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Life is short, so make haste to be kind


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Last winter I stumbled across contact information for a friend I hadn’t heard from in about 15 years, so I wrote to her then but never heard back.  Last night I found out why: a few weeks ago she died at age 43 of cancer that she’d been fighting for nine years.  If she ever saw my message, I’m guessing she didn’t feel like writing back to say, ‘Great to hear from you.  Things are good here, except that I’m dying.†


So, in honor of Elizabeth Palmberg and other friends we should not take for granted, here’s a quote I love from Henri Frederic Amiel (1827-1881):


"O, do not let us wait to be just or pitiful or demonstrative toward those we love until they or we are struck down by illness or threatened with death! 


Life is short, and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are traveling the dark journey with us.


O, be swift to love, make haste to be kind!"



Some churches have made this into a prayer, which I also love:  


Life is short

And we do not have much time

to gladden the hearts of those

who journey the way with us.

So be swift to love,

and make haste to be kind.

And the blessing of God,

who made us,

who loves us,

and who travels with us 

Be with you now and forever.  Amen
















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I looked up someone last week that I'd lost contact with. I specifically wanted to ask him if he could help with an issue in his area of expertise. He died in April.   :crying:


So I had another individual whom I'd also lost contact with - not for the same issue, he was an old high school friend. I gutted it up and contacted him and heard back. It made my day. 



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I'm so sorry about your friend. It's very shocking to get news like that. Thank you for sharing the quote.


Something similar happened to me a while back. I was searching online for contact info for a former mentor of mine and instead found her obituary.  It's heartbreaking.



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I want to thank you twice over -


once for the reminder to not take life or the people in it for granted,


and second for the little bunny trail I followed when I did an internet search for Henri-Frederic Amiel.


I hadn't before heard of him. He has several very interesting and thoughtful quotes floating around out there!

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I had the same boyfriend from when I was 15 until I was 18. He was from Texas. I ended up with interest in his best friend who had become my best friend. I married the best friend. We've been married a long time. We moved to Texas and he had moved back to Texas long ago. I knew where he lived, hours away, had contact information, but just didn't contact. I hadn't spoken to him in 28+ years.

We thought we might be making a trip to his area so for some weird reason, instead of calling him I looked him up on the net and found...his obituary. I got in touch with a mutual friend and she contacted his parents to find out what had happened. It's hard to let that one go. He was divorced. Lived alone.

I never would have thought....never. I'm sad I didn't act on the prompting I had multiple times.


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