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I'm a jazz guitar musician and a lawyer!!!

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Hmmm. Nope.

Crissy is not a name you want to Google if you're interested in finding a respectable profession. :001_huh:


ETA: Hey! She must not be...um...performing any longer. I just searched and I came up with more results for Crissy Field, an art gallery and a coffee shop than anything else. What do you know.


Nothing with my full name, though.

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Hmmm. Nope.

Crissy is not a name you want to Google is you're interested in finding arespectable profession. :001_huh:


ETA: Hey! She must not be...um...performing any longer. I just searched and I came up with more results for Crissy Field, an art gallery and a coffee shop than anything else. What do you know.


Nothing with my full name, though.




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Oh, I'll play.....


Let's see I'm a Celtic Harpist, wrote a cookbook and an autobiography, and I'm a banking Vice-President. But here is my favorite, apparently I'm an Admiral in the Gamma Quadrant. (star trek). Here's a blurb from my profile....


Psychological Profile:

Sweet as sugar cane and just as hard. Don't let the adorable softness of

appearances fool you. Paula is a hard, no non-sense woman who very well maybe

walking, talking saccharine, but she's also a cunning business woman and born

military leader. :lol::lol::lol::D

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Somehow no matter whose name I google (mine included!) they have a high school track or cross country record...


What's really weird though is if you google my husband's name together with mine in quotes, like "Ward and June Cleaver", you get ANOTHER couple with exactly the same names and all their wedding pictures! Weird weird weird. Apparently they're about our age too, but they don't look a thing like us. My dad found it (so apparently he has too much time on his hands... LOL) and thought it was hysterical.

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So - what do YOU get when you google your name????


Two things:

1) my maiden name is what I aspire to be: an "efficiency specialist!" And what's weird, the bio includes info about this person's mother, who was a schoolteacher and saved all sorts of the detritus of her teaching career. Well, my mother was also a schoolteacher and saved all that stuff. But what also funny (ok, maybe just to me!) is that IRL I worked as an editor for a year - and this "other me" has a grating typo on her website. Should I email her?! But an efficiency specialist - wow! That sounds as though I could use lots of organizing and office supplies - and call it a business expense. Ahhhh!


2) Part of my IRL job as an editor included writing brief summaries of original research from medical journals. When those summaries propagate themselves around the web, they have my name on them (even though as originally written, it was clear that I was citing/summarizing a primary research article), making it appear that I'm the world's expert on ... just about everything (tell my 11 yr old, please!). I have gotten dozens and dozens of calls and emails and letters over the years requesting my opinion (e.g., for newspapers, TV shows, other journals, etc.) on everything from pediatric heart murmurs to forensic r*pe exams to orthopaedic surgery to seizure disorders to snake bite. The first few times it happened, I guess I was, um, flattered, but v-e-r-y puzzled. I finally figured it out, and could start telling people to READ THE ARTICLE THAT WAS CITED (nicely, of course).

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Pediatric/Adolescent Psychiatry, Realtor, and get this: Director of Career Services, in the field of Education Management! :hurray:


Under my maiden name there is too much to list.


On a fun note, There was another girl by my name who use to go to my ob/gyn. So, I'm seeing the infertility doctor and going through all kinds of indignities, and I go for my annual with the regular ob/gyn. He comes in and asks me if I like the depo-provera shot, any adverse side effects? I'm thinking...hmmmmm. He says, was there a problem? I said, That's NOT me. I'm trying to GET PREGNANT. He got the other Jane Doe's chart and apologized profusely. Especially after seeing what all I've been through.

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How fun! If I google my married name, I am who I am. If I google my maiden name, whoa nelly! I'm a professor of mathematics :D, I wrote a story about the legal brothel system in Nevada :lol:, and I'm a writer from Edinburgh!


Thanks for the laugh!


Editing to add that I am also an artist and a wedding planner! Yay me!

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Apparently, I just can't stop writing.


I am:


A resident of Dayton, OH

A cowriter of a song called "Miss You" for some group named Jenson

A Pharmaceutical Consultant in Sweden (Ja, sure!)

A young, hip resident of Denmark

On the experimental physics faculty at the University of Wurzberg

An older version of me is currently in Copenhagen as a research assistant working on the effects of plasticises and fragrances on the allergic response

The author of a 2006 Masters thesis from the University of Tromso about the Cod Recovery Plan in the Irish Sea


Gracious!! I sense a pattern here. :tongue_smilie:

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I didn't find anything under my name (except an expired facebook page) and very little under my maiden name. (A facebook page with a picture of a girl on the beach in CA and an article about a 21-year-old with my name who is disappointed to be living in an area where the iphone can't be used.)


Bummer...I was all excited to find out who I really am. :glare:


All this is probably because I'm Kelsy and not Kelsey. :D

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1. I'm a Spanish teacher at a small Catholic school.


2. I'm a German man who is a very high ranking Scientologist. Mostly people are mad at him for defrauding them of various amounts of money.


3. I'm the owner of an art gallery (this may be the same person as #2 above, I can't tell).


3. I'm me! Most of the hits are actually me... either as a pastor or homeschooling mom.

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