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I need prayer this afternoon as I walk into a lions den


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Hi Prayer Warriors,


I need prayer.  This afternoon I walk into a potential lions den.  I have to find my nerve to stand up to those who refuse to give me answers to my questions about our co-op.  Three times, I brought my questions to the committee and each time they refused to answer my questions quietly.  They said it was none of my business.  The thing is they think it was just me asking those questions.  But it wasn't, it's a bunch of families and I've been asking on their behalf.  These are trivial questions, I've been asking for any proof that we actually have insurance for example.


Today, we have a general meeting.  Today, I will be asking these question publicly.  I've been listening to this song and I need prayer.



I really feel like a newbie to this group, since I've been only homeschooling for 3 years.  We as a family purchased our own insurance through HSLDA so that our family would be covered.  But, they are refusing to answer the questions because they don't want to case waves with the church.  But, I and others feel that answers need to be given or at least the option made available to others to purchase insurance through HSLDA.


I am nervous speaking to this whole group.  Which is funny because I've spoken in front of hundreds of people in the past.  It's just that I'm a newbie here.  Please pray.  Thanks Amy


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Just a point to clarify what you will be asking.  When you say "insurance" what do you mean?  At the beginning of your post I thought you meant liability insurance, to cover the co-op should anyone be hurt during the classes/meetings.  I would think the church where you are meeting would require that and if they don't they are being foolish.  Your co-op should have liability insurance. But then you mentioned HSLDA and that is a whole 'nother kettle of fish.  I don't want to get into a pro/con discussion about HSLDA and I don't think you do either.  Our family was a member of HSLDA when we home-schooled. (kids have graduated)  Joining HSLDA isn't insurance. Being a member entitles you to legal advice and representation of the issue homeschooling related things.  It is not insurance and organizations don't join HSLDA, people/families do.  So you need to know this info when you are speaking up at the meeting.  People can join HSLDA on their own, at any time. I don't know why the co-op board should be involved with HSLDA.


What is it exactly you want to know from the board?



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Amy is Canadian so insurance works a bit different here.  Definitely praying for you Amy.

 Thanks for explaining the location issue Punks. I looked at HSLDA's Canadian site and saw they provide liability insurance for their members.  That makes the op make so much more sense!  Not that we need to understand it to pray!

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Yup. The Canadian HSLDA is a bit of a different beast. I know our provincial group gets issuance for any events they host through the HSLDA. I'm wondering if the OP belongs to a secular group though and they are interpreting her questions as a push to get involved with the HSLDA. That's something a LOT of secular homeschoolers here would have a hard time with.

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Amy is Canadian so insurance works a bit different here.  Definitely praying for you Amy.



Thanks Punk!  Yes, sorry ladies, we are in Canada and when we have HSLDA we have some personal insurance available through them.  I was nervous speaking in front of this group because I still felt like the new kid on the block.  I turned out it wasn't just me speaking and others stepped up to the plate with the same concerns.  We were able to get some answers, which was great!  But more importantly, families left today with knowledge they didn't have before and they can now choose for themselves what level of risk they are willing to have.


The building has insurance, the issue is we are listed as a ministry of the church.  Like a Sunday school class.  90% of the homeschool families don't actually attend this church, we are not members of the church.  But we are to "have faith" that the insurance company won't think that a homeschool co-op is any different than Pastor's So & So's Bible class.  I don't know about you, but I never got to use a circular saw in my bible class growing up.


Anyway, it all worked out and I survived.  I know that the one lady is very angry with me, but she is leaving in Sept so I'm not worried.  One of the board members came and talked with me pleasantly after everything was done, so I am feeling ok there, too.


Once again, thanks for your prayers.  Amy

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Yup. The Canadian HSLDA is a bit of a different beast. I know our provincial group gets issuance for any events they host through the HSLDA. I'm wondering if the OP belongs to a secular group though and they are interpreting her questions as a push to get involved with the HSLDA. That's something a LOT of secular homeschoolers here would have a hard time with.


Hi WishboneDawn,  I wasn't there to suggest that the group get involved with HSLDA.  I wanted families to understand the risk of the current insurance situation and make an informed choice on their own for their own protection.

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Hi WishboneDawn, I wasn't there to suggest that the group get involved with HSLDA. I wanted families to understand the risk of the current insurance situation and make an informed choice on their own for their own protection.

Thank for clearing me up on that Amy. :) I'm glad everything worked out for you!

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