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But I don't WANNNAAAA!!!!


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We're supposed to start school on Monday.


The schoolbooks are in a huge jumble. No lesson plans made at all.


The school supplies that I bought are in a giant mess on the kitchen counter.


The bonus room is trashed.


I don't wannnnnaaaa start school..




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Ah, then you start back next week, but it's teacher preparation week. The kids are your staff. They work especially hard on de-trashing the bonus room, under your directions of course.


Personally, I might put one of my staff on iced coffee duty.


When everything is organised, you have another week of 'settling in'. This is where you start a lovely new read-aloud, you do some fun projects, you go out for 'nature study' and generally get yourselves in the mood.


Then you start :)

I like this plan. :D

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Ah, then you start back next week, but it's teacher preparation week. The kids are your staff. They work especially hard on de-trashing the bonus room, under your directions of course.


Personally, I might put one of my staff on iced coffee duty.


When everything is organised, you have another week of 'settling in'. This is where you start a lovely new read-aloud, you do some fun projects, you go out for 'nature study' and generally get yourselves in the mood.


Then you start :)


Tempting....I may take the first day like that. Because really, I think we can tackle most of this in one day. Maybe do some math, read alouds, online learning, etc.

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Ah, then you start back next week, but it's teacher preparation week. The kids are your staff. They work especially hard on de-trashing the bonus room, under your directions of course.


Personally, I might put one of my staff on iced coffee duty.


When everything is organised, you have another week of 'settling in'. This is where you start a lovely new read-aloud, you do some fun projects, you go out for 'nature study' and generally get yourselves in the mood.


Then you start :)


Exactly this. I've had to delay starting a week in the past. Taking that time to prepare and get things organized can make a big difference--I think--in how you feel about the year. If Mom's calm and has the situation in hand, it helps set the tone for when the kids start saying "I don't wanna."


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I couldn't start if it was that disorganized. If it were me, I'd take the few days or week to get good and ready. But that's me. Trying to school with a mess ends up making me waste a lot of time: searching for materials, trying to wing the lessons and realizing I need to stop the lesson to grab an art supply or math manipulative, or whatever. I don't teach as well if I'm not organized and ready, which means the kids aren't learning as well.


Is there an unchangeable reason for why you have to start right away without being ready?


ETA: Wait...the lesson plans aren't ready either? Oh, honey, take the week off. See if you can set up play dates for the kids at their friend's houses and get the first month planned. Well, that's what I would do.

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I like the proposed plans of having your staff work, especially the iced coffee duty!


We are supposed to start full school in 2 weeks, and I don't have everything planned either. I just haven't been as motivated this summer. It's dd's senior year, and I think I'm dreading it. 


The kids have been doing 3 subjects for most of July. They had swimming and a play, so we had to be in town anyway. I want them to finish up chapters they are in and then take the rest of the time off. I hope to do my final planning during that time and a few projects I didn't finish over the summer. Maybe I'll get excited during that time. 



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I arbitrarily declared a couple of weeks ago that we would start August 11th, so I'd have a deadline for preparing. I work better with deadlines. I had better get my but in gear this next week figuring out the lesson plans.


We are starting with a field trip. There's an exhibit I want us all to see that leaves town soon, and we need a change of scenery (with a/c) to help shake us out of our it's-too-hot-to-move-or-think doldrums. After that I plan on trying the full schedule from the start to see how that shakes out. Easing into it last year was only partly successful. Too many "can we be done now?" moments.


Still, I like the put-them-to-work plan. It's important they learn how much prep work goes into things, after all!

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