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Speaking of Advent calendars...


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If you fill your own, what do you fill it with that doesn't make the whole thing cost $100, doesn't add to the amount of junk in your house, and doesn't involve candy every day? I love the idea of filling our own, and we somehow managed to accidentally start an Advent calendar tradition (with pre-filled ones) here that the kids really look forward to. But the whole thing stresses me out the way Easter baskets and Christmas stockings do. I don't want to have to search for items to fill it with, and I don't want to fill it with useless dollar store doodads just to get it filled, and I really don't have a lot of extra money this year. 


So how do you fill an Advent calendar meaningfully yet inexpensively? 



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I have one of those big wall advent calendars and fill the pockets with craft tags that name a specific activity for each day, no sweets.


Picking out and decorating the tree

Decorating the back yard, making treats for the birds

Christmas movie night (we have several of these, as everyone has a favorite)

Going out to see the lights in pj's with cocoa

Making cookies

Going to a free Christmas concert

Elves help mom wrap today



You can google for more ideas or I can dig my old tags out later and list more. I have been making a new list for this year for the past couple of weeks. Most are cheap.

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I made our advent calendar many years ago. Advent Sundays everyone gets chocolate (usually a Lindt truffle), once a week there is a note for a special activity (tree lighting ceremony at the park, make gingerbread houses, etc) and the rest of the days there are pieces from our Playmobil nativity set. We reuse that every year so it is not new and exciting but my kids thrive on routine so I think it is comforting that there is always the same things year after year. We also do a book basket "Advent Calender".

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I know this doesn't fit your criteria, but we use chocolates. Either Hershey's kisses or Andes mints. One per kid per day.


I like the idea of activities, but I work and my kids are in public school, and I need to avoid situations where the Advent calendar says to make cookies but the high schoolers are swamped with homework, or it says to go look at lights, but we're in the middle of a snow storm and I don't want to drive in it, etc.


Getting a chocolate every night after dinner? That we can do. Every night.


And then we work the fun activities in when we have time, energy, and appropriate weather.

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We use a mini muffin cookie sheet and I bought special Xmas covers from etsy with numbers on them. I printed them on magnetic paper and hung by a ribbon on the wall. The contents of ours is activities, so every night before bed I slipped the piece of paper into the next day. The kids woke up the next day and loved seeing what fun thing they'd be doing. The activities ranged from crafts to making cookies to going to see the lights. So easy for this non crafty mom. I could send a pic if you pm me.


ETA: I learned I can NOT prefill the whole month because sometimes I couldn't do what it said for whatever reason. So putting it in every night solves that problem. Don't have green paint for the Xmas tree craft? Ok, we'll build an igloo of marshmallows today, or whatever.

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I have girls, so if you don't have girls, these might not work:

lego bricks

lip balm

hair ribbons/bands/clips


loom bands (a pack can be broken down and used to fill several)



key chain




The boxes on my advent calendar vary in size.  I basically have a few "large" (a lip balm tube would fit), several medium, and several small (would fit a hershey's kiss). 


When dc were into webkinz, I'd put a note in the box that said Webkinz! and they would get their webkinz that day.  Typically it was early in the month, so the Christmas day rush that would overwhelm the webkinz site was avoided. 


Also, if they were getting a dvd for Christmas, I'd put a note in the box that said DVD!  We would make hot chocolate and popcorn and watch the movie that day.  This has been great if it is a Christmas dvd.  A couple years ago, I bought Hallmarky type Christmas movies at the after Christmas sale and saved them for the following year. 


Trip to coffee shop.  I know, that one isn't inexpensive, but it is a nice break.  I put a note in the box that says, Coffee Shop!!! and we go either that day or soon there after.


The note thing works great if it is a small box and you want to put something bigger in it.  I have a friend who did "craft day!!" and put that note in the box.  She and her children spent the day making christmas ornaments, listening to music, and taking a day off to have fun.  It took a bit of planning, she had all the supplies ready to go.  But, it sounded like a great day. 



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I have one of those big wall advent calendars and fill the pockets with craft tags that name a specific activity for each day, no sweets.


Picking out and decorating the tree

Decorating the back yard, making treats for the birds

Christmas movie night (we have several of these, as everyone has a favorite)

Going out to see the lights in pj's with cocoa

Making cookies

Going to a free Christmas concert

Elves help mom wrap today



You can google for more ideas or I can dig my old tags out later and list more. I have been making a new list for this year for the past couple of weeks. Most are cheap.


This is what we do, too. I only fill the next day's cube the night before so that I can choose an activity that fits with whatever else we have going on, plus what I feel able to accomplish. 

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I fill my own...


Christmas socks, usually found in a dollar spot or on a sale


Little activity books


Those put them in water and they grow things. I don't know why but my little people love those.

Christmas books that I wanted them to have anyway.

Glitter glue for Christmas crafts

Matchbox cars

A few days of candy I never buy.

I have taken jingle bells and strung then on cording to make necklaces.

Cheaper decorations they can put in their room.


I once folded a dollar bill into a ring. That was a couple of years ago...it is still worn around as a ring.

Snacks mommy doesn't buy.

Festive bookmarks

Christmas cups, plates, etc.

I have used the tube toys over several days.

Holiday notepads

Holiday pencils



We do things a little bit different as each kiddo has a personal elf who Santa allows to take care of their calendar. So if something doesn't fit each elf has their own way of letting the little know to hunt for the days surprise. The hunt itself can be fun. And sometimes the elf leaves a note with a tiny piece of candy.

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We use a mini muffin cookie sheet and I bought special Xmas covers from etsy with numbers on them. I printed them on magnetic paper and hung by a ribbon on the wall. The contents of ours is activities, so every night before bed I slipped the piece of paper into the next day. The kids woke up the next day and loved seeing what fun thing they'd be doing. The activities ranged from crafts to making cookies to going to see the lights. So easy for this non crafty mom. I could send a pic if you pm me.


ETA: I learned I can NOT prefill the whole month because sometimes I couldn't do what it said for whatever reason. So putting it in every night solves that problem. Don't have green paint for the Xmas tree craft? Ok, we'll build an igloo of marshmallows today, or whatever.

This is almost exactly what we do.


Ours is also a mini-muffin tin. I made the number covers for each day and put a magnetic strip across the back. The magnet is only along one edge so ours lies flat, not on the wall. I do pre-fill ours for the month because if I chose something each night, we'd never get to the 'big' stuff because I would keep putting it off. However I do print out a calendar of the month that has each day's activity in the square corresponding to the spot I put it in. So I can glance at that each day and if I see a problem I can switch them.


I've been modifying the same list for a few years now. Currently:

Hang christmas lights

make cookies

christmas craft house (last year's craft, I'll replace with a new one)

make paper snowflakes (we hang them all over the walls)

Make a wreath

watch a christmas movie

go see lights

make a snowglobe (last year's craft, I'll replace with a new one)

Make christmas-y play dough

Christmas craft of some sort

Write a letter to santa

go see santa

read a new christmas book

go see lights (on the calendar twice because we have two main places we go to see lights)

make gingerbread houses

Christmas box house (a charity, we will shop for items they need and drop off)

Make christmas cards

string popcorn

wrap presents

watch a christmas movie

go sledding

make cookies

make popcorn balls

scavenger hunt for small gift (this is always christmas eve and it's always pj's)


That's in order for what I had last year. It will be slightly altered to fit our schedule. I always put movie nights on friday's. Things like sledding and seeing lights are always on the weekends. Some things like gingerbread houses may be planned ahead to do with extended family.

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I had one with pockets once--I put 3 jellybeans in some days, 3 smarties in some, 3 m&ms in some.  I have 3 boys, so they each got one :)  They loved it.


We don't have that one anymore; Nana usually buys them one with chocolate for each day (Aldi has them for $1, and Trader Joe's) and we have a Playmobil advent calendar that we reuse every year--some winter forest scene.


Just a little excitement is plenty; I can't imagine creatively filling each day with toys and clutter.  Would stress me out ----



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When DS was very little we made the unfortunate decision to have the Advent Elves fill the daily pocket, so now even though it's supposed to be just silly and fun, I'm stuck with it. The calendar fills me with such dread every year. DS is too old for little craft ideas or going to lightings and daily sweets or little toys just aren't his thing, so it's a real struggle to come up with ideas. I'm always on the lookout for creative, appropriate things that won't add up to too much $ or time. I'd declare him too old for the elves to visit, but it's one of his favorite things about the holiday. The stress makes me feel like a grinch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We use a mini muffin cookie sheet and I bought special Xmas covers from etsy with numbers on them. I printed them on magnetic paper and hung by a ribbon on the wall. The contents of ours is activities, so every night before bed I slipped the piece of paper into the next day. The kids woke up the next day and loved seeing what fun thing they'd be doing. The activities ranged from crafts to making cookies to going to see the lights. So easy for this non crafty mom. I could send a pic if you pm me.


ETA: I learned I can NOT prefill the whole month because sometimes I couldn't do what it said for whatever reason. So putting it in every night solves that problem. Don't have green paint for the Xmas tree craft? Ok, we'll build an igloo of marshmallows today, or whatever.

I've been wanting to do the muffin tin idea (saw it last year).  Can you tell me where you bought the covers?


ETA: never mind!  I found some with a google search.  :)

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What about writing a little message of love to each child?  Something you like about them, a memory?  One could even write down a Bible verse or something to do with ... Advent.  ;0)  


I like the freckle under your right eye.

You made me so happy when you laughed at my silly joke.

I'll never forget the day you were born.

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel...

If we have a white Christmas, I'm throwing the first snowball at YOU!

Good for one Day Off of School in February.  Your call.  


That sort of thing.


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