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My less awesome flu update


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I ended up going to the ER this morning. I tested positive for influenza and they started me on tamiflu. My oxygen sats were low for me (86%), I was tachy, and I couldn't get my fever to come down at home.


I'm really glad I went in. It took multiple nurses with the ultrasound to get an IV in, but after some fluids and pain relief I'm feeling better. I got to spend some quality time on an EKG, too.


Take the flu seriously this year! It's bad stuff. 

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Same here.


The flu is scaring me this year.  And I even got a flu shot.  Of course, the one year it doesn't do much good.


I did get a flu shot this year. :( Totally did me no good.


I am a little better and I hope to continue getting better. And I hope that none of my kids catch this. 

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Hope you're feeling better soon.  I have the flu - it showed up on Christmas and I just thought I was tired and run down until it hit me full force.  Today I am starting to feel a little better, but we'll see as the day progresses.  I'm flu-shot-less, but now I have immunity, LOL!

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