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I need to eat much better.

Chris in VA

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Anyone have a great book on things like raw foods, vegan paleo (yeah, there is such a thing) and that sort?

I have a friend whose dd (adult) is my fb friend; she owns Boom Juice in Dallas, and always posts about things like "rawsta" and "rawmesan," and foods like that. (Rawsta is veggie shreds used as pasta, and rawmesan is Brazil nut-based fake parmesan.) I have no idea how to do any of that--I just need super healthy stuff, and I'm at a loss. I do know basic nutrition, but I want--something neato-keeno.

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I really like the Happy herbivore cookbooks.  They are vegan, but I sometimes use dairy milk in recipes and sometimes even add cheese (gasp!)


But basically, they are easy-to-make, healthy recipes that taste good.  And I just like the lady who writes them--she seems awesome :)  (Lindsey Nixon).


We eat vegetarian a lot but are not vegetarian; it's nice to have yummy, easy recipes.



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Google "Eastern Orthodox fasting recipes". We eat paleo-vegan about half the year. You will get good recipes and the brand names of compliant products. A good clue is the kosher mark on a product.


Note that must margarines and an awful lot of coffee "lighteners" contain dairy.

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Pinterest is great...as others have said.  But, I just had to say I found it funny that you post is right above the one labeled " Caramel Frosting".   It's as if the Forces that Be conspire against us all.the.time.  :lol:


That's the problem with Pinterest.


Why are my friends always talking about cake! Come on people! Stop pinning cake!

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Google "Eastern Orthodox fasting recipes". We eat paleo-vegan about half the year. You will get good recipes and the brand names of compliant products. A good clue is the kosher mark on a product.


Note that must margarines and an awful lot of coffee "lighteners" contain dairy.


The ultimate in narcissism--quoting oneself.  But you will understand, I think.


"most" margarines, for starters.


Also MOST of our fasting excludes wine and oil.  BUT we have a lot of wine and oil exception days, so you will find recipes that include them.  And you are under no obligation to keep our FAST!!!!  It's just a recipe source, and I wanted to note the caveats.  

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Above link is someone whose husband I know and she collected "easy-to" recipes. I cannot go completely paleo because I cannot stomach that much meat but some recipes are really good. Before you go all paleo, are you a hearty meat eater? If so, paleo may work well for you.

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The ultimate in narcissism--quoting oneself.  But you will understand, I think.


"most" margarines, for starters.


Also MOST of our fasting excludes wine and oil.  BUT we have a lot of wine and oil exception days, so you will find recipes that include them.  And you are under no obligation to keep our FAST!!!!  It's just a recipe source, and I wanted to note the caveats.  


NO margarine. In stern but loving voice: Patty Joanna, you have on this board long enough to have read all the threads about how bad margarine is for you. If you need something to spread on something, use real Kerrygold butter!


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Get the Eat to Live Cookbook. Very healthy, very tasty, & easy to prepare. Love these recipes. (Believe me when I say that I'm not a cook & even I can prepare these things.)


I also really like the recipes on the Rawtarian website: http://www.therawtarian.com/raw-food-recipes
I especially love her breakfast bowl. (I chop the apple rather than shredding it. Shredding ended up in a kitchen accident for me.)


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NO margarine. In stern but loving voice: Patty Joanna, you have on this board long enough to have read all the threads about how bad margarine is for you. If you need something to spread on something, use real Kerrygold butter!


Would that I could. Alas, allergies. I do buy it for my dh though, when we are not on a fasting season.


Butter was THE BIGGEST LOSSto me of all my allergies. :::sad face:::

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Google "Eastern Orthodox fasting recipes". We eat paleo-vegan about half the year. You will get good recipes and the brand names of compliant products. A good clue is the kosher mark on a product.


Note that must margarines and an awful lot of coffee "lighteners" contain dairy.


Would that I could. Alas, allergies. I do buy it for my dh though, when we are not on a fasting season.


Butter was THE BIGGEST LOSSto me of all my allergies. :::sad face:::


If you are looking for coffee things So Delicious and Silk both make dairy free coffee creamers. I can get them at my regular grocery store but Whole Foods and places like that have it. 


Earth Balance is a good dairy-free butter substitute.

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Anyone have a great book on things like raw foods, vegan paleo (yeah, there is such a thing) and that sort?

I have a friend whose dd (adult) is my fb friend; she owns Boom Juice in Dallas, and always posts about things like "rawsta" and "rawmesan," and foods like that. (Rawsta is veggie shreds used as pasta, and rawmesan is Brazil nut-based fake parmesan.) I have no idea how to do any of that--I just need super healthy stuff, and I'm at a loss. I do know basic nutrition, but I want--something neato-keeno.

Hmm...vegan paleo might be a big of a challenge.  What about the Paleoveganista?  She has some inspiration recipes that might help you get started.


As for rawsta?  You can do that with a spiral cutter...spiralizer?  This one's pretty highly rated on Amazon and it's reasonably priced.


rawmesan - basically nuts with some nutritional yeast and probably some salt.  Here's one recipe, but you could always try searching for "vegan parmesan" and a number of recipes should pop up.


As for margarine.  Yeah, I'm going with a little bit of non-hydrogenated margarine before I go for butter.  :0)  I don't like the taste of EarthBalance, but SmartBalance Light with Flaxseed is pretty good.

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I have done the Eastern Orthodox fast twice, the whole 55+ days, and it was pretty intense. I enjoy fasting for spiritual reasons.


One old-fashioned vegetarian book I love is Diet for a Small Planet. It's old. It started the movement. I <3 that book.


However, I'm not a paleo/vegan type.


If you decide to go a little less... extreme is probably not the word... narrow? Straight?


In that case I recommend Pollan's In Defense of Food as a starting point.


I'm really big on not going overboard. Eating by numbers is like painting by numbers, and eating according to a philosophy is kind of like dancing according to a philosophy. You can do it but you're going to get sick of it really, really fast, it gets super repetitive, and the joy is gone.


The P90X3 eating guide has a great transition from plan-based-eating to integrating eating into your overall appreciation for life. I would say that it describes pretty much our actual eating habits except we probably eat out too much.

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Thanks so much! I will look at all the resources. I love the research aspect of all of that.


I don't want to totally change everything--you are so right that small changes will lead to big changes, and I do want something sustainable. I just have no knowledge of this "other way" of eating, and would like to incorporate better, healthier ideas.


The raw stuff is so interesting to me. I know the arguments for and against, so I'm not that interested in the philosophy, just the how-to.


Just part of self-educating, I think!

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My daughter's solution: any time you're cooking a meal, just toss a bag of frozen vegetables in.  Mostly spinach.


Soup?  Throw in spinach.

Roast meat?  Throw spinach on the side.


I suspect one can eat too much spinach (doesn't it bind calcium or iron or something?) but I doubt she's near the toxic limit.  She mostly eats out anyway.

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I don't own the book, but i like the idea a lot, VB6, by Mark Bittman.  The idea is to eat vegan before 6, then at dinner you can eat what you want.  But he also advocates a more "whole food" approach, eating mostly unprocessed food.  He has a book and cookbook, but you can also find a lot of his writings online.  I heard of him through Runner's World.   


I think you can find lot of good info and ideas online, but sometimes it's nice to have the book in front of you.  

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