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8/19 exercise check in

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Today is my quick low-mileage and strength training day. 2 miles - 17 minutes. Pretty good for me. I don't know how people keep up that pace though!!! I used to be able to run a 5K in high school in 23 minutes, so I know it's possible - just not in my post-baby body!! :lol:


I love getting up early to run. Well, actually, I don't love it when I'm lying in bed. But when I get out the door and the sun is barely up, then I love it! And, of course, I love it now that I'm sitting here sweaty and nearly done for the day!!!


Way to go Angie!!!

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Today is my quick low-mileage and strength training day. 2 miles - 17 minutes. Pretty good for me. I don't know how people keep up that pace though!!! I used to be able to run a 5K in high school in 23 minutes, so I know it's possible - just not in my post-baby body!! :lol:


I love getting up early to run. Well, actually, I don't love it when I'm lying in bed. But when I get out the door and the sun is barely up, then I love it! And, of course, I love it now that I'm sitting here sweaty and nearly done for the day!!!


Way to go Angie!!!


Wow! Two miles in 17 minutes??? WOW! I don't think I could do that if the devil himself were chasing me and my hair was on fire! Just wow! Good for you!


I ran this morning for the first time since last Monday. It, uh......rhymes with mucked. :glare: Slow, hard (very humid), painful. Blech. I think it has more to do with my lousy eating habits over the last week or so than anything else.


The new shoes were great, except my feet hurt a little bit -- they wanted to pronate, but my shoes wouldn't let them!

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I did a quick (for me) two miles in 20 minutes. I was lazy the past two days and didn't run.


I will go to the Y to do some cross-training and weights tonight.


It has been so hard to get out of bed!! I have a 20 month old dd that has been on her second straight week of not sleeping at night. :confused: This was our daughter who slept through the night at six months (earliest of the five) and has been a wonderful sleeper up until a month ago. If I could get a solid six hours of sleep, maybe it wouldn't be so hard to get up.


I'm training for a 5k that is in about two and half weeks, so I'm trying to get my speed up. After that, I'll be doing another 5k, but I really want to try a 10k, so I will be working more on mileage. So far, the most I've run is 4 miles.

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Due to the hazy hot and humid weather I decided to do the treadmill today. I also wanted to see how long 5.3 miles(my usually outside distance) would take. It took me 78 minutes at 4.3 mph . This is better than my outside time even though I run a bit outside. So I am not keeping up my speed while walking outside which is no huge surprise. I also walked at a 3% grade and increased to at a level of 1% per lap(1/4) of a mile to a top grade of 7%. This really made for a great workout.

We are starting some school today so I have to run......

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Today is my quick low-mileage and strength training day. 2 miles - 17 minutes.


Great pace! You'll have to tell us how YOU keep it up when the time comes!:)


I love getting up early to run. Well, actually, I don't love it when I'm lying in bed. But when I get out the door and the sun is barely up, then I love it! And, of course, I love it now that I'm sitting here sweaty and nearly done for the day!!!


Yes, I love it too, although I'm tired in the morning. And, I'm like you, I really LOVE running once I'm done!:lol:


Great job, Jennifer! Pretty soon you'll be running circles around all of us!:)

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I ran this morning for the first time since last Monday. It, uh......rhymes with mucked. :glare: Slow, hard (very humid), painful. Blech. I think it has more to do with my lousy eating habits over the last week or so than anything else.


The new shoes were great, except my feet hurt a little bit -- they wanted to pronate, but my shoes wouldn't let them!


But, but, you did it DB! You accomplishated today! Good for you! :)

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I did a quick (for me) two miles in 20 minutes.

I will go to the Y to do some cross-training and weights tonight.


Great job! I love cross-training! :)


It has been so hard to get out of bed!! I have a 20 month old dd that has been on her second straight week of not sleeping at night. :confused: This was our daughter who slept through the night at six months (earliest of the five) and has been a wonderful sleeper up until a month ago. If I could get a solid six hours of sleep, maybe it wouldn't be so hard to get up.


Yes, that really affects me too. If I don't get a good nights sleep, I don't get a good run.:tongue_smilie:


I'm training for a 5k that is in about two and half weeks, so I'm trying to get my speed up. After that, I'll be doing another 5k, but I really want to try a 10k, so I will be working more on mileage. So far, the most I've run is 4 miles.


Great! Keep us posted on the 5K training. I'll be doing one for sure in November. If I can find another one before then, I want to. I'm training for a half marathon right now. :)

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Due to the hazy hot and humid weather I decided to do the treadmill today. I also wanted to see how long 5.3 miles(my usually outside distance) would take. It took me 78 minutes at 4.3 mph . This is better than my outside time even though I run a bit outside. So I am not keeping up my speed while walking outside which is no huge surprise. I also walked at a 3% grade and increased to at a level of 1% per lap(1/4) of a mile to a top grade of 7%. This really made for a great workout.

We are starting some school today so I have to run......


Great job! Yes, I'm a slow walker outside too. That is why I run! I used to be a fast walker in college, when I live in Chicago. I guess I had motivation to walk fast down there!:) It is always good to vary what we do, as not to get in a rut and to challenge ourselves! Keep it up!:)

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I love getting up early to run. Well, actually, I don't love it when I'm lying in bed. But when I get out the door and the sun is barely up, then I love it! And, of course, I love it now that I'm sitting here sweaty and nearly done for the day!!!


I love getting up early to run as well. It has been dark the last two mornings I step outside...I love it. I won't love it when it gets cold though...I am not a cold weather fan. Hurts my jaw...:confused:

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My first nice treat of the morning was seeing that the 2-1/2# I gained last week from drinking beer and eating ice cream on my birthday came off.


Went and had some blood drawn and another test done --- please pray that this is just a UTI and nothing more than that.


Then it was off to the Y for a 45 minute run on the elliptical. Didn't quite feel right so I stopped the workout mid-way through, I usually do 90 minutes.



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She mentioned last week that they were heading to the beach.:)


I'm not running until this afternoon and will probably just do a few miles, like yesterday.


Oh, yeah, I do remember her saying that now. :blush: I have a good memory, it's just really short! :blush:


Have a great run!:)

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20 minutes on the stationary bike... a bit sore from the circuit yesterday; feels nice to be getting back into an exercise routine though. :001_smile:


Hee hee, the kids wanted to exercise too- so they are doing Wii Fit this morning. :D (We just set it up yesterday).


Great job! And to the kids too!:)

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We all rock don't we? :)


I got up at 5:30 and did my two miles of walk/run in 29 minutes again. I feel like I've hit a wall with the distance I can run before I have to walk....but I'm going to keep at it.


Oh and Jennifer 2 miles in 17 minutes!!!! Awesome!!!!!


Yes, determination is a great virtue to have, Scarlett! Keep it up! :)

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My first nice treat of the morning was seeing that the 2-1/2# I gained last week from drinking beer and eating ice cream on my birthday came off.


Went and had some blood drawn and another test done --- please pray that this is just a UTI and nothing more than that.


Then it was off to the Y for a 45 minute run on the elliptical. Didn't quite feel right so I stopped the workout mid-way through, I usually do 90 minutes.




Sorry you're not feeling your best! You still did 45 minutes! Way to go! And, I love it when weight comes off!:)

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She mentioned last week that they were heading to the beach.:)


I'm not running until this afternoon and will probably just do a few miles, like yesterday.


There you be!


Would it be perfectly acceptable if my goal were to just run 3 miles a day, 5 days a week? Do I have to aim to keep going further and further and further?? Just thinking about it makes me tired :glare:

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Great job! Yes, I'm a slow walker outside too. That is why I run! I used to be a fast walker in college, when I live in Chicago. I guess I had motivation to walk fast down there!:) It is always good to vary what we do, as not to get in a rut and to challenge ourselves! Keep it up!:)


I was a very fast walker when we lived in the Chicago 'burbs. I had to take the train to work so I was always walking as fast as I could to try to make an earlier train. In the winter time, I was even faster so I could avoid frostbite! :lol:

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Today is my quick low-mileage and strength training day. 2 miles - 17 minutes. Pretty good for me. I don't know how people keep up that pace though!!! I used to be able to run a 5K in high school in 23 minutes, so I know it's possible - just not in my post-baby body!! :lol:


Wow! Aren't you the speedy one today! Way to go.

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I ran this morning for the first time since last Monday. It, uh......rhymes with mucked. :glare: Slow, hard (very humid), painful. Blech. I think it has more to do with my lousy eating habits over the last week or so than anything else.


The new shoes were great, except my feet hurt a little bit -- they wanted to pronate, but my shoes wouldn't let them!


But you did it Donna, and that's the important thing. I'm sitting here not planning on running today even though I should be so good for you for getting out there and doing it.


I hope the new shoes work out for you.

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Due to the hazy hot and humid weather I decided to do the treadmill today. I also wanted to see how long 5.3 miles(my usually outside distance) would take. It took me 78 minutes at 4.3 mph . This is better than my outside time even though I run a bit outside. So I am not keeping up my speed while walking outside which is no huge surprise. I also walked at a 3% grade and increased to at a level of 1% per lap(1/4) of a mile to a top grade of 7%. This really made for a great workout.

We are starting some school today so I have to run......


Wow, 78 minutes on the treadmill gives you the Golden Star for today!


What jumped off the screen in your post was: "we are starting some school today so I have to run"


I can no longer ignore the fact that I'm happier, energized, calmer and much more stable and even-keeled when I exercise everyday. Today, the Peachlets and I biked round-trip to tennis lessons, I served 200 balls and last night, I got a 90 minute "walk&talk" with my girlfriend.


This thread is a neat idea - great for accountability.


Keep plugging Hivers!

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Lots to catch up on now that I'm not getting the "server is too busy" message!!!


Wow! Two miles in 17 minutes??? WOW! I don't think I could do that if the devil himself were chasing me and my hair was on fire! Just wow! Good for you!


I ran this morning for the first time since last Monday. It, uh......rhymes with mucked. :glare: Slow, hard (very humid), painful. Blech. I think it has more to do with my lousy eating habits over the last week or so than anything else.


The new shoes were great, except my feet hurt a little bit -- they wanted to pronate, but my shoes wouldn't let them!


But, you got out there and did it!!! that's the most important thing. How are your feet now?


You know, a few months ago, I never could've run that fast. I'm so happy that I can now. But, there's NO way I could've taken another step!!!


I did a quick (for me) two miles in 20 minutes. I was lazy the past two days and didn't run.


I will go to the Y to do some cross-training and weights tonight.


It has been so hard to get out of bed!! I have a 20 month old dd that has been on her second straight week of not sleeping at night. :confused: This was our daughter who slept through the night at six months (earliest of the five) and has been a wonderful sleeper up until a month ago. If I could get a solid six hours of sleep, maybe it wouldn't be so hard to get up.


I'm training for a 5k that is in about two and half weeks, so I'm trying to get my speed up. After that, I'll be doing another 5k, but I really want to try a 10k, so I will be working more on mileage. So far, the most I've run is 4 miles.


Oh - not getting enough sleep is killer!!! I hope your dd starts sleeping soon!!!


Where are your races? I'm training for the 5.9 mile leg of our marathon relay (so, basically a 10K). I've not run that far since I ran cross country in high school! Workin' on it!


Great pace! You'll have to tell us how YOU keep it up when the time comes!:)




Yes, I love it too, although I'm tired in the morning. And, I'm like you, I really LOVE running once I'm done!:lol:


Great job, Jennifer! Pretty soon you'll be running circles around all of us!:)


Heehee. I doubt it!! And, there's NO way I can keep up that pace for the entire race. I just want to challenge myself a bit for now.

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We all rock don't we? :)


I got up at 5:30 and did my two miles of walk/run in 29 minutes again. I feel like I've hit a wall with the distance I can run before I have to walk....but I'm going to keep at it.


Oh and Jennifer 2 miles in 17 minutes!!!! Awesome!!!!!


What time do you go to bed again? 5:30 is just SOOOO early! I'm usually out the door by 6:30 and that's pushing it!!




Great job! Yes, I'm a slow walker outside too. That is why I run! I used to be a fast walker in college, when I live in Chicago. I guess I had motivation to walk fast down there!:) It is always good to vary what we do, as not to get in a rut and to challenge ourselves! Keep it up!:)


Same here!!! I used to live in Boston and I'd walk over 5 miles/day - FAST!! Now though I prefer to run.


I love getting up early to run as well. It has been dark the last two mornings I step outside...I love it. I won't love it when it gets cold though...I am not a cold weather fan. Hurts my jaw...:confused:


Cold weather - not looking forward to that again. Ugh.




I ran four miles today. It took me 48 minutes. The land-speed record is safe from me. :lol:


GREAT job!!!!


There you be!


Would it be perfectly acceptable if my goal were to just run 3 miles a day, 5 days a week? Do I have to aim to keep going further and further and further?? Just thinking about it makes me tired :glare:


Yup! Perfectly acceptable! After this race, I'm going to aim for 3 miles/day and stay there for a while. I hope to find a 5K to run after this marathon relay.


But, I was so motivated last January after being at Disney at the same time as the marathon that I may just decide to train for the 1/2 marathon in Detroit next October. But, I think my body will be much happier with me if I just stick with the 3 miles for a while.


Still no running for me, my heels hurt :-( I did 20 minutes on the bike then my strength workout and stretches. I feel great!


Great job!


Overcast this morning - :001_smile:

ran 5miles, felt good


Love those overcast mornings!!! Great job!

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Where are your races? I'm training for the 5.9 mile leg of our marathon relay (so, basically a 10K). I've not run that far since I ran cross country in high school! Workin' on it!



I live in a suburb of Kansas City and there are numerous races here every weekend. I'm trying to pick and choose which ones sound fun and which causes I want to support. Nothing too exotic ;) But, my daughters and I are going to do a run at the zoo. My friend is trying to encourage me to do a relay marathon with her (and two others), but I'm a little nervous about being held accountable- even though I know they don't care about time. I don't want to be the slow one!!! :blush:

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I live in a suburb of Kansas City and there are numerous races here every weekend. I'm trying to pick and choose which ones sound fun and which causes I want to support. Nothing too exotic ;) But, my daughters and I are going to do a run at the zoo. My friend is trying to encourage me to do a relay marathon with her (and two others), but I'm a little nervous about being held accountable- even though I know they don't care about time. I don't want to be the slow one!!! :blush:


Oh man. I hear ya'!!! I'm running this relay with a woman who is a cross country coach at a local school. She'll be 20 weeks pregnant when she runs her (4.7 mile) leg. But, still! She's AMAZING!!! We have a woman who runs 1/2 marathons regularly. She's doing the 7.3 mile leg. We do have one beginner, but she's doing the 3 mile leg. (That's the one I wanted!! LOL) The other runner in our relay is someone who has been running for quite a while, but had a baby 4 months ago. She's taking the 5.3 mile leg. So, I really felt like I had to take the second longest leg. I don't want to hold them back!!! And, I'm the anchor leg!! ACK!!! I'm praying for adrenaline to kick in!!!


I think you should try the relay!! (After all that!) It's so much fun to be part of something bigger. I'm being harder on myself during workouts because of it. If it were just me, I'd not go as fast or as hard. Oh - and the Detroit Marathon has this tshirt that I bought. I'll wear it to run in the morning - it says, "Marathon runner in training" on the back (or something like that - it's not right in front of me!). I LOVE that!!!


Keep posting about your progress!!!

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