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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I've been on a hiatus for about a week because of awful pregnancy related nausea and exhaustion.  Today I'm tackling a 3 hour drive and a homeschool conference. Hoping this nausea stays away but I'm not holding my breath for that one. Have a great weekend everyone

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OT for the big boy - DONE

Nap - DONE

Laundry - DOING

File papers - DONE

Put away newborn clothes and take out 3m clothes - DONE

Put away most of the maternity clothes and take out most of my normal clothes - DONE


Baby girl is six weeks old today!

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Good morning!


I am up to drop girls off to practice and then grocery shop while they are there. I think I have some kids coming over today...but I am not sure. 


Other things to do:

gradual clean up of house and yard

take stock of paper plates, forks, etc.

list for costco

maybe stop and get ham

some sports and school stuff


Have a great day!

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- dishes- done

- tidy house- done

- transfer photos from Dh's old phone to the laptop- we sold his old phone to a coworker of his she's picking it up around 1- done

- laundry- in dryer

- food drive thingy- done

- dd1 has a friend staying the weekend :) she's being dropped off this afternoon- friend here

- dinner- dh is getting pizza

- bedtime routine

- finish sight word cards?

- summer school planning?

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Good morning everyone!

Hi Tress, good to hear from you!

hjffkj I hope you feel better soon!


Going to pick up youngest's new meds at CVS this morning, she didn't respond at all to the first month of meds for Lyme, in fact, she has gotten worse.  So we are thinking co-infections.  Long appointment yesterday with her at the Dr.  Got baseline EKG and some other workups to monitor, some of the new drugs can be tricky.  Found a backdoor kind of test for the co-infections while I did research last night so I am running those down to see if Dr. wants to run them.


Going to pick up a friend for an overnight for youngest, may or may not be picking up eldest's boyfriend. 


Need to figure out dinner.

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hjffkj, hope you can enjoy yourself at the conference!

Lizzie, so sorry to hear about med not working for your dd:(  Hope she responds well to the new ones.


It's a beautiful Friday morning! Cool and breezy, ahhhhhhh!;)


Weeded the flower beds last evening; after all that rain yesterday it was easy


Major project: Kitchen windows

Mop Kitchen floor

Laundry- 2 loads

Boys will finish math and latin so need to make up our School Lite summer schedule

If books come in the mail I can start working on geography course for next year, poolside!;)


Dinner: Grilled Salmon burgers; mac and cheese; peas


Have a great day!!

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Good Morning Girlfriends!

Tress, good to hear from you again!

Kristi, take it easy!



** work on VBS stuff

** continue with the somehow unending job of cleaning the school room

** watch World Cup

** DS's last guitar lesson for the summer

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its a day without dance class!!!  one of the first in months.... (performance tomorrow)



laundry - one load put away, one load washed and hung up.  to go: dance things for tomorrow

dishes - one load put away.  to go: loading

bed - made :)


tidying.... sigh.... trying to decide between 5-15 minutes in each room, or a concerted push in one or two rooms....


feed baby chick and adult chickens

clean out car

clean out purse


homeschooling summer school

music lessons

music practice


finish enrolling on line classes for next year

reply to emails from teachers for next year.


PT for me


and maybe a trader joe's run


time will tell ;)


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Good afternoon! 


Tress-great to "see" you here!


Hjffjk-hoping you feel better and enjoy the conference.


Lizzie--I'm so sorry and praying for you to get to the bottom of this and find things which will work. 


Jean--praying for you to have a good day.



Already done:


took dd to get her haircut

went by the hospital to see if my best friend was there with her dad (He has some type of dementia that is progressing scary fast.)

got dd a Starbucks coffee and bought some deli salads I love at Kroger

paid power bill


To Do:


Dh and I are going to tackle cleaning out our bedroom


no other specific plans, will see what the wind brings




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Hi Tress...I was wondering about you and we miss you!  Please check in when you can. 


Happy Friday and TGIF!


  • quick tidy of the house--Deep cleaned instead.  I was up really early and it's now 1 and everything is done! 
  • music lessons--Leaving at 1:45 to drop him off for lessons 
  • school--Done except giving the SAT Voc Quiz...I'll do that on the way to music.
  • Costco and WM for supplies for the weekend.--Doing this while he's in lessons --multi-tasking at it's best 

Hope everyone has a great day!


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Drum roll please.........(rat-a-tat-tat)....: I made a phone call to a VBS volunteer. Of course, I had to leave a message, but still.... I did it. If that's all I accomplish today, I'll be feeling good. I hate making phone calls to people I know. I don't mind scheduling appointments and such, but actual phone calls.... Ugh!

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Morning, or mid-morning, all!


I spent yesterday with my mom and we had a great day. 




downstairs bathroom

vacuuming, dusting

family room pick up

dining room pick up



To do:

coffee, better late than never

try and make contact for ds's online classes

pay bills, work on budget

find solar lights I bought at Target and put them in front yard

read, read, read

pizza for dinner


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It's 3:30...I'm done with everything!!  :hurray: It feels so good to be caught up!  It's also pizza night and I don't have to cook! :thumbup:  :party:


The kids have gone to Starbucks and are bringing me back a slice of lemon pound cake--I'm going to enjoy it with a cup of coffee and watch tv.  



Hope your smoking through your Friday list!  :thumbup1:

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:grouphug: Jean  :grouphug:  I'm so sorry:( Will you be able to get some down-time today? Hope so.

I hope so.  I was late to PT this morning but got in a good workout.  Now I'm exhausted.  I get dh out the door to work in 1 1/2 hours and then I can rest!  (Not that he needs me the entire time before then but there are little things like making his work sandwich and making sure he has clean socks and scrubs.)

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Lunch was leftovers for them and quinoa salad for me.


A movie came in the mail that dh wanted to watch and send back out (Parkland), so he watched that this afternoon.


We've started on our room and done quite a bit.


We're taking a break and watching a Lost episode.



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I totally forgot to put what I tackled while dh watched the movie. I started going through some of ds' books for next year and doing preliminary plans. 


Dinner was pizza and salad for them. I ate salad and some corn, black bean salad I got at Krogers.


Dh and I have been doing more in the room. He has a bookcase in the room he is working on now. I've gone through everything in here that is mine. We still need to do a deep cleaning, though.





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