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Those of you who have bought a 1/2 of a cow that was grass fed, how

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much did you pay? I've been quoted $1400, plus $25 for hauling it and then another $260 for the butcher. Does that sound like a lot for a half of a cow?


I've edited to add exactly what the lady emailed: Our cows are Black Angus and are dry aged for added flavor. They weigh about 1200 to 1300 pounds, so their hanging weight is approximately 800#. We charge $3.50/pound for that amount which would calculate about $1400 for 1/2 cow. We do charge a $50 hauling fee to carry the cow to market, but you would pay only $25 for 1/2. The processor charges $.65/pound so that would be approximately $260. You may choose any cuts and packaging you wish. Everything is valuum sealed and will last several years in the freezer. You may get all the cuts which are available.


So, what do you think now? It sounds high to me, but I've never bought a 1/2 a cow before. I need to purchase grass fed. We're working on cutting out the hormones in meat products. Thanks for your advice!

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I really hope beef hasn't gone up that much. Six months ago we paid about $900 for what is supposed to be the best (I can't remember whether "prime" or "premium" is best--I just know that "choice" is between the two). It isn't double wrapped. We're just north of KCMO.


One year ago, before we knew we were moving, we paid about $750 in central California for our best beef ever. It was double wrapped. Our friends tell us how fabulous it is every time we talk.


I'm interested in hearing what the rest of you are now paying for beef.

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When I looked into it in April it was $495 for half a steer...$990 for a whole steer.

When I looked again in June it was $1200 for a WHOLE steer.

These quotes were from 2 differents sellers but there's only about a $200 difference for the whole steer price.

Sounds like you're being charged/quoted the whole steer price.

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That sounds really expensive for 1/2 cow. We bought a 1/2 cow for $400. Butchering was included. I don't have the exact amount per pound that they charged but I paid $400.


We buy from this farm...http://www.polyfacefarms.com/products.aspx.


I know you are in NC. They don't ship anywhere but you can buy at the farm. We use their "buying club" here in NOVA for meat and eggs.

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prices for most everything have gone up significantly the past 6 months or so. Fertilizer, grain, fuel, etc. etc. For us, horse feed has gone up $3 per bag in the last 6 months. Certain regions have also been harder hit.


ETA: I realized now you were discussing a grass fed cow, but prices for everything related to agriculture have seen some significant increases recently.

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I think it depends on where you are located.


From my local producer, I pay $4.30 a pound, which comes out to about $2.89 hanging weight. Then, I pay a delivery fee, which is about $36. He also delivers, and I love him. http://www.paidom.com


Another producer will sell me a half cow for $2.35 per pound dressed weight.


It also depends on whether or not people really are wanting grass fed beef. I'm incredibly picky about my grass fed beef. I don't like it when it tastes gamey. So, I've had to try cuts from almost everywhere around and then I order larger amounts.


I've also found that grass fed doesn't mean the same to everyone. So, I ask a lot of questions. I'm willing to pay more for a cow that has been taken care of the way I would like it to be taken care of. Alan, at Paidom, does that and more. Plus, I've built a relationship with him over the years. And so I tend to buy from him more often than others.

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We bought this week for about $2.00 hanging weight and cut and wrap was 40-50 cents. It worked out to be $7-800.



That sounds like a lot unless it is Angus or another premium breed. Did they give you an estimated hanging weight or a fixed price. 1/2 a beef can vary greatly in hanging weight!

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$2.70# for the HANGING weight of the cow. That includes packaging and everything. Of course, the cost depends on the size of the cow. A cow that hangs at 1000# would be $1,350 per half.


What you need to find out is how much this animal weighs hanging to see if you are getting a decent price. I'd say if you're getting in the vicinity of 500# hanging weight, you're not overpaying. Bear in mind that you will NOT get that much actual meat, but that is a fair price (and in some places it may be higher).


Also, are they letting you choose your cuts? We choose ours and I can give you a list of what we do if you're interested because sometimes if you just do the standard cuts, they'll give you a bunch of useless things you can't really use.

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Last year I bought a quarter of grass-fed beef that cost $550 and I traveled to a farmer 1.5 hours away because farmers closer were even more. Based on the other responses I'm reading, I'm thinking we live in the wrong section of the country for grass-fed beef to be affordable.

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Around here I've noticed there's a LOT of variation in price, so it pays to shop around. I can't remember exactly what we paid, but it came out to just over $2/pound when all was said and done (i.e. that much for what we ended up with in our freezer). Our half a cow was just over 200 lbs, I think, but that seems to be on the small side. Another place near us, though, charges $5/pound. Both places sell grassfed, no pesticides on the fields, no antibiotics, etc....but the $5/lb place is certified organic and the guy we buy from is not.

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It varies. We bought once and paid about $2/pound, and it was a deal, but dh knew the guy. Another time it was almost $4 a pound by the time we were done. Other than that, it's somewhere in between the two.


Dh's step-dad is a cattle farmer, and we are getting a half for Christmas. We will have to pay to process it, which should be about $1/pound. That's how much I like to pay!!

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We paid $826 here in west TN. That included half a cow and processing. We picked up the meat ourselves at the farm.


Similar here - we paid ~$810. for a half, including processing. This was in late April. I think it was around $2.10/lb hanging wt.?

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I've also found that grass fed doesn't mean the same to everyone. So, I ask a lot of questions. I'm willing to pay more for a cow that has been taken care of the way I would like it to be taken care of. Alan, at Paidom, does that and more. Plus, I've built a relationship with him over the years. And so I tend to buy from him more often than others.


We love Alan, too! :001_smile: Just picked up yesterday, in fact. Paidom sells absolutely the best quality and taste we've found.

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I'm with Suzy. I order all of our meat from Alan at Paidom. He could probably deliver it to you ( Fedex rate is about 36.oo for a 50-60 lb box). YOu could try it first. I also buy our chicken and pork from him. He's the nicest person you'll ever meet and I can't say enough good things about him. HIs meat is one of the best grass fed products we've had. Some do taste wild and I can't stand the smell when they do that!



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