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A convenient non-religious source for copywork/dictation?

Michelle T

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I know I can find passages on my own, but I don't have a wide variety of the sort of books I'd like to use on hand, KWIM? DS needs easily understood passages (nothing with obscure language, from ancient times, or non-standard English) on around a 4th grade level.


Is there anything out there like that, all ready for me to use? Or should I get my lazy patoot to the library and find stuff myself?

Michelle T

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You can find lots of stuff online. I copy and paste into a clean font and then cut and glue into a notebook. I use Nursery Rhymes, Bartletts Quotations, McGuffey Readers, Mainlesson.com has some great books for history quotes...etc. Sometimes, I also photocopy a page from their book, cut out a sentence and glue it in the notebook.


Another thought....Ambleside Online has copy work for every year, so yu can take a look at that too.



No shortage of copywork!



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DS needs easily understood passages (nothing with obscure language, from ancient times, or non-standard English) on around a 4th grade level.


The Core Knowledge books have sayings and phrases, poetry, and selections from good literature. It would be a cinch to pull copywork from it. I just pulled down What Your 4th Grader Needs to Know and looked at the selections. It has old stories, like King Arthur, but it's modernized: "As the fame of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table spread, knights from near and far wanted to share in their glory. One day, there appeared at Camelot a young man who would later become the greatest knight of all . . ." Also modernized is a selection from Gulliver's Travels. There's a bunch of Robert Louis Stevenson, some Greek myths, and diverse poetry -- A Tragic Story by Thackeray ("There live a sage in days of yore, And he a handsome pigtail wore; But wondered much, and sorrowed more, Because it hung behind him.") and other silly poems are balanced with stuff like Dreams by Langston Hughes

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Aesop for Children.


With the StartWrite software, I created a ton of copywork sheets for my son, using the morals as the copywork. I would read the fable, and then he would do the copywork. We started out doing one a week and slowly increased it to one a day. These were the perfect length for him. And, there are so many of them, that they can eventually transition this into cursive. Some people like more variety, but this suited us just fine.

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I like Spelling Wisdom at Simply Charlotte Mason for passages- there are a few religious ones and some old fashioned, but overall I find them very useable and accessible, and we are secular. I also use the Startwrite software.

I have also used "wisdom" quotes from online, and quotes from books they are reading. For example, the year that we did Lord of the Rings I just found websites with quotes from the books and copied and pasted them into Startwrite.

I have also used jokes, or things related to our history study. When I have pulled them together myself, I jsut sit down for an hour or so and cut and paste a lot so i have a term's worth all done ahead.

Eventually I did get tired of this and that's why I use Spelling Wisdom nowadays.

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We use Getty-Dubay Italics. I purchased the font (I forget the company name, but could find it again), and I print up public domain texts for DD to copy. She's been working her way through the Just So Stories.

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The books on that first page, I put together. I have been getting a few emails asking about my next set. And I'm trying really, really hard to get the next set of books for Modern in all the fonts put up on Lulu as well as the Ancient in ZB put up by the end of September.


We have had so many family commitments that I have been set back, and then I put my kids in a co-op that assigns weekly work and we've been having to adjust to that. I haven't even started them on the subjects that I will teach them.


And now, top it off, we're preparing to evacuate for a hurricane. So, I will be taking my computer with me. :)



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