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Book a Week in 2014 - BW21

Robin M

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I have been off politicking again. One of my local causes sent me to DC last month and Raleigh this week to meet with elected officials. This is new ground for me and I really love doing it. (Which only goes to show that I truly am a wackadoo!)



You go, girl!!

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Awww. No Fig Eater-ish discussion? :p :D


:coolgleamA: I may PM you.




I LOVE seeing everyone's pictures! Such lovely friends! And shukriyya, loved the story about your shoes. (You did some worldbuilding, there - I was totally transported to that moment in time with you!)

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Okay, ladies, my shy self is coming out of hiding. Ds took this last year...


 You look just like I would expect a poetry lover to look.


Yes. I am half expecting you to now tell us that you are a distinguished, published, Pulitzer prize winner. You are beautiful and there is depth in those eyes! I want to come share some scones and a cup of tea with you and hear about your life adventures.

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I got a visit from my favorite person today...Mr. UPS Man!


Pam, I got The Mapmaker's Wife in....I rarely buy books for myself like this, but since I couldn't get it from the library and it sounded so intriguing, I just couldn't resist! The cover has that feel...it's so soft and beautiful. :drool5:  Only another bibliophile could understand that statement. :lol:


Also, thanks to shukriyya's other thread about fairy tales, I had to buy two of my favorites to share with my kids - The Firebird and The Snow Queen. I love a beautifully illustrated books and neither of these disappoint.



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I don't post in the Book a Week threads but when I saw Mary Stewart's name, I had to open it up.  Coincidentally, I've been reading Mary Stewart recently - Airs Above Ground, Madam, Will You Talk?, Rose Cottage, and The Stormy Petrel.  I remember when I first found Mary Stewart on the library shelf in my junior high along with Phyllis Whitney, Victoria Holt, and Daphne du Maurier.   I think it's time to reread her Merlin trilogy.  

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I hate to disappoint some of you, but owl-like I am not.  I'm really the cunning vixen!


...And when I say that I live "on the edge", I do.




Jane, you look just like I imagined you, full of fun and confidence.


Yes. I am half expecting you to now tell us that you are a distinguished, published, Pulitzer prize winner. You are beautiful and there is depth in those eyes! I want to come share some scones and a cup of tea with you and hear about your life adventures.


Phoenix, your words are so generous, thank you. And yes, come on over any time for scones, tea and the ubiquitous chocolate. And bring the rest of the BaWers, too. We've got a fab space that could hold a crowd!


Here I am with my 2 homeschool grads. The Disney tech guy is on the left and the tall geology major is in the middle.  



Aww, what a wonderful pic. Everyone is shining so brightly.


I got a visit from my favorite person today...Mr. UPS Man!


Pam, I got The Mapmaker's Wife in....I rarely buy books for myself like this, but since I couldn't get it from the library and it sounded so intriguing, I just couldn't resist! The cover has that feel...it's so soft and beautiful. :drool5:  Only another bibliophile could understand that statement. :lol:


Also, thanks to shukriyya's other thread about fairy tales, I had to buy two of my favorites to share with my kids - The Firebird and The Snow Queen. I love a beautifully illustrated books and neither of these disappoint.




Phoenix, I love that Gennady Spirin, Firebird. His paintings are so other-worldly. I can't quite make out whose 'Snow Queen' that is. It's one of ds's favorite fairy tales so I'm on the lookout for a lovely illustrated version of it but have yet to find something that quite meets his standards ;)


Everyone who's posted pics and those with pic avatars, y'all are just lovely! And the rest of the tribe who'd rather stay in the realms of the imagination, well I know that you are just as sparkly, too :D

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Phoenix, I that love Gennady Spirin, Firebird. His paintings are so other-worldly. I can't quite make out whose 'Snow Queen' that is. It's one of ds's favorite fairy tales so I'm on the lookout for a lovely illustrated version of it but have yet to find something that quite meets his standards ;)




Here is the one I purchased, illustrated by Bagram Ibatoulline.  My absolute FAVORITE illustrators for children's books are K.Y. Craft and Scott Gustafson.  I will say I'm satisfied with the Snow Queen, but it isn't as lush as my favorite books. The Amazon preview gives a decent sampling. (As far as story goes, I wasn't brought up on real fairytales, so I can't say for certain how watered down this rendition is?)


ETA: I just read in the description that it is abridged, so your son may not like the story...

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Here is the one I purchased, illustrated by Bagram Ibatoulline. My absolute FAVORITE illustrators for children's books are K.Y. Craft and Scott Gustafson. I will say I'm satisfied with the Snow Queen, but it isn't as lush as my favorite books. The Amazon preview gives a decent sampling. (As far as story goes, I wasn't brought up on real fairytales, so I can't say for certain how watered down this rendition is?)


ETA: I just read in the description that it is abridged, so your son may not like the story...

Thanks for the link and info. I imagine most illustrated versions would be abridged as it's a fairly long story.


And yes to Kuniko Craft!! We've got several of her books and they are so beautifully detailed. I'm posting from my phone but I've bookmarked a site that I'll come back and link when I'm at the computer. I've been spending a lot of time there just musing on her paintings, so rich in detail and ephemera are they.

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Oh, I am loving all of these pictures!   Y'all are beautiful  just as you seem through your posts.  Thank you for sharing  them.


Stacia,  thank you for the Beverly Cleary link.  My kids and I are big Beverly Cleary fans and we enjoyed reading all about her.


Shukriyya, those pictures above are beautiful,  quite fairy-like.


I finished  Her Majesty's  Spy  by Susan Elia MacNeal.  It was okay.  This is the third in the Maggie Hope series.  I have read the previous two already this year and I think I need a break for awhile.


I am now reading  The Cuckoo's  Calling  by Robert Galbraith  aka J.K.Rowling.  I just started it  but already it  feels   like the author  is just trying too hard. 



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And Only To Deceive was just added to my Kindle list. I can't help it, it sounds great and for only $1.99? Who can pass that up?!


I'll finish up The Orphan Train tonight and I am loving it. I was worried that I'd be a little sensitive with it seeing that our foster son went home three weeks ago. As much as it makes me want to pick him up and love on him, the story is delightful and makes me want to continue to foster so it's a win/win.


Ack, that picture was too huge. Need to resize. LOL

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You gals are all so pretty.  And you look nothing like I thought you would.   :lol:   


I don't have lots of pictures of just me but here's one of me and my family at a friend's wedding a few weeks ago.  Normally I've got glasses on but they got left at home.  You can't tell in this picture but I'm standing on a step.  DH is a lot taller than me and DD is almost as tall as me.  I still tower over DS at least.  




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The above is the cover for a fantasy novel by Patricia McKillip called, The Bard of Bone Plain
And this one, of course, is from 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'...
And then there's this simply entitled, 'Luna'


More of Kuniko Craft's work can be found here and here.



So lovely.  I want to visit all those places!

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I have joined what appears to be popular opinion here and have given up on Wolf Hall.  It sounded like the perfect 16th century read but just was not enjoying it.  I just read the reviews on goodreads and couldn't find a positive one.  Can't figure out how it won the Booker?


I moved on to a series by SJ Parris  that I know I enjoy and am much happier. http://www.theguardian.com/books/2011/sep/04/prophecy-sj-parris-review. This series is billed as Elizabethan Thrillers and that is probably accurate.  I am 15% in and lots of intrigue has already happened,  definitely not the slow build up of many books.  The main character is an excommunicated monk who seems to be spying for all sides but really is just concerned with his own scientific interests.  Fun!  :)  

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I finished Girl in Hyacinth Blue. It finally came together for me when I realized the pattern of the stories. I would give it a solid 3 1/2, above average and engaging, but not quite  heading into the excellent zone. I'll probably be reading more in Creative Mythology before I start another fiction book.

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Mumto2, what a sweet picture of your shining self with your dh. You look as sunny as I imagined you :D


I finished 'The Sekhmet Bed' a couple of days ago and am onto the second book in the series, 'The Crook and the Flail'. This one focuses on the rise to power of Hatshepsut, beginning with her early teens and going from there. We were introduced to her in the first book and spent some of her early childhood with her. She was raised as a boy, so strong and fierce was her manifestation. Her mother had a vision that she had the souls of eight males and one female. This interweaving of vision, of ritual, of the role the gods and goddesses occupy in day to day life so seamlessly into the story is an aspect I'm really enjoying.

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How fun it has been to see everyone's photos!  It reminded me to compile the post card exchange list now that I have a little more free time, and it should get sent out this morning (MY morning, pacific daylight time...)  via pm.  It isn't too late to join if you'd like to receive literary or just pretty postcards.


I'll send out the book/package exchange list by the weekend.  

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Mom-ninja, you look properly ninja-like in a very feminine way :D A lovely pic, and puppy is a cutie, too. A chocolate lab?


Yes, he's chocolate. My favorite food and my favorite dog! :lol:


We're working on leash manners cause right now when I try to run with him, he takes off and I end up sprinting a wee bit faster than I'd like.


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I just got back from a trip.  My dad was admitted to the hospital last week for PE and I drove up.  It's a bit over an 8 hour drive, so I downloaded a audio book for the trip.  I listened to, A Tale for Time Being, by Ruth Ozeki.  The book was amazing, just amazing. It's the kind of book that sucks you in and you lose yourself completely in it.  The characters were so well developed, and the story just carries you along.  I've been reading, Winter of the World, by Ken Follett, and I have less than 200 pages to go.  The difference between these books is stark.  His characters are 2 dementional, the plot is forced, and history reduced and simplified.  It's still a fun soap opera read, but I will have no trouble waiting for the next book in the series to make it to the library.  


And here's a picture and me and my dh while hiking. I can't figure out how to make it smaller.



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This was an intriguing typo -- I now have a vision of two dimensional characters who are demented.





That's where my mind went, too :lol:


Kim, your pic is wonderful. Such joy streaming off both of you with the trees shedding their own green delight in the background and the water and sky bearing witness to it all. So sorry to hear about your father :grouphug:

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I have a Ken Follet book on my shelf. I've never read him before so I'm not sure what to expect.



The first book was fun. It was a fast read and I enjoyed it, but now I'm getting annoyed with how over-simplified everything and everybody is.  I'm also feeling like this book is even more preachy than the first.  I lean left myself, but this guy wants to make sure that the reader knows that everybody on the left is a saint and everyone center or on the right is evil.  It's getting boring. 

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The first book was fun. It was a fast read and I enjoyed it, but now I'm getting annoyed with how over-simplified everything and everybody is.  I'm also feeling like this book is even more preachy than the first.  I lean left myself, but this guy wants to make sure that the reader knows that everybody on the left is a saint and everyone center or on the right is evil.  It's getting boring. 


:lol: of course, I just over-simplified it myself............The guy does think Stalin is bad..........

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How fun it has been to see everyone's photos!  It reminded me to compile the post card exchange list now that I have a little more free time, and it should get sent out this morning (MY morning, pacific daylight time...)  via pm.  It isn't too late to join if you'd like to receive literary or just pretty postcards.


I'll send out the book/package exchange list by the weekend.  


About the postcard exchange - it is okay if it's just regular postcards? I am not in an area with a bunch of literary ties.

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So today was a very successful day I finished 2 books.

Han Cristian Anderson Fairy Tales This was fun..I enjoyed reading some of the classic fairy tales and get introduced to so new ones I hadn't read or heard before.



Dancing in the Low Country by James Villas  AWFUL!  I hated this book!  It was so biased and just not my cup of tea and just awful!!  I will never ever read this again.


Up next:

Spinning Forward by Terri DuLong


Secrets of the Heart by JoAnn Jolley


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The Orphan Train was great. Broke my heart and made me happy all at the same time which is a wonderful quality in a book. Plus, it's always a win when the author can make me actually want to punch a character in the face... ;)


Started reading Amanda Blake Soule's The Creative Family. Apparently she's a blog writer and my friend sent me home with two of her books saying that I'd love her because she's a hippie mama like I am. We'll see about that!


I can't figure out how to resize my picture without it being all grainy. *pout* C'est la vie! I'm loving seeing what everyone looks like. This was a great idea. 

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So today was a very successful day I finished 2 books.

Han Cristian Anderson Fairy Tales This was fun..I enjoyed reading some of the classic fairy tales and get introduced to so new ones I hadn't read or heard before.


I think I need to do this, reread a bunch of them. DD has had a sudden interest in them, as have I.

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The above is the cover for a fantasy novel by Patricia McKillip called, The Bard of Bone Plain
And this one, of course, is from 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'...

Thank you - these are absolutely gorgeous.  Reminds me of Josephine Wall  whose artwork  I love as well.







Loving the pictures, you all are all so cute, beautiful, adorable, etc.  



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I think I need to do this, reread a bunch of them. DD has had a sudden interest in them, as have I.

It must be in the air. I downloaded the free kindle versions of Lang's Blue Fairy book and Red Fairy book. I reread The Twelve Dancing Princesses today along with Bluebeard and The Snow Queen. I'd forgotten how much I love TTDP!

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Started reading Amanda Blake Soule's The Creative Family. Apparently she's a blog writer and my friend sent me home with two of her books saying that I'd love her because she's a hippie mama like I am. We'll see about that!

I've been reading her blog for years now. She's some kind of wonderful of the super mama variety.

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Ok, since we're sharing. I have a picture of me and my new dog (got him 2 weeks ago). Yes, I dared post a pic of me in a sleeveless dress even though Amy says no one looks good in them.




My dear I have a feeling you would look good in a burlap sack!  Please forgive me for being so offensive.  I meant strapless and mis-spoke and I have the horrible problem of blurting out what I think and not realizing that I'm making an ass of myself.   :blushing:

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I agree about strapless dresses, Amy!


I am keeping a sweet foster baby today who is two months old. I cannot even express how lovely it is to snuggle this sweet one and listen to the same folk songs that I used to listen to when my 2.5 year old was a newborn. I keep tearing up because it's just so wonderful. *laughs* I may be slightly hormonal. ;)


So far The Creative Family book has made me want to be, well, creative. I think we'll bust out the modeling clay and the cool idea books that I bought go with it. Funny, my 4 year old just came up from the playroom and asked to do art right now so I guess I should sign off here and get it out.

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I'm not a fan of strapless either. I always feel like it's about to fall down.


One of my guilty pleasures is watching "Say Yes to the Dress" and I'm always amazed that when a bride says she wants straps or sleeves she is told it significantly reduces her options. they usually try to talk her into trying strapless dresses.


My wedding dress had short sleeves. :)


It was like 2 sizes too big though. I became very very ill a month before the wedding and I lost 20 lbs. By the time I was healthy it was too late to alter the dress. Even the corset for underneath was huge on me. I keep telling dh he needs to marry me again so I can have a dress that actually fits.



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I'm still having computer woes.  With my laptop fritzing I have to use either the big desktop or dd's old laptop with the broken screen.  


I'm so glad that you all have shared pics!  Consider them all liked.  I love it that some of you look like I pictured and others I was not even close  :laugh:


Though my avatar is my pic (well, the one with the orange cardi is updated, this computer has the older, fatter me :lol: so I don't know what you'll see), when and if I can, I will post a pic with my gorgeous girls.  I love see your kiddo's, too!


And Jenn, we have no decision on moving yet so we are good at that addy for at least a couple months!

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There is a famous Agatha Christie quote that my son rattled off to me:


An archaeologist is the best husband any woman can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her.

Turns out that Christie was married to an archaeologist.  When a friend recently read They Came to Baghdad and wondered aloud if the archaeological dig was painted accurately, I told her that I suspected it was.  But her comment inspired me in part to read this Christie spy thriller.  Yeah, it is a bit dated and is unlike the usual Christie.  In fact, I would say that it has more in common with Mary Stewart:  strong willed girl, exotic location, dubious shenanigans, a romantic interest.  Light weight sort of read--a fine distraction.


Hmmm...maybe I should get caught up with HoAW.


First I will complain about the heat because it is what we do in the summer. I was ill prepared for the 90+ degree temperatures yesterday.  At least it is only 85 at the moment.

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