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Rose (Chrysalis Academy) Thank you!!!! Sciences by Trefil and Hazen

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You are welcome!  I like that book a lot too.  


Here's the link, maize . . . 




(the link is to the 6th edition, but I have the 4th.  They're all good, get an affordable one).

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Link? Because I really haven't spent enough money yet this year     ;)


You can read the kindle version using the 7-day trial if you want to see before you buy.   I'm browsing through the 7th edition on my kindle fire right now and my boy is browsing on the kindle app on his ipad.  He is laughing over page 172 (gold nugget, chapter 8 The Atom) and absorb over Chapter 9 Quantum Mechanics.

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It's great for my big-picture girl (and her big picture mama) too.  I thought about doing more straight-up science in middle school, but I realized that high school science always starts at the very beginning as if they know nothing, so doing something in 7th or 8th that you'll have to do again in high school for credit seemed kind of redundant, when there is *so much* cool science out there to study! I'm kind of looking at the middle grades as a time to explore the big picture, and all the "spaces between" the typical physics-chem-bio sequence we'll most likely do in high school.  This book seems ideal for that purpose! I don't know that we'll ever actually get to it :lol: , but it really  helped me to think about how I wanted to approach science literacy for my kids, whether they end up pursuing STEM subjects (which seems fairly likely) or not.

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Clicked on the link today and wouldn't ya know ... I found it at Goodwill this evening for $5.  I would have passed over it if I hadn't been familiar with the cover.  I don't know when my girl will be ready for it but it will be waiting for her.



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You can read the kindle version using the 7-day trial if you want to see before you buy.   I'm browsing through the 7th edition on my kindle fire right now and my boy is browsing on the kindle app on his ipad.  He is laughing over page 172 (gold nugget, chapter 8 The Atom) and absorb over Chapter 9 Quantum Mechanics.

Ooh, nice. I've never seen a book with a 7-day trial. Much better than a sample.

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Blarg. Count me in on the bandwagon, too. I've been struggling to find something good for middle school science, and this with some Ellen McHenry stuff should be good, right?


That's what we're doing. Of course, adding in a million living books, you tube videos, documentaries and experiments ;) Can I can't NOT tweak.

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That's what we're doing. Of course, adding in a million living books, you tube videos, documentaries and experiments ;) Can I can't NOT tweak.


That's me, too. The only way I can manage not to tweak is if I hand the whole thing off to someone else and never, ever even open the book. Like that ever happens.

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Rose and Halcyon,

So what is your plan for this book? I am planning for my ds11's 7th grade science. I thought of doing Apologia General Science. But what Rose said about high school science makes a lot of sense. Can you two and others share how you are going to use it and how long you will take to finish it? Are there experiments?

Thank you!


I checked the reviews of Science Matters. Looks good!

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Actuallly, I'm kind of a fraud here, because I"m not using the book to teach my middle schooler, currently.   :lol:  I'm using it more for planning, for organization, and for ideas.   I think I posted on a different thread my "master list" of science topics I want to cover over the next 6+ years, and that book helped me create that list, and certain topics I will cover using the book, but other I will cover using other materials.  I'm not working through the book systematically at this point - although I really like it and I don't rule out doing so at some point in the future.


I think the middle grades are a good time for big-picture, foundational science type studies, rather than just repeating at a lower level what you will do again in high school.  For us, in 6th that has looked like a history of science survery (Story of Science), a digression on astronomy (following an interest), a focus on the fundamentals of Newtonian physics (because they are, well, fundamental).  Next year we are planning an Origins study - astronomy, chemistry, earth system science, and evolution - focused on what life is and how it got started.  Again, it's based on interests, it's foundational, and it's big-picture.  What that will look like will be different for every kid.  The Hazen & Trefil book is a great tool, but I bet everyone who uses it will use it differently.

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I've been looking for something to replace my original idea of Science Matters. After borrowing Science Matters, I thought it was not as inspiring and interesting (aka boring - sorry!), and I want DS to be able to read a textbook well.  Right now I'm planning on using this book as a reading Science book in addition to our Middle School BFSU.  I may either coordinate topics, or just have DS read it straight through, writing presentations or reports for each chapter. It would be part of a larger picture of BFSU, educational videos on NeoK12 and Bill Nye, other living books as time allows, independent inquiry, and nature study.

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