  Of course that's my problem with smoothies in general...I'd rather just eat what goes into it rather than blend it together and drink it.  A handful of berries, part of an avocado, a bit of yogurt...some steamed or raw spinach...yum. 


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Does anyone want to try to convince me to try increasing my calories? I am very, very cautious because I just don't trust my weight will come down again. I have seen that for me it prob is all about the diet and my exercise is for fitness and health and maintaining a weight loss. I  am  not sure that even if I switched up my calories and then cut them along side a HIIT program that the HIIT would be the thing to tip the balance.



 I would never try to convince someone to increase or decrease because I do not know your body or your habits like you do.  If you truly have tracked consistently and know that over 1200 comes with significant weight gain then I have no idea what to tell you.


You mentioned thyroid.  Do you have any hypothyroid symptoms?

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Yoga day.


Redsquirrel, I have no idea why you wouldn't lose weight, except that for you, your body is happy the way it is.  As we get older, our bodies hold onto our weight, and if we workout a lot, our bodies can hold onto it (your body could be "afraid" to lose calories).  You could not be losing because you need to alter what you eat, not the calories, or you may even need more calories.  Weight is tricky, and annoying.  



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35 minutes of interval cycling followed by 25 minutes of HIIT. I came home quite sweaty because our trainer was wandering around and watching us, and made a few comments to dh. I had my earbuds on so he didn't try to 'encourage' me.  It was like having a boss wander in...I stepped up my workout when he was near. Which is so weird because, well, he works for me.  


Tomorrow I have a session with him...probably going to wish I had worked harder today. 

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Went to the gym after dinner. Big mistake. I've always gone on an empty stomach. Yuck. I was really sluggish at the start. But, picked up the pace eventually. I've been going for about six weeks. Before that I hadn't specifically exercised in over a decade, even though I was active in day to day life. I was so excited last night when a lady came up to me and asked about my routine. She said it looked like a boot camp routine she had done in the past and asked if she could meet me there sometime and just follow what I'm doing. That's just crazy!! The whole family is getting onto the fitness train. Lol.

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I just started up a new program Insanity Max:30- http://www.beachbody.com/product/fitness_programs/insanity-max-30-workout.do I don't have a lot of time to go to the gym right now and this fits in perfect for me.  I am really liking it and we'll see how it goes when I'm at the end.  Stick with it everyone



Good for you! I know my limitations...no way could I do this.  Come back and keep us posted on how you're doing! 

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WO stretch roll.


Do you remember when I said earlier that by the end of this month I wanted to master some progressions in Jan?   I did!    I got 4 out of 8.  YAY for me!  The only thing is, I didn't master the *one* item I really wanted.    :(    So my goal is to get that one by the end of next month.   Little by little, right?



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So does that Insanity max 30 have a lot of moves that are hard on shoulders?  I have used Insanity and loved it, but it hurt my shoulder.  All those moves of sort of throwing yourself down into pushup position and then jumping around while down there really did a job on my shoulder.  It took a long time to get better, but it is fine now. 



So, that extra long workout was fun, but it made me hungry, lol. I had to have a rice cake with some peanut butter even after dinner.  At least the workout was fun.  I am soooore today. I am not sure what I will be doing later. I am supposed to have some Nordic track time followed by a lower body workout, but maybe dh will want to do that beginner kettle bell workout again. I want to get in a cardio and a muscle type workout.


Here is a link to the NYT free 7 min workout app. You can put it on your iphone or android. There is also a link to put it on a desktop.  It seems to require a chair for the workout. Plus, like many 7 min workouts I have seen, you are expected to do it 3 times in succession, so it is really the 21 min workout. There is also an advanced workout that requires a set of dumbbells.



The NYT has a paywall, but it allows a small number of articles for free each month. So if you don't go there often it should be fine.

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My concern with your calorie intake is that if you don't eat enough calories to offset your fitness your body will hold onto your fat and you won't lose any weight. Since you have those programs already perhaps you could try actually going the programs and following the nutrition guide for the time. I know you have so many ideas being thrown at you right now, just something to keep in mind as a possibility for the future.


The reason I suggested Medifast, Hydroxycut, and Alli are because I've seen them work really well for people. I did, however, forget to mention that *I* did the grapefruit diet back in the late 90s/early 2000s. I lost about 45 pounds very quickly and did not gain it back. I gained weight years later, but my post grapefruit diet weightless was easy to maintain. I'd do it again but I throw up every bit of citrus I attempt to digest.


I typed all of that but my feelings weren't clear and I don't want to have to redo it so I'll just say I really, really would like to do the grapefruit diet again and I spent two weeks throwing up regularly before I gave up because I was so determined to do it. It was so effective for me.

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Went to the gym after dinner. Big mistake. I've always gone on an empty stomach. Yuck. I was really sluggish at the start. But, picked up the pace eventually. I've been going for about six weeks. Before that I hadn't specifically exercised in over a decade, even though I was active in day to day life. I was so excited last night when a lady came up to me and asked about my routine. She said it looked like a boot camp routine she had done in the past and asked if she could meet me there sometime and just follow what I'm doing. That's just crazy!! The whole family is getting onto the fitness train. Lol.


That is exciting:) 


I'm at the gym 3 nights a week with my kids- we switched to eating "dinner" at 4-4:30 p.m. instead of packing food like we used to.  It works much better for everyone and I do serve a protein snack before bed.


Very sore and my shoulder is tweaked- silly ninny of a woman stopped to chat with a friend right in my zone when I had 35 lbs above my head to do a Turkish Get Up.  I didn't have room to finish going up or to get back down on my foot with the broken toe no less.  Finally the friend noticed and yanked her away.  She was practically standing on me, grrr.  It happened last week and with all the sparring this week still hasn't gone away. - so just stretching today and going through my katas as if they were a gentle dance.


If I complained about the silly woman last week- my apologies for being repetitive. 

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I did the 33 min fitness blender beginner kettlebell workout. Then I did a 20 min ballet ballet body lower body workout.


I've done the beginner kettlebell workout 3 times now and I think I am going to try a harder one next time. There is one that is 40 mins but has more challenging exercises. I will give that a go later this week.


DH leave for a trip tomorrow. I have to get up at ungodly o'clock to drive him to the airport, and I know from experience that I prob won't fall back to sleep.  So, who knows what kind of workout I will get in tomorrow. I might be giving my netflix a good workout tomorrow night instead.

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I didn't think that I'd be able to workout this morning. I've had a headache for the past few days, but from mid-morning yesterday, it was absolutely debilitating and continued to get worse throughout the night. Once I can't read anything (from yesterday afternoon), I know that it's bad. Nothing was helping. I still feel the effects of it, but thankfully, it's not nearly as bad. I'll be doing Joyce Vedral's Complete Definition. I would like to add in a mile of Leslie and a Classical Stretch, but I don't think that I'll have time. 

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I did my DVD yesterday, which was lower body and cardio. I also vacuumed and scrubbed floors, which totally counts as some exercise.  At least I could feel it in all the muscles I've been working on in my workouts. :lol:  I'm supposed to be doing my interval training run this morning, but I realized when my alarm went off at 5 that all of my sports bras are wet in the washer from the load that was started late last night and not hung up to dry.  DH agreed to finish making dinner [i'll have the beef stew in the oven so he just has to mash the potatoes] when he gets home from work so I can get on the treadmill then.  


I hope everyone has a good Thursday.   

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skillwork stretch roll




I'm seeing some things in this thread that I'm not familiar with.  Some I can google, but can you explain  skill work stretch roll?   I'm willing to keep up with my HIIT for a few more months but I want to branch out into things less intense when I get into better shape. I know, that sounds so backwards.  But I know myself. Right now I'm seeing big improvements and it keeps me motivated. But once I get into pretty good shape, I will want to expand my horizons. 

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Rieshy, you've just confirmed why I don't work out in a gym or around others. 


Negin, you've really been in a rough place for a long time. Hope it gets better soon. 


Squirrel, I have a red head and he loves cats so he thinks the quote is funny. 



Today was advanced HIIT and then pilates. That HIIT was brutal. It says advanced for a reason. I did it though. The thigh slap jumps were hardest. I will admit that I put a little bounce between jumps to give me an extra couple seconds to breath. I do believe my thighs will talk to me tomorrow and the next day. 

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I ran my short 2 mile route again today.  2 days in a row!  Yay!  I didn't time myself, but I am pretty sure I ran faster than usual, as I was being followed by the garbage truck - I followed them for a while and realized that that job is really physical - the guy at the back of the truck ran across the street and back and lifted cans, etc.  Tough job.  Then I got ahead of the garbage truck and couldn't quite stay far enough ahead to get away from them.  So, I couldn't, like, walk - you know?



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Today was advanced HIIT and then pilates. That HIIT was brutal. It says advanced for a reason. I did it though. The thigh slap jumps were hardest. I will admit that I put a little bounce between jumps to give me an extra couple seconds to breath. I do believe my thighs will talk to me tomorrow and the next day. 


I'm impressed you did both.  Will you be doing the waddle walk?


Today I have a HIIT session with my PT, kettle bell challenge and tonight MMA class.  I heard a wonderful rumor we are to be working on judo throws, wahooo!  My gray head will be flying:)

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I'm impressed you did both.  Will you be doing the waddle walk?


Today I have a HIIT session with my PT, kettle bell challenge and tonight MMA class.  I heard a wonderful rumor we are to be working on judo throws, wahooo!  My gray head will be flying:)


I think I may be pulling myself along the floor with only my arms while my legs dangle uselessly behind me. ;) 



Plus, you're one to talk with your multiple heavy duty sweat fests you partake in. A respectable lady indeed!

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I did a little over a half hr on the treadmill this morning, but ran most of the time and at a faster pace.  This isn't a big accomplishment, but I'm happy I've been squeezing in workouts on days even when it isn't terribly convenient.  That's been the bonus of finally getting a treadmill.  I don't have to worry about DH's schedule as much, etc. which makes it easier to fit things in during the morning or evening.


Everyone is doing such awesome stuff.  One of my long time good friends was into HIIT like 15 years ago, was really into the research, and used it with sports teams as a strength and conditioning coach. 


I need to get back to doing squats, lunges, etc. in addition to running, but just trying to get myself back into good, consistent habits after about 6 weeks of slacking off.  Last year was the first year in 10+ years of parenthood that I was consistently doing workouts 3 to 5 days a week for about 11 months straight, so it has been an interesting road back ;)  Last year I did a lot of cross fit/circuit type stuff and occasional running.  This year so far I've been doing more running since I'm having epicondylitis issues.



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Today I am officially giving myself a pass on basically everything in life including working out, as DH was diagnosed with MS last night. My mind is reeling and I need a day or two to process things before I pull myself up and tackle this head on.


I probably should go to the gym, though, as I am currently in the anger phase and it would feel good to really pound my body hard. Maybe tomorrow!

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Today I am officially giving myself a pass on basically everything in life including working out, as DH was diagnosed with MS last night. My mind is reeling and I need a day or two to process things before I pull myself up and tackle this head on.


I probably should go to the gym, though, as I am currently in the anger phase and it would feel good to really pound my body hard. Maybe tomorrow!


Sorry to hear about the diagnosis your dh received. I'm sure it's a lot to process!  When the weather is warm I cope with stress by going for a loooong bike ride.  So maybe going to the gym would help you push past the anger and on to the next phase. So sorry for you guys!

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My4cowboys. I'm so sorry. This must be an extremely difficult time.


I have a gym night scheduled for when DH gets home. I'm going, but I'm so exhausted from hanging out in the er last night with dd. She had a mystery allergic reaction. Very scary. Today she has been miserable and the meds are making her very unhappy.

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