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Anyone else going to be moon gazing tonight?


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You can catch up on your sleep tomorrow afternoon. We tried waking up our eldest years ago for an eclipse but he snoozed right through it even though we had shuffled him outside in blankets and tried to keep him propped up. I plan to be watching and have two night owls that will be joining me.


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the last two days have been ding-dong clear.  so of course, the clouds moved in this afternoon. (GLARE!!!!!)  it never fails, if there is something to see in the sky, meteors, the auroa borealis coming very far south, lunar eclipses, stars . . . there will be clouds.


I'm doing the Griffith observatory.

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Well, it's okay if you missed it. I read online that we are going to have three more lunar eclipses visible in the U.S. within the next year and if anyone would like to chat about what specific nights they are to occur on, feel free. Having seen the one, I'm not sure I will let it keep me up or get out of bed for it.

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The one in September 2015 will be the easiest one to see since it won't be in the middle of the night. Those are always my favorites. The next two will be in the early morning- not long before sunrise. And one of those will have a very brief total phase which I like too. I think we'll have to sit on our roof to see them, but it's cool to see the moon set eclipsed.

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