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36 Hours Until the Big Pitch! UPDATE in #12

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At 10 am on Thursday, Ds does his final pitch to the regional stakeholders for non-profit status. The nerves are starting to kick in.


It is a ten minute oratory with a five minute question period. No notes, since he fidgets with them obsessively and then completely gets flustered. The PowerPoint wound up being canceled since the projector was freaking out on our test run. This caused more hassle than it was worth and narrowly missed being a complete meltdown. He has decided to just memorize his entire speech and provide notes to each of the stakeholders. :eek:


There was a minor panic attack today when he could not get one of this transitions down, but in general he is trouping along. Tomorrow we block out the speech, work on inflections, and get the visuals all collated. :willy_nilly:


I have a feeling I will not be back to report in (in case anyone even cares) until Thursday afternoon. Regardless of how it goes we are going out for celebratory coffee and snacks. It's been two long years and he is definitely worth it! I am crossing my fingers, toes, and praying to all the gods whom I can think of. So much has gone into this that all I can do is let him go out there and do his best (hoping desperately he does not panic and have an asynchronous meltdown).


See you all in a day or two!

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HE GOT IT! Giant sigh of relief. Thank you! Thank You! Thank You! For all your well wishes and thoughts. It is to be confirmed with a letter of understanding at the the next meeting in the beginning of January. That gives him enough time to get applications in for the first grant cycle of the year.


The pitch was to [region name] Ecumenical Ministries. Their current focus is on climate change in the community and secondly a focus on youth programs. His big thing was about how all climate actions are all acts of faith, because all we can do is hope to make a difference and in this way it crosses all denominations. They totally dug it.


The speech went well. There were jokes (Thank You VP timeline cards for Biblical references!) which went over really well. He blanked and needed prompting at only one part, but then got back up and kept going. Questions were incredibly nerve wracking for him. He gets nervous and you can really tell. Definitely have to do some work there. I had to jump in twice because they asked technical/legal questions. One was how their budget would overlap with his, and the other was what legal needs are necessary for a steering committee. I always feel a little awkward having to step in, but there is no way he would know the answers as it is between the accountant, lawyer, and me.


He booked three speaking events to do sermons to various congregations in the region addressing the idea that climate change is a human issue and thus requires all of us to look past our differences. That one he is a bit nervous about, but thinks it is a very good thing so he said yes.


Oh goodness. So very exciting. A whole new chapter. I can only imagine where we will be in another two years!

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At 10 am on Thursday, Ds does his final pitch to the regional stakeholders for non-profit status. The nerves are starting to kick in.


It is a ten minute oratory with a five minute question period. No notes, since he fidgets with them obsessively and then completely gets flustered. The PowerPoint wound up being canceled since the projector was freaking out on our test run. This caused more hassle than it was worth and narrowly missed being a complete meltdown. He has decided to just memorize his entire speech and provide notes to each of the stakeholders. :eek:


There was a minor panic attack today when he could not get one of this transitions down, but in general he is trouping along. Tomorrow we block out the speech, work on inflections, and get the visuals all collated. :willy_nilly:


I have a feeling I will not be back to report in (in case anyone even cares) until Thursday afternoon. Regardless of how it goes we are going out for celebratory coffee and snacks. It's been two long years and he is definitely worth it! I am crossing my fingers, toes, and praying to all the gods whom I can think of. So much has gone into this that all I can do is let him go out there and do his best (hoping desperately he does not panic and have an asynchronous meltdown).


See you all in a day or two!

That is so great!  :hurray:


What a tough topic!  He's very brave to attempt that. 


I'm so glad that it went well.  :)  Please keep us updated on y'all's journey. 


:hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:

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