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when mommy goes on bed rest...

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I am 26 weeks along with number 4 and have a complete previa, everything has been fine up to this point but I have started bleeding which means I go on strict bed rest for the next 12 weeks. I need some ideas on how you would carry on with school whilst in bed. I have to carry on because they're half a year behind in history and science, up to date with language arts and maths


These are the curriculums we're using





AAS level 1

MUS primer, alpha, beta


AiG our planet

Play and learn French

And then I just wing art and music


Looking forward to reading your ideas

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Being "behind" in content subjects like history and science really doesn't matter at this stage, there simply aren't set things a child must learn in a given grade. It's perfectly fine to stretch a history or science curriculum over two years rather than one, or even drop it entirely for a year. Personally I wouldn't worry about those subjects at this point, though if you wanted to you could get the audio version of SOTW and let your kids listen and re-listen as much as they want.


I would keep going with math, and whatever LA is most important to you. Beyond that I would do lots of audio books: you and the kids can enjoy them together. My kids have really enjoyed the Oz books by L. Frank Baum as well as E. Nesbit books on librivox. Oh, and the Narnia books from Under the Grapevine are another great free resource.

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I lost twins last year at 23 weeks. I had a total previa and was on complete bed rest. So because of the way my pregnancy turned out, I highly recommend just putting all your energy into doing your bed rest completely and not worrying about school. You say they are up to date with math and language arts. If it were me and I was up to date with those subjects, i wouldn't stress about the other subjects. This is a season. If they are just in first and second grade, they will have time to revisit science and history plenty. Read aloud to them from SOTW but don't stress about activities. Same for science - read the text, don't worry about experiments. Read aloud to them from good literature or listen to lots of audio books. I got terrible headaches from bed rest so ended up not being able to read aloud. Listen to them read to you. Will you be getting help? I had people picking up my kids every day in the summer and even helping me homeschool them because it was so hard to be on complete bed rest with them around. My kids were only 3 and 5 at the time. Bed rest was very hard. It went against my nature. I had this idea that I could keep schooling while I was on it, but really, I couldn't. That is not to mean that you won't be able to, but I went into it with highly unrealistic expectations. Laying down nearly all the time for 12 weeks gave me unbearable headaches and back pain and it was all I could do to get through the day with all that pain. I don't want to scare you, but only to reassure you that you can give yourself permission to slack for a time and play catch up later. You can school through next summer for example while you rest this one.

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I don't have any one to help really. My mom just moved to the UK. Sure my friends from church will help, but they're all busy with their big families...

I think you're right thegirlwhopaintedtrees, I really need to get my priorities straight.


It's so difficult to just relax though and trust that they're now missing out

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I don't have any one to help really. My mom just moved to the UK. Sure my friends from church will help, but they're all busy with their big families...

I think you're right thegirlwhopaintedtrees, I really need to get my priorities straight. I'm so sorry to hear you lost your little ones. That's really puts things into perspective!


It's so difficult to just relax though and trust that they're not missing out just because mommy can't teach.we've just started our next year of history and science and I've spent so much time preparing, researching, etc etc. It pains me to see it all falling apart and not being used. I will spend my time reading, cuddling, audio books, and whatever LA,MUS we can get too.thanks!

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You will need some help. Do you not have something available through the hospital? Otherwise can your husband take a day off a week for the rest of the pregnancy (I assume you are unlikely to go full term) or even come home an hour or two early a couple of times a week. Could the kids go to a summer programme part time? Unless you have angelic kids being stuck in bed unable to keep on top of things will probably be stressful. All the best.

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I don't have any one to help really. My mom just moved to the UK. Sure my friends from church will help, but they're all busy with their big families...

I think you're right thegirlwhopaintedtrees, I really need to get my priorities straight. I'm so sorry to hear you lost your little ones. That's really puts things into perspective!


It's so difficult to just relax though and trust that they're not missing out just because mommy can't teach.we've just started our next year of history and science and I've spent so much time preparing, researching, etc etc. It pains me to see it all falling apart and not being used. I will spend my time reading, cuddling, audio books, and whatever LA,MUS we can get too.thanks!

What age are your children? It seems from your sig that they are under 8. Are you heading into summer? I want to encourage you that they won't miss out taking 3 or 4 months off from history and science at such young ages. Really. If you are really worried, do get the SOTW audio and play that, or just get to it when you get to it. Can your dh get Science books and videos out of the library for you? Many of us use these type of resources with our younger ones instead of a set curriculum. Cat in the Hat Knows Alot About That has taught my younger 2 a ton. Magic School Bus books are wonderful. They can free read science.


I agree with the PP--get lots and lots of audio books for them. Read aloud to them as much as possible. Do math fact drills on Xtramath.org. They will be fine, really and truly.

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So, I live in South Africa, we're having winter now, no summer break yet. My husband can't take time off work, he's paid by the hour and with the additional cost of this pregnancy, we need every penny (we don't have decent government health care so our pvt care costs a fortune,trust me you do not want to be in a gvt hospital here in South Africa).


Being a third world country, our libraries are... Pathetic. The books are super old and falling apart and libraries few and far between...


We've also just had a mini 3 week break in may, because we were moving, before I knew about the previa. We're already working through holidays for science and sotw because we're about 6 months behind (long story)...

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Don't worry at all about science and history. There is no "behind" at this age - you just haven't accomplished what was on your list. If you do any school, I'd do some math so that they don't get behind. Unlike science or history, math is sequential and builds on itself.


Really - look at this as a season on your life that the pregnancy is the priority. Your kids will still learn lots about life.

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Can you get netflix or amazon prime? Kids can learn a lot through shows. If you are stressed about being behind SOTW can be read and do the questions orally. Science can really be done watching videos in elementary school. Best of luck

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I wouldn't worry about history and science right now. There is no "behind" in those subjects in elementary school. Really. If your kids can read, write, and do math, that's the important part at that age. History and science are gravy. You could start them next year and not have any problems. High school is where those subjects matter most. In early elementary, you're just developing interest in the subjects.


Rest, take care of yourself and your baby, and do not worry about content subjects. You have several years yet to get those subjects taken care of.

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I'm sorry this will be a difficult season coming up, but like others have stated, it is just a season. Your hard work on preparing, while disappointing, won't be in vain. You'll just be doing it a few months later! I agree that at your kids ages, I would put the idea out of my mind that they are 'behind' on science and history. I know you said money is tight, but if you wanted to continue with SOTW, the audio files are available for download. I much prefer them to reading aloud myself. Due to your poor library options, I would get lots of free audiobooks from the sites mentioned above. Maybe get splash math for them to use for math facts, or use flash cards from bed. I would really encourage you to just let yourself have this season without guilt. Remember that your other DC are fine educationally, while you take care of the newest child (and yourself!)

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So, I live in South Africa, we're having winter now, no summer break yet. My husband can't take time off work, he's paid by the hour and with the additional cost of this pregnancy, we need every penny (we don't have decent government health care so our pvt care costs a fortune,trust me you do not want to be in a gvt hospital here in South Africa).


Being a third world country, our libraries are... Pathetic. The books are super old and falling apart and libraries few and far between...


We've also just had a mini 3 week break in may, because we were moving, before I knew about the previa. We're already working through holidays for science and sotw because we're about 6 months behind (long story)...


I wondered why you acted like you had no summer break. I am also following SA's calendar; we are missionaries in Limpopo (Elim). Where are you? If you were close enough, I would gladly share books for this season with you. But I'm guessing you are in Gauteng or the Cape. Your situation is much harder than what it would be in the States...I agree about the libraries and health care.


But still, be careful about the previa, and don't worry about being "behind." You know you are probably already way "ahead" of what the kids in the schools here, whether private or government, are doing. Right now the schools are having winter break for at least 4-5 weeks. You already took 3. So take a few more! So what? You don't have to report anywhere. (Do you?) If you have to catch up in December and January, you can. Let it go for a while.


Or if that doesn't work, go back to reading it all in bed--unless that's more stressful. Like I said before, drop the AAS and even FLL, the science and history projects or whatever is stressing you. Do you have a maid to take care of your housework? Do you have someone you trust that you could hire to come in and help watch your kids for a while? Labor is so cheap here, but I don't know if you have anyone you could trust for that. It might be more stressful to have to teach someone your expectations from the bed than to just handle it yourself. I hope you can get some help! I know how it feels, though; I have no help either, being across the ocean from my family.


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I wondered why you acted like you had no summer break. I am also following SA's calendar; we are missionaries in Limpopo (Elim). Where are you? If you were close enough, I would gladly share books for this season with you. But I'm guessing you are in Gauteng or the Cape. Your situation is much harder than what it would be in the States...I agree about the libraries and health care.


But still, be careful about the previa, and don't worry about being "behind." You know you are probably already way "ahead" of what the kids in the schools here, whether private or government, are doing. Right now the schools are having winter break for at least 4-5 weeks. You already took 3. So take a few more! So what? You don't have to report anywhere. (Do you?) If you have to catch up in December and January, you can. Let it go for a while.


Or if that doesn't work, go back to reading it all in bed--unless that's more stressful. Like I said before, drop the AAS and even FLL, the science and history projects or whatever is stressing you. Do you have a maid to take care of your housework? Do you have someone you trust that you could hire to come in and help watch your kids for a while? Labor is so cheap here, but I don't know if you have anyone you could trust for that. It might be more stressful to have to teach someone your expectations from the bed than to just handle it yourself. I hope you can get some help! I know how it feels, though; I have no help either, being across the ocean from my family.


Yes in gauteng... No I do all the housework, I don't like having a maid in the house... It is a tough situation. I think I'm going to do what I can from under the covers and if it doesn't all get done, that's okay!


Thanks ladies for your help. Keeping baby safe and cuddling with the other 3 are way more important than a Checklist... Just needed to be reminded

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was in your shoes when I was pregnant with my now four year old. I had placenta previa and bed rest before I was twenty weeks.


Let me start by saying, your DC will be fine. You can even do SOTW with them while on bed rest. I did it, and it really helped distract me. I had dh pick their reading books up at the library. The kids would even read them out loud to me. It made them feel like they were helping mommy out and taking care of baby, as well. Depending on their age, they can do math semi independantly or you could do flash cards. Things will slow down and even be slow once your baby arrives, but you CAN catch up. Once I was back in the saddle, I had my dc double up on short lessons, and even did a semi year around. We ditched science(aside from reading books, NOVA, Discovery channel). The kids were fine. The oldest two actually entered charter schools this past year, so three years later. One entered seventh and did very well over all. He really blew his science teacher away. The other entered ninth, and ended up being the go to guy for anything History. Both their teachers kept asking them how they knew so much on certain History topics (not studied in ps earlier grades). One teacher even called and asked me about it.


All this to say, documentaries and books (audio and written) are your friends. Use them. It will relieve some of your stress about those two subjects and allow you to rest. I know you said the libraries in South Africa aren't great, but the is ambleside online, project Gutenberg, and Librivox. I relied heavily on these.


Good luck!

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It's not my fave thing, but it fulfilled a need when I was down and out with our Miracle Baby.  Put your beautiful plans on the shelf. They will be there when you are well with babe in arms. It will feel good to pull them off the shelf at that point.


Only do what is a pleasure to pass the time. Not only is it a stress on you to continue with school right now, but there is additional stress on your kids who now need to do more for themselves and for each other. This can be a very good thing. Just enjoy each other.


Magic School Bus and Liberty's Kids.  Wild Kratz.  Electric Company.  Now is the time to utilize video learning. You can find school house rocks on Youtube...Shakespeare plays in kid-friendly puppet form...the old American Tall Tales...all SORTS of quality videos.  

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Hope you get the rest that you need and that your baby is soon healthy in your arms:)


One thought: others have recommended great sites for free books to download classics and older books, but whenever whenever I hear that people with young children do not have access to decent libraries I always think of Wegivebooks.org

It is a website run by Pearson and the Penguin group. Thousands of children's books available to be read, for free, online. You set up a free account, but just about any new or popular children's book can be found there. Both fiction and non-fiction.

The coolest thing (besides free books!) is that everytime your child reads one on the site, or you read one to them, a copy of that book is donated to charity. Very cool.

If you have a laptop in bed you would have enough books to keep busy for months:)


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I thought I would post a quick update. My doctor has not discharged me from hospital and doesn't plan to. I've been here for nearly 3 weeks, 7 to go. He is trying to push the pregnancy to 36 weeks, he's pretty confident we'll make it. I carried on with the 3rs while lying here, but the kids are taking major strain. Back and forth for hospital visits and school, mommy not at home, it's just too much. My hubby and I have decided the kids just need special time with me in hospital and school isn't it. We're going to carry on with math and I'll be reading to them and spending our precious hours cuddling on my bed.


Thank you to those who have and are praying,thank you for all the advice! It took a while but Christ.has reminded me of the true need in my children, and it's not sticking to a regimen

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