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Mark Driscoll Resigned from Mars Hill


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I confess -I've paid little attention to the gory details.  and he's local (I even went to the movie theater - when it was *nice* - that was the original incarnation of the building his church is in) - so I do see mention on my local news feed.


maybe because we've had other's in the area who were slimy before him.

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An article I read from World Magazine indicated that it was because of his plagiarizing, using church funds for his book and his autocratic leadership style. Basically. They said it for nothing illegal or immoral.


Uh, those things aren't illegal or immoral? :laugh:


(Not trying to pick on you, it just sounded funny.)

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Uh, those things aren't illegal or immoral? :laugh:


(Not trying to pick on you, it just sounded funny.)

Now, when you put it that way..... Lol. It did sound funny. Yes,those things are illegal and immoral. I guess I meant, illegal and immoral in the way that a lot of these ministers are acting. Plagerism and bullying are rather boring crimes.
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Now, when you put it that way..... Lol. It did sound funny. Yes,those things are illegal and immoral. I guess I meant, illegal and immoral in the way that a lot of these ministers are acting. Plagerism and bullying are rather boring crimes.

Local POLICE reports do have records of s3xual harrasment. Mars hill church are the ones using the term bullying.
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An article I read from World Magazine indicated that it was because of his plagiarizing, using church funds for his book and his autocratic leadership style. Basically. They said it for nothing illegal or immoral.

He raised funds for a purpose they didn't deliver on and used that money to try and gerrymander his way onto the NYTimes best seller list. That's pretty sketchy and if those were restricted donations, it is fraud.


And plagiarism is a type of theft morally, even if it is not a prosecutable crime.

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Mars Hill is patriarchy and sexism dressed up in hipster clothes and music. I've heard Driscoll rail against men baby wearing in Ballard (where the first big Mars Hill building is). He's also in the yoga = nefarious crowd.


Also when they bought a very old church building in the University area, with a history of social assistance, they failed to honor the long term lease commitment to transitional housing units for long-term homeless. Classy.

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gotta pay for that house in woodway somehow.  (someone on a local site linked his house.  for those who don't know - the *average* house price in the miniscule community of woodway is over $1M.)

He raised funds for a purpose they didn't deliver on and used that money to try and gerrymander his way onto the NYTimes best seller list. That's pretty sketchy and if those were restricted donations, it is fraud.

And plagiarism is a type of theft morally, even if it is not a prosecutable crime.

I've been finding out more about him the last few days.

he's just slimy.

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the referring to women as a home for (male appendage), really shows what he thinks.  just .. gross.

Mars Hill is patriarchy and sexism dressed up in hipster clothes and music. I've heard Driscoll rail against men baby wearing in Ballard (where there first big building is). He's also in the yoga = nefarious crowd.

Also when they bought a very old church building in the University area, with a history of social assistance, they failed to honor the long term lease commitment to transitional housing units for long-term homeless. Classy.



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I am praying that Driscoll gets under some serious discipleship, grows in Christ, and earns from this experience. I am afraid the opposite will happen but for his sake I hope the Lord uses this to humble and mature him.




Loved the typo! (Hope you don't mind me pointing it out.) Sad part is that it is likely he will earn from this experience.

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