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Fun/inexpensive Bible curriculum for pre-K to 1st grader?


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Can anyone recommend? I'm not really sure what I want. Just something to that teaches Bible and Christian beliefs in a way my little ones can grasp. Every children's Bible I own just seems way over their heads, even the baby ones. Like... I feel they're full of all the Old Testament stories, but no real explanation on a child's level. I also want something that focuses a lot on the New Testament, I think.


I don't know really. This is new ground for me. My parents pretty much left most of my religious education up to Sunday school teachers...

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Not an actual curricula, but you might check into The Mailbox Club. It's lessons by mail, and they have lessons for pre-k through adult. Very nice short lessons for kids, geared towards the age group.


It's also free :)

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Jesus Storybook Bible. Ties every story to Jesus and never fails to make me choke up while reading it. 

Ditto on this book.  It's awesome.  We just start reading at the beginning, and when we're done we start over.  My kids love it.  Now my girls read their own copy at night.  We also have it on audio (got a book/CD set on Christian books for under $12.)  So, all that to say, we just read a Bible at this age. 

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Jesus Storybook Bible--NOT a fan here.  The stories didn't flow well for us--


I do like--Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes (for maybe 3 and 4 year olds) and the Rod and Staff Bible Stories to Read (and accompanying coloring book--prob for 5-6 year olds).  Those are the faves we have repeated for all of the boys.






We went through that Rod and Staff book 2 times with my older boys; I already bought an extra coloring book for DS3 as we go through it now--because he'll probably want to do it again: :)


Also like this "101 FAvorite Stories from the Bible" when they are 5 or 6--



if you want a true "curriculum", we are really happy with Christian LIght Bible--I only started using it with the Grade 3 material, but it starts in 1st grade--




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We were considering Bible Beginnings from the Explorer's Bible Study for my preschooler, but we went with God's Great Covenant with my older son and decided just to cover some of the stories with him.  I have also been looking at Big Truths for Little Kids.  We like the picture Bible from the American Bible Society, and if you can find Arch books, they are great little rhyming stories.    




I also found some good resources on pinterest.  For instance, you could do memory verses tied to the ABC's.  


Also, a friend of mine just referred me to these music cd's that sing Bible verses.  Each comes with two cd's so you have one to give away too.  http://www.seedsmusicstore.com/


Hope this helps!

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There is actually curriculum to go with The Jesus Storybook Bible too. On their website and free, I think. Love, love the audiobook with David Suchet!


We also have enjoyed The Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm. Keeps the big picture in view.

We have used Sally Michael's devotional books too and found them a good springboard for discussion and understanding. we especially liked the one on God's Names.

Perhaps too young for your kids, but we like Ella Lindvall's Read Aloud Bible Story books, 4 volumes.



We have mostly just read a Bible story or passage from either the Catherine Vos Child's Story Bible or an ESV and then explained it and talked about it.

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I am using CLE bible 100 series for my rising pk5-er and 1st grader next year. Each "lesson" has a bible story in simple but accurate telling, and then a page next to it with a coloring or simple activity. We will do one lesson a day and I will read my children the corresponding bible passage from my NIV bible during lunch. My husband does short devotionals with the kids 5/7 nights before bed. I think CLE is simple and attractive to kids. It is also very cheap.


You can find it on their website in the Bible section.


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We really like Telling God's Story.  There is a parent "guide" to read first that details the vision of what the whole series will eventually cover and why they are creating it the way they are.  Maybe check it out from the library to see if it is what you are looking for before committing to the curriculum.

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I have read many children's bibles to my dc when they were younger but most failed to even keep their attention at that age.I then found the Jesus Storybook bible.It was on sail fir just $8 .They loved it.It is the best bible for young kids that I have found.Oh, I am now moving on to CLE bible.

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Jesus Storybook Bible! I love reading it to kids or listening to the audio CDs. You can purchase the DVD curriculum or look up clips on YouTube. My kids love this bible and reading it as an adult helped me understand the Old Testament better than I ever have.

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