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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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-dd10: Math, Latin

-me: coffee, after doing AoPS pre-A with dd10 (oh, the drama :svengo:) I really need coffee, with lots of sugar. Sugar, that's better than liquor, right? :D


Plans for today:

-dd10: Dutch grammar, English, Biology, History, Geography, Logic

-dd7: Math, Writing, English, Spelling, Geography, Reading

-dd5: Math, Spelling, Copywork, Reading

-everyone: read aloud during lunch

-everyone: traffic education

-take dd10 to doctor


-Greek & Latin vocab


-visit a homeschooling family to use telescope, with dd10 and dd7 :thumbup:

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Breakfast and lunch for dh

coffee and computer time

breakfast for the rest of us

take dd to meet a friend (going on a photo shoot today at Calloway Gardens)

school with ds: reading,  math, science, history, grammar

lunch (raining, don't want to go out as planned)

pick dd up from Spanish 


go to homeschool group mom's night out


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Today is a school holiday for dd :D


I will

--do laundry

--clean up the detritus of the Science Olympiad season

--gather printed materials and assemble into binders for our team's resource closet (materials can be checked out)

--take a picture of dd wearing the team tshirt and her medals (I took pix with partners and the whole team but those cannot go up on Facebook)

--book hotel for Friday

--plan school for the week

--exercise: treadmill


And it's still snowing :(

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Good morning Ladies!


Jean, hope all goes well for you today. Prayed for you yesterday and will do so today.



** school

** laundry - our dryer went out on Friday, Saturday dh spent a fruitless afternoon trying to buy us a dryer (strangely enough, people in the N. valley don't buy many gas dryers so there aren't many to be had), so he went on-line, found one at Lowes in the S. valley and they delivered yesterday afternoon. Hooray for Lowes.

** mil coming over this morning

** cleaners coming this afternoon

** allergy shots

** bell choir this evening


Have a good day, all!

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Dh did all my morning chores so I could sleep in a bit (til 7:15!)


Collected all the trash from everyone's room for pick up tomorrow, still need to take it out the the bins


Organized all eldest's medical records to mail to the Lyme Dr. for our April 4th visit, need to take it to post office to mail


Marinated steaks for tonight's supper


Still need to do school with youngest


Would love to rest a bit, tired and sore from helping a friend clean out her house all weekend


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Jean--when is your appointment? 

I leave in about 5 min. - once dh  helps me put on my socks and shoes.  If my socks and shoes will even fit - my feet are so swollen.


Human care including breakfast done

Pet care done

Doctor sanctioned torture #1 done

Called lab and found out that they have a way to accommodate me when I can't do the test the normal way.  

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I leave in about 5 min. - once dh  helps me put on my socks and shoes.  If my socks and shoes will even fit - my feet are so swollen.


Human care including breakfast done

Pet care done

Doctor sanctioned torture #1 done

Called lab and found out that they have a way to accommodate me when I can't do the test the normal way.  


Praying now!! Let us know how it goes. 

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I've been MIA on tackle lists recently back to it today.


work 730-930 including performance review

haul mattress and box spring out of mstr bdrm and to the alleyway


To do still:

work 3-6

dd6 sparks 6-7

take cakepans I sold to work for the person to pick up

laundry (2nd load in washer already)


finish emptying master bedroom

pick up lettuce, guinea pig food and crickets


I joined a 40 bags in 40 days challenge on facebook and have decluttered a ton of stuff and really making a huge amount of progress on the house and I am so pleased :)  Keeping up with the challenge today(although the mattress and box spring count as 2 bags I am pushing for more today)

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Our washing machine broke a few weeks ago. We've been using the machines at our apartment which adds up fast! So we've been skimping as much as possible. We bought a new washer last night, yay!!, which means lots of catch up laundry.


So for today:

Put away 2 loads laundry done yesterday - DONE

Wash, dry, put away about 6 new loads today - 2 loads through.

Cut up washer box into a house for the girls - DONE now they want to paint it

Get started cleaning girls room - DD did 30 minutes

Call and make an appt with Urology for DD5 :( - dang it I missed their office hours by 20 minutes


De-clutter and organize mission for this week: pantry

Clean up living room

Clear and clean table

Figure out something for dinner

Make arrangements for selling our freezer

Get with neighbor to sell our 18 month clothes

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Praying now!! Let us know how it goes. 

The appointment went ok, I guess. My husband came with me and helped me to do the urinalysis. One of the benefits of marrying a nurse. The doctor made me cry - out of pain, not mental anguish, during the physical exam. The doctor said "Are you all right?" Dh snapped, "No, she's not all right. She's in a lot of pain!" That said, he really doesn't have any great instant solutions. He's ordered me new pain pills, told me to keep taking the muscle relaxant and gave me a prescription for physical therapy. He thinks this is separate from all my other problems - the 3 month long sinus infection, the kidney stone and the ovarian cyst that no one had thought to mention to me until the doctor mentioned it in passing today. I see him in a week. 

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Dh cleaned the kitchen on top of everything else he's doing for me right now.  Now he's off to work.


Ds has been working on school all day.


Dd's school has been very truncated lately because she has to do a lot of it with me.  She did reading today and we discussed it.  And I insisted on doing math with her.  She did very well in math though she's still working through 4th grade math.  


The power company came by to change out our temporary transformer for a real one.  


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Jean, we will continue to pray. I'm so sorry for all your pain! Don't worry about dd's school. I have a friend who was homeschooled and is a nurse. She lost 5 siblings to miscarriage or stillborn, but one lived about 7 months and was in atlanta a lot in the hospital. She said they didn't do much school that year but learned so much more, what being a family is all about.

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I'm hardly getting anything done today. And we just decided to put a bunch of stuff in a local consignment sale, so I have a ton of prep to get ready for it by tomorrow night.



My little one has been crying all day. All. Day. I guess she alternates crying with "mommmyyyyyyy". I have no idea what is wrong. She even cried and rejected it when offered ice cream, cookies, and fruit snacks. Seriously not normal. Seriously not helping my growing to do list.

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Okay, so only two things on my list are done. 

Bought a new scanner/copier. 

Dropped ds off at friend's house.

Library and snack for dd.


Probably pasta for dinner instead of chicken.  Can't even think of turning the oven on in this heat. 


I'll spend my evening with Well Trained Mind, 1st edition, and What Your 5th/6th Grader Needs to Know.  Making plans for next year because private school is probably not going to happen for dd. 

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Got everything done today, but I'm worn out. The kids were difficult to say the least. And I must say I was not a shining example of what a sweet, patient mother should be. Very hard day. But, two kids are in bed, in another half hour the rest will be in bed and I can rest!

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Hi all, I just got back. Long hard time. I am exhausted mentally and emotionally.  Jean, I have been praying for you and will continue. So sorry for all you are going through now.


Today is my birthday...spent most of it in an airport waiting for my delayed flight. But came home to happy kids. Ds3 broke his nose yesterday, but it hasn't slowed him down at all.

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Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes.  It has been incredibly hard but for once doctors are finally listening to me.  Today's appointment was the first one I've had where a doctor has been actually able to see what is going on when I'm in so much pain - while I've been in pain.  In the past I've always called when in pain but by the time they got me in to see them, I wasn't in pain anymore and was just having to describe it.  I'm hopeful that the PT evaluation tomorrow and subsequent therapy might lead to a more functional and pain-free life for me.


And the sinus thing has been going on in the background for a long time too, I think.  In the past I would have taken my antibiotics the first time, not gone in to be checked because I felt "fine" (not great but not as bad as I was) and would have gone my chronically ill way - never feeling quite well but not really knowing that I was still infected either.  It was only because I insisted this time on a recheck by the doctor that we could see that "fine" really wasn't fine and that we needed to keep addressing this.  

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