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Seriously stressed about 8th grade

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I'm starting to panic.  All of a sudden, my oldest child will be in 8th grade next year (and high school after that--unreal!!). 

I don't think we've done enough writing.

I don't think we've done enough science.

We've used MUS all the way through and he does great but so many people say it isn't enough.

What if I've ruined this child for good?!?

We're switching to Kolbe next year I think.  I've heard that it is rigorous and he needs that but I should have switched years ago.

Maybe a standardized test would make me feel better??

Ugg.  This is so stressful.   

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(((hugs)))  I have two in 8th grade next year, my first two homeschooled kids.  I have been beefing up some things so I feel more prepared to prepare them.  Also, I quit my job so I will be more available for my unpaid homeschooling gig.  You are not alone in launching into 8th grade for the first time next year.

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You are not alone.  Me too.


After grade 8 at home, DS12 will be going to a B&M school for high school as well so I am feeling the pressure of that whole transition as well. 


I only have 1 year left to impart all this wisdom, train him well, teach him well, all that good stuff :willy_nilly:


We started with Kolbe this year.  Love it.  It is a LOT of work.  But the Enhanced Evaluation Service is wonderful.  The quarterly reporting is still hanging over my head.........really need to get that done. 


I'm torn between really putting the pedal to the metal and having a solid academic year for grade 8, or backing off a little and doing some more fun, interest-led stuff.  Writing, math & reading will be key for sure - but maybe we just follow his interests for history, science, etc.  I mean, for us, it is his last year at home - why not have a little fun, right?  Isn't that one of the key reasons we started homeschooling - the flexibility in subjects, pace, etc.


But then what if that means he will be behind when he gets to high school?  What if we missed important concepts and he blames me for any gaps?


Arrrgggghhhhhh - yep, right there with ya.


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I'm starting to panic.  All of a sudden, my oldest child will be in 8th grade next year (and high school after that--unreal!!). 

I don't think we've done enough writing.

I don't think we've done enough science.

We've used MUS all the way through and he does great but so many people say it isn't enough.

What if I've ruined this child for good?!?

We're switching to Kolbe next year I think.  I've heard that it is rigorous and he needs that but I should have switched years ago.

Maybe a standardized test would make me feel better??

Ugg.  This is so stressful.   


How much writing do you think is "enough"? What do you think you should have covered instead? Because I gotta tell you you're worrying way too much about it. :-)


Define "not enough science." High school-level science does not build on elementary-level science. Someone could know zip about science and do just fine in high school.


Ignore people who say MUS isn't "enough" and pay attention to the folks whose dc have used MUS forever and lived to tell about it.


No, you certainly have not ruined your child for good.


No, a standardized test wouldn't make you feel better.

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Nervous here, too. I am also torn about pedal-to-the-medal vs. last-year-without-the-pressures-of-high-school. I don't know what country we will live in for DS's 9th grade year, and I want to keep all of his high school options open: (1) Kolbe (2) the private, highly competitive school that my older boys attended or (3) IB in Denmark.

We started with Kolbe this year, but primarily used our own plans. I have really underutilized the Enhanced Evaluation Service, and I would like to rectify that. Very happy w/ Kolbe overall.

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Will she be attending a b&m high school? I put my 8th grade dd in school this year because we always planned on her going to high school and I was nervous she wasn't ready. She was an decent student at home, not super self motivated and we only loosely followed a classical education. We put her in a fairly rigorous parochial school and she's been fine--on the honor roll all year. Science was always my weakest subject and she's doing fine in that. But I will say we should've done more writing. That is the only area where she's had some trouble. If you're nervous about that, make sure she can write a really good essay. Oh, and presentations are big in school too. My dd hadn't spent a lot of time using Powerpoint nor doing a lot of research, and those are things she's doing a lot of this year.

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I advise you to ignore that merry-go-round in the distance, stop running headlong toward it, and just raise the child in front of you. :) You opted out of the system for a reason, so why take on the external burdens and stress now? Just because he's going to be in 8th grade instead of 7th, now his life (and yours) will be about benchmarks and checkboxes and self-doubt? Why?

Go another way.

1. Find out what he'll need to go on to college or careers and work backward, figuring out how to divide up the prep into the time that you have.


2. Note that the standards for college readiness are probably way lower than your WTM-ified ideals and that you will get there if you are diligent.

3. So be diligent.

4. And all through high school, never forget why you are doing this. Having removed your child from the establishment to opt for a lifestyle of learning, don't start freaking out on him now.


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Me too.


Deep breath. It will be all right. Better than just all right. You've made thoughtful decisions about what suits your ds all along the way, and now you're switching gears to prepare for high school. It's just the next step on the journey. That's what I keep telling myself when the pit in my stomach threatens to swallow me up. :)



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I'm starting to panic. All of a sudden, my oldest child will be in 8th grade next year (and high school after that--unreal!!).
I don't think we've done enough writing.
I don't think we've done enough science.
We've used MUS all the way through and he does great but so many people say it isn't enough.
What if I've ruined this child for good?!?
We're switching to Kolbe next year I think. I've heard that it is rigorous and he needs that but I should have switched years ago.
Maybe a standardized test would make me feel better??
Ugg. This is so stressful.

If you have an 11 yr old that is a rising 8th grader, they are obviously advanced. If that is out of date, you still don't have anything to worry about.

From everything I have read, MUS is solid for pre-high school math so your student should be fine for upper level math. But, do not ignore the people that say it isn't good enough for high school, bc it isn't unless you have a child that really struggles with math.

All high school science starts at an introductory level. Students that are solid in math skills cannot be behind in science prior to high school science level courses.

Work on writing skills for the remainder of the yr.

You'll be fine.
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I had 2 that I homeschooled for 8th grade and both went to a B&M high school.  I just want to say - don't worry.  We spent 8th grade going on field trips, doing some prealgebra, a good amount of reading (independent, with some narration), and they heavily pursued their own interests. That's it.  No writing, no other formal subjects.  And you know what?  High school was a breeze.  With no writing lessons at all, they were praised for their composition and research papers.  Go figure that one out.  And these were very high-ranked schools (2 different schools, btw).  Also, from what I've seen, in high school, you start fresh with Science and History.  I hope this makes you all feel a little better.  My ds will be in 8th grade, too, in the fall.  

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Chiming in to say:  Home School High School is a roller coaster, but it's an amazing ride!


We've taken 4 kids through this transition, and what worked best for us was to transition into high school work gradually after the Christmas of their 8th grade year.  That way, we had a little cushion if things didn't work out exactly according to plan.


Also, start hanging out on the High School forum.    Talk to friends who have homeschool high schoolers.  Not every kid is an overachiever in every subject!  And our sons, especially, made great leaps in maturity and their ability to study, which made the schoolwork easier to accomplish.


But yes, I feel like we're treading water in the deep end of the pool, and I'm waving to say, "Jump in, the water's great!"  :)

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Me too!  :seeya:


I've actually been getting kind of excited about finding high school curriculum. There's some cool stuff out there. But my dd12 has suddenly decided she wants to go back to ps for high school and that's what has me  :willy_nilly:. I don't want to send her to high school. I don't want to worry about getting her ready for the writing load she would (might?) have in high school. I've spent the last 5 years ignoring what the ps system has been doing and it's kinda scary to think about entering that world again. 

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I've been working on next year's plans.  DS turned 12 at the end of January.  He is not age wise going into 8th, but yeah it is getting to the point for him where stuff is getting more serious.  After really solidifying the plans and having the plan, I am feeling a bit better.


I just think back to how I felt when I first started homeschooling (he has always been homeschooled).  I was so freaking nervous.  I felt like a bumbling idiot.  But we got through, and I think we did much more than "get through".  In fact I'm rather surprised by all that we have done.


You can do this.  Channel your nerves into doing.


That's what I do anyways!




I got to co-op a little early last week and there were only 2 other ladies there.  They both have oldest children in 1st grade and they were going round and round about what math program to pick.  I didn't know if I should LOL or smack some sense into them.  I did (gently) tell them to not stress out so much and enjoy the early years.  I remember being them just yesterday!!  How did this happen?!?

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If you have an 11 yr old that is a rising 8th grader, they are obviously advanced. If that is out of date, you still don't have anything to worry about.

From everything I have read, MUS is solid for pre-high school math so your student should be fine for upper level math. But, do not ignore the people that say it isn't good enough for high school, bc it isn't unless you have a child that really struggles with math.

All high school science starts at an introductory level. Students that are solid in math skills cannot be behind in science prior to high school science level courses.

Work on writing skills for the remainder of the yr.

You'll be fine.


Oops!  Guess the signatures don't update themselves?!?  He just turned 13.

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