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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

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Good morning, everyone!


I'm nursing a sore throat after a serious choking episode last night. I was swallowing a vitamin c, and it didn't go down all the way. I was going to try and cough it back out and ended up making it worse. I really thought I was going to choke. Dh tried to do the heimlich, but I tried bending so my head was all the way down to the floor and that moved it into my mouth. It was so scary.


On to today, though.


breakfast and lunch for dh



To Do:

computer time and more coffee

breakfast for the rest of us

school with ds: Awana, history, science, grammar, math

school with dd: Bible, Chemistry, Alg 2, Lit, History 



tidy house

go to tea at friend's house

take ds to first swim team meeting/practice 

go to homeschool group's mom meeting (last of the year)


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Go through all the clothes and see what doesn't fit any more.

See if I can alter what doesn't fit.

Get rid of what I can't alter.

Try to get the smell out of the carpet in the bedroom.

Vacuum bedroom.

Put clean covers on furniture instead of leaving them rolled up in a ball.

Put in a load of laundry.

Clean the sink surfaces.

Put clean bags in garbage cans.

Dust family room.

Empty closets in child's bedroom.

Clean them.



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Good morning :)


Today looks to be nicely sunny!

--school (last week for her online English class)

--move potted plants around on the deck

--sweep deck

--clean up raspberry bed

--plant additional raspberries

--switch around dinner plans for the week

--weekly to-do list

--weed in front


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Amy, so glad that you are okay, that must have been scary! We have 12 more days of school so I'm hoping to add in several field trips and have two 6 day school weeks and be done by Memorial Day, we'll see how that goes. 




Check cleaning schedule (I've taken off the last three days so might have to double up on some things)


school, naturally


boys have practice for piano recital at teacher's home, dh and I will probably hit Home Depot (again!)




That's enough for one day!

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Good morning everyone!

Ouch Amy!  Hope that settles down for you. 


It is such a beautiful day outside today!


Thankful another stupid Hallmark day is over.  I lower my expectations constantly and they still manage to lower the bar.  I don't want to resent being Mom, I love being Mom, even when it's thankless.  So today, I am happy again, no expectations makes it so much nicer.


Need to refill prescriptions and pill boxes and call the Lyme Dr.'s office.  Our other Dr. is closed on Mondays so I have a list for her tomorrow.

Waiting for the call to tell us what time surgery will be on Thursday.


It is my bff's birthday and we are going to see the new Spiderman together this afternoon.  So I need to throw something in the crockpot for dinner.


B12 shot


morning chores are done already


School with youngest


some more decluttering and help eldest clean her room so it is nicer to be in, plus, outlaws coming this weekend and they usually stay in her room.

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Good Morning...


Amy...that's scary!  I hope your throat feels better today. 


Lizzie--I know what you mean.  I sent my mother flowers and they were delivered Friday...still not a word from her.  I'm so done with my family and all the drama they have created.



  • exercise-I still have a rotten cold, but I feel so much anger it will probably do me good to exercise really hard
  • a nap--because family drama exhaust me.
  • tidy house--vacuum first floor
  • cook dinner --fried rice and spring rolls
  • read 
  • go to be early 


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Leftover oatmeal and water for chickens

Rehearse w/kids

Clean room

Arrange Me and My Cello bass part
Give lesson
Go through boys' clothes boxes
Set out donation clothes
Practice Irlandaise
Collect music to turn in
Get instruments together
Find ds's dress clothes
Dress for banquet

Lunch - leftover hot dogs, beans, and chips
Dinner - banquet


(This should not be a stressful day for me, but I have this constant vague sense of panic in the back of my mind because ds has a major senior project due tomorrow, and the presentation involves acting and singing and he's not done with it yet!  Please, for the love of Pete, get the arrangement done so your actors can actually learn their parts!  Were we discussing slow moving teens?  When ds is crunched for time he goes into slow motion mode.  I don't understand it, but it makes me crazy!)

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Not sure I will be home long enough to tackle much.  We have doctor's appointments and errands.


But my goal for the week is to:  clean out and arrange middle son's bedroom.  It is long overdue.


His room currently has all my old clothing in it and my dresser and the sewing machine.  He moved in about 10 months ago now and I never got the *stuff* out of it.  I would like to have him have his own space and the storage and sewing stuff out.  It is a huge undertaking though and I just haven't done it yet.



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Sorry about your mom, Tammy. Amy, how scary! I am glad you are okay.


It snowed all day yesterday and all night. We got over 5 inches.  Today is a regular day. School has started for most everyone, though I think ds2 is waking slowly. Teenage boys....


dd2 will be confirmed tonight, So, she has to miss practice, and the rest of us will rush to meet her and dh.


The kids cleaned the downstairs yesterday, so that is done for today. I have some laundry and my study to pick up, maybe run to the bank if I have time. I have a few annoying things still to do: course descriptions, pay some bills, laundry.


Have a great day!

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Amy -- hope your throat feels better today.  That is scary


jhschool -- don't know what smell in the carpet you have but have you sprinkled baking soda and let it sit for several hours then vacuum.  Sometimes that will help with carpet smells


I love this thread.  Not only the encouragement but also reading other lists reminds me of things I need to do but forgot.


laundry - the never ending pile

pick up all over - looks like the house exploded

meal planning


ball for ds


go through clothes

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Thanks for the well wishes! My throat is feeling better. Yes, it was very scary! 


Dd got good news from her auditions last week. The youth production this summer is Alice in Wonderland, and she got the roles of the Cheshire Cat and the White Queen. 


I took the time to watch the OUAT finale...Wow!!! 


I need to go get the load of laundry out of the dryer and start some towels washing.


Praying for Rosie and hoping she is okay



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I will not be tackling Monday!! Its 1:30 and I've done nothing but lie in bed because of a bad stomach ache!  I think I'm going to do the bare minimum today land just try to keep the kids entertained until dh gets home at 6:30.

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Good Morning...


Amy...that's scary!  I hope your throat feels better today. 


Lizzie--I know what you mean.  I sent my mother flowers and they were delivered Friday...still not a word from her.  I'm so done with my family and all the drama they have created.



  • exercise-I still have a rotten cold, but I feel so much anger it will probably do me good to exercise really hardDone
  • a nap--because family drama exhaust me. Having coffee instead :)
  • tidy house--vacuum first floorDone
  • cook dinner --fried rice and spring rolls
  • read Done
  • go to bed early 



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Yikes, Amy! And hugs to everyone who had a crappy Mother's Day. :(


It's a little late but......



- Water the garden

- Breakfast

- Unload/load dishwasher

- Start a load of laundry

- Tidy up the master bath

- Scoop the litter box (blech)

- Lunch


To Do:

- Clean the living room

- Finish school (Ds is having an attitude today, so he was sent to his room for a while)

- Dinnner & Clean-up

- Nightly walk


I think that everything. ;)

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Still feeling like crap and my oldest is now making it worse because he's so restless that everything he does is bothering someone else!! To top it off my youngest has whatever I have he's been grumpy all day and I've already changed 5 loopy diapers. Days like these are days I hate using cloth diaper. Dh should be home in an hour and then I'll be off the hook for the night. Take out for dinner because I don't want to touch food and possibly contaminate it and I forgot to pull meat out of the freezer for dh to make.

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