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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I hope you have a better day, Jean! :grouphug:



-breakfast & clean up

-email (got a lovely email promoting a Christian *geocentric* science curriculum......just when I thought I had seen everything.

Laughed so hard, I nearly cried.)



Plans for today:

-pick up homeschool materials at friend's parents' house (car)

-study Greek

-Greek & Latin vocab



-clean kitchen

-read a book

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:party: Happy Birthday Tammy :party:


It's densely foggy this morning (rain + piles of melting snow + warmer temperatures). I am so glad I don't have to go anywhere!



--school: oodles of science and some English


--exercise: Pilates total body

--emails o' the day

--write practice tests for Science Olympiad events (will take all weekend)

--read for enjoyment during lunch break :)

--dd is going to a performance tonight with dsis and dniece, so

--dinner food tonight that dd doesn't like :D (shrimp and fish)

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Jean--praying for your healing, peace, and well-being!


Tammy-Happy birthday!!!!   



I have a question for both of you about the eating low-carb. I'm having trouble this week with my lips being chapped. Does that mean I'm dehydrating? I don't think I'm going to the bathroom more than normal. I usually drink 6-8 cups of water a day in addition to coffee and maybe one diet drink here and there. I read somewhere about electrolytes being a problem eating low-carb, and I have to admit I haven't done any research about all of this. I just started eating a lot less carbs (10-20 at meals; maybe 10 or so at a snack or 2 a day).




My dad is coming to stay with us a few days

breakfast for us

get ds' room ready for him to stay in

ds' school: reading, writing, math, grammar, science

dd' school: do more ACT practice tests (She took an English practice last night and made 34, so she's pumped to do more.), writing, lit, chemistry, algebra 2


clean out and organize pantry



probably play a game


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Happy Birthday Tammy

FInally back to the thread, this week has been so crazy I haven't even managed to post my to do a few times this week


Today's plans:


work 730-1200ish

drop car off at shop for brake job

pick up clay creations that are back from the kiln

work 3-6

pack dd6 for sparks camp

drop dd6 off at sparks camp at 630

dd14 online wwII class1-230

dd14 and ds15 online heroes of greece and rome class 3-430

wash and iron uniform for work tomorrow


cook lunch

cook dinner

clean something


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Happy Birthday, Tammy! Hope you have a great day!


Well, it's Friday. No walking this morning. DH had to leave for work waaaaay early (they're putting the finishing touches on a machine that's supposed to leave for Vegas to a trade show this afternoon), so I got to sleep in a few extra minutes.



** school

** co-op. I'm teaching a class on building model rockets.

** ds2 has guitar lessons

** date night. Our church is having "Parent's Night Out" so they're providing free babysitting. This is very nice since our budget is extremely tight this month and we probably wouldn't have been able to go out otherwise.


Have a good day Ladies!

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Good morning!

Happy Birthday, Tammy!


Hope today is better, Jean.


I am back from am practice. So, I need to get everyone going with school.


to do:

school for all

oversee chores

finish chores from yesterday (dust downstairs, pick up house)

bills and cleaning up study

go over syllabi and due dates with ds1, dd2

finish with hs plan for ds2

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Daddy just got here. I really hadn't realized how disorganized ds' room is until we started getting it ready for him. Ds and I need to spend some serious time in there this spring cleaning out. We have a bonus room above the garage (old tv, moonchair seats, foosball/air hockey table), so I'm going to make a sleeping place up there for ds and move some toys up there, too. 




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I took the kids to a big booksale in our town. Except, when we arrived, there was nothing to be seen. After asking several people, we found out the book sale wasn't in our town, but in a neighbouring city. Okay, I can handle that.


We bought several nice books, but I also got charged for a non-existent book. I'm feeling so stupid for not checking my receipt immediately, but with a tantrumming toddler and three tired kids, I obviously was a prime target for a scam. Grrrr.

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am shift done

car has been to the shop and is with me again, it goes back this afternoon

office work at daycare done

forms signed at the a&w for taxes

ds15 done his reading for this afternoon's lit class (Romulus by Plutarch)

now getting ready to catch up on things online and get dd6 packed for tonight's camp while preparing lunch

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I'm super late to the party today.  :p  


Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes!!   I'm having a lovely day...we put together a cool gym in our basement and I'm having a blast spending time with my family.  Tomorrow we are going to the Aquarium and have some fun.    


Have a lovely Friday everyone!!  :D

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Happy Birthday Tammy!

Amy congrats to your daughter on the ACT score!

I finally gave in as I couldn't stand it anymore and cleaned this house.  I'm feeling about 75%

I grocery shopped this morning




bathrooms cleaned
kitchen cleaned

There's a load of laundry in the dryer but until I need something from it or need the dryer I'm leaving it there.

I need to get something going for supper.  We've had variations of breakfast the last 2 nights.  I bought some chicken today so I'm thinking either stir fry chicken and lo mein, chicken nachos, chicken and pasta or omg chicken...decisions, decisions!

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I'm so glad that you're having a nice birthday, Tammy.



Bible class with dh done

Lunch and Dr. Who - done

Tried to do Alg 2 round two with ds - dead end - sent ds off to work on something else while I poured over the book.  Solved the problem (though I've never taken Alg 2 and have no idea what I really did - just substituting new figures for ones in a similar example worked).  - Ds is now working on Alg 2 again after explaining what I did to me.   ;)

Did history with dd

Threw a load in the washing machine.



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Jean have you looked into YAY Math?  #1 has struggled so much with math but these recorded classroom lessons are really helping and giving him a boost in Math.  He's done AlgI and has just started AlgII and loves it.  My child has never put math and love together in the same sentence!

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Jean have you looked into YAY Math?  #1 has struggled so much with math but these recorded classroom lessons are really helping and giving him a boost in Math.  He's done AlgI and has just started AlgII and loves it.  My child has never put math and love together in the same sentence!

I'd never heard of that.  I'll have fun looking at your link.  

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Back from co-op. This has been a stressful day. I feel like throwing up. Does anyone every get so stressed they just want to throw up? Co-op..... I've done rockets for years, but I started with jr. Highers and it's really a jr. High project. Now, I got talked into doing it with our co-op and I've got a bunch of little kids in it. Yes, there is great parental help.... but..... It's just really stressful. It's a junior high level project. And then, I got a flat on the way home. A major flat. Fortunately I called my parents and they gave us a ride home, and dh is on his way home to fix it, but.... That didn't help my stress level. And we were supposed to have date night tonight. I just want to throw up!

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Saturday here. We were up early and felt like going to a market. I figured we'd be able to get there and back before their father arrived to visit, and we did. On our way home he messaged to say he was sick and couldn't come. So now I have a kilo of mussels I wouldn't have bought at all if I'd known, and no one to help eat them all! We also bought golden beetroot and some cheese because the tag said it was a fridge destroyer. Who could leave fridge destroying cheese sitting there, untasted?


Now we're back home and doing school because we might as well. Once that's done, I'm going to reread about beet kvass and decide whether or not to sacrifice my golden beets to the cause. Really, I feel like gallivanting and would like to go on a shopping spree down at the Turkish grocery shops, but I guess I oughtn't.

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Saturday here. We were up early and felt like going to a market. I figured we'd be able to get there and back before their father arrived to visit, and we did. On our way home he messaged to say he was sick and couldn't come. So now I have a kilo of mussels I wouldn't have bought at all if I'd known, and no one to help eat them all! We also bought golden beetroot and some cheese because the tag said it was a fridge destroyer. Who could leave fridge destroying cheese sitting there, untasted?


Now we're back home and doing school because we might as well. Once that's done, I'm going to reread about beet kvass and decide whether or not to sacrifice my golden beets to the cause. Really, I feel like gallivanting and would like to go on a shopping spree down at the Turkish grocery shops, but I guess I oughtn't.

You know, Rosie, you lead a much much more interesting and adventurous life than I do. I have never set foot in a Turkish grocery shop and would run far far away from " fridge destroying cheese".
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You know, Rosie, you lead a much much more interesting and adventurous life than I do. I have never set foot in a Turkish grocery shop and would run far far away from " fridge destroying cheese".


Oh no. I live a life of mundane safety. I have no fridge to destroy! :rofl:



I don't know, Jean, but I need to find out. I'm guessing it must stink to the high heavens. I'll let you know later on. I can't eat any now because I have to save room for all those mussels I am going to have to eat for lunch...



I think we should make an ethnic grocery shop challenge. All (who live within 200km) must visit an ethnic grocer they've never been to before and purchase something that looks scary, but probably edible.

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Back home. "Fridge destroying cheese" sounds awesome. We are having leftovers and I am going to relax on the couch gathering strength for the next month. Tomorrow begins the "championship" month, with a warm up meet tomorrow, senior state the next weekend, age group state the next and a trip to Sectionals following. It is like I disappear from real life into a chlorinated one.


I am going to have a beer and enjoy the last Friday night of no swim meets.


Have a great weekend everyone!

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Back from co-op. This has been a stressful day. I feel like throwing up. Does anyone every get so stressed they just want to throw up? Co-op..... I've done rockets for years, but I started with jr. Highers and it's really a jr. High project. Now, I got talked into doing it with our co-op and I've got a bunch of little kids in it. Yes, there is great parental help.... but..... It's just really stressful. It's a junior high level project. And then, I got a flat on the way home. A major flat. Fortunately I called my parents and they gave us a ride home, and dh is on his way home to fix it, but.... That didn't help my stress level. And we were supposed to have date night tonight. I just want to throw up!

We don't do co-op but are active in several academic homeschooling activities. My pet peeve involves adults not respecting age requirements for groups. It's not that I don't like your precious snowflake, it's that s/he is not yet capable (physically/motor skills, intellectually) to accomplish the tasks involved.


When I was dealing with the loss of my parents and selling their house etc I'd get so stressed I'd feel like I was going to be sick. Several times a week. It was awful. :grouphug: for dealing with that and a flat!

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Back home. "Fridge destroying cheese" sounds awesome. We are having leftovers and I am going to relax on the couch gathering strength for the next month. Tomorrow begins the "championship" month, with a warm up meet tomorrow, senior state the next weekend, age group state the next and a trip to Sectionals following. It is like I disappear from real life into a chlorinated one.


I am going to have a beer and enjoy the last Friday night of no swim meets.


Have a great weekend everyone!

And we're almost to the end of dd's competition season---just the state Science Olympiad in mid-March followed by another ballet performance at the end of the month. I am so looking forward to April :party: :lol:

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OK - I have to tidy the living room and dining room.  I have tons of *crap* around here - mostly school stuff that has vomited over the living area.  Sorry for all the graphic language - can you tell my level of frustration with all of this?  I am going to put on Pandora to something I like (and I don't care if no one else does this time!) and I'm going to clean.  I'm going to ignore my aches and pains and fatigue and itchy palms.  I will come back here and will check in when I am done.  

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Finished afternoon shift at work.  Back brakes are fixed, it needs to go back in monday am for the front ones.  Lunch today was pasta & sauce, and greek salad.  Dinner is cooking now, salmon, jasmine rice and brussel sprouts.  Ds10 is loving the new menu, dd14 not so much, the other 2 don't care as long as food keeps being handed to them.  This is day 3 of these changes and I am already down 1 lb.  It is not much but any amount down is a great thing, generally I can not move the scale down no matter how hard I try.  DD6 has been dropped off at camp (she got take out for dinner since we had to go straight from work to camp, so no salmon for her). dd14 did her wwII class but they missed their heroes class because I forgot to give them my library card so they could not log into dd14's laptop for the class (the library computers do not support the online classroom).  I have a few things on my list left to do but it is coming along nicely.

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Krissi I hope your evening got better!  Sorry you had such a stressful day!

Supper done--I made chicken nachos

Kitchen cleaned again


The house is quiet #2 is almost asleep.  #1 has wandered off to his room.  I think I'm going to call it a night.

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I might be done.  Or I might get my second wind and do a little bit more.  I got the living room 90% tidied.  There is one small pile of papers next to the printer that should be gone through and dealt with.  I've got the dining room 80% tidied.  Dd needs to take care of her pile of books once she gets home from volunteering.  Dh has a small pile of his mail/papers that I hope he'll take care of tomorrow.  And I have a medium size pile of papers to take care of.  There is no reason why a grown woman should get winded and so tired just doing some tidying up of clutter.  No heavy lifting or cleaning was involved.  

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