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My horse lost her entire hoof


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I don't think it would really be fair to her to make her to through all that to heal. It's painful. She's on Butte all the time right now to manage it. With the damage to the laminae she would never really be able to go above a walk which is pretty harsh on a horse her age. If I can find some solutions that might give her a better prognosis, I'll fight to save her cause she's my baby, but I won't let her suffer if it simply means the next 20 years is long and sore.


Forgot it's still a filly which is even more heart breaking. I agree, it would be better to not let her suffer. I was just hoping that something could still be done and she could be kept comfortable. Bute is great but not something you want to administer for long periods of time.

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She's been put down. Everything from a few inches below the knee was gone except for bone. It was simply from the way the wire wrapped around the leg. It might (very very very little chance) have all healed but the odds of her foundering in the other foot would be high from too much pressure constantly on it and she would have huge muscle atrophy problems and so and so on. I'm gonna be useless to the world for a day or two, but it was the right thing for her.


So sorry. It did look really bad from the picture that showed the bone - I looked at it again.

But you know she is cantering around in horse heaven...but this is little comfort for you in the midst of the pain.  :grouphug:

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Thanks everyone. It was the right decision. The vet asked me to please let him. The sympathy is much appreciated. Sometimes the right decision is hard to make. I didn't post the last picture of her leg, I thought it would be a little much, but it made the other pictures look pretty mild. She'll be happier now that she can run in horsey heaven.

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My whole family is sending you heartfelt hugs and love.  We are all so sorry.  But you are a humane and loving owner.  You are not selfish or unrealistic.  You did the right thing.  I am glad that your DD's cocker is not badly injured and hope that the days ahead go very, very smoothly as you move forward.


Best wishes.



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