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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Here's hoping that Wednesday will be better than Tuesday.

I'm praying that this day will be better and that the new antibiotic will do its job!



-get up, after a bad night due to a headache

-get dressed&breakfast&get kids ready on time

-take both rabbits to vet, because we don't know which rabbit is a male and which is a female. They have had seperate housing since we got them, while waiting for the male to be old enough to get neutered.

-get lost while driving to the vet

-back the car into a post......#%$^£¥

-get to the vet too late for the appointment

-get told by the vet that both of the rabbits are female! :lol:

-return home

-clean livingroom&kitchen with kids

-read a book in bedroom.......silence!




-study Greek

-study Latin

-Greek & Latin vocab

-read a book

-cook dinner

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Jean and Tress--praying you both have better days!





breakfast and lunch for dh

coffee and computer time

finish chemistry chapter for lab tomorrow

breakfast for the rest of us

school with ds: math, begin research paper, grammar, science, reading

school with dd: Chemistry, Algebra 2, lit test, ACT prep book, SAT online class


take dd to library

clean up our bedroom (it has become quite a mess)

pick up a few supplies for chemistry lab

pick dd up

dinner at church and do Awana

tidy house

get out lab equipment


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I have a full load today.  And because of that I expect several phone calls will come in to tear me away from my home projects.

You know how that goes.


We've had severe weather here, the recovery is going well, most of the streets are open now, so there's that to be thankful for.


I hope Wednesday dinner at church is on, I am going to need a break and conversation after this is over....

I am also going to need my brain to get things done today.  I hope it shows up soon.  8 a.m. would be nice...  :)

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Not a whole lot....

- go to bank and store before more nasty weather rolls in tomorrow- done

- dishes-

- possible load of laundry- in the dryer

- get dd1 off the bus- done

- dinner- dh and dd1 are picking up something while they are out getting him new shoes.

- make dh has everything packed for Chicago (he leaves at 4 am)- have what he missed on top of the suit case, just have to make sure he packs the laptop with charger, his phone charger and his papers into his carryon when he gets home

- bedtime routine

- find some reference sheets to save-

- tidy house- just the kitchen left, will do when done with dishes

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Big day for dd--her first time taking the AMC10 exam! She has a goal for high school to be invited to take the AIME. This is her first baby step :)


So today

--drive 1.5+ hours to the hosting university (could not get her into the high schools in this area--it's been quite the saga)

--hang out on campus while she sits the exam

--drive 1.5 hours home (with hopefully much less traffic)

--dd might do some English; we'll see how fried she is!

--groceries? library?

--dd ballet 6-9

--exercise: 60 min cardio

--some paperwork

--some planning for our April WDW trip

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Here's hoping that Wednesday will be better than Tuesday.


Here, here (raises super-sized mug of coffee)! While yesterday was a pretty horrible day here, it did end fairly well. Went to DS's basketball game. It was a good game. They lost by 6 points, but the other team had this girl who was bigger and taller than most of the boys and she was tough. And rough. My poor DS, who is not a small, wimpy kid commented after the game, " every time I'd go for the ball, she'd squish me." And her name was Precious. Really. That just gets me every time!


So, today... we have---

** morning walk - done!

** breakfast and devotions - getting there!

** school

** getting ready for rocketry in Friday ( was going to try to do that yesterday, but amidst all the chaos and horribleness.... Didn't get done!)

** kids have Awana

** DH and I have our weekly date at Walmart while the kids are at Awana.


Hope everyone is feeling well and ready to tackle the day!

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Good Morning! 


Jean, hope today is much better than yesterday for ya!


Tress....hope you feel better soon!  Headaches are the worst!


One*mom--hope you have a productive day.  


Melissa--hope your husband has a good trip.


Luckymama--best wishes for your dd today! 


Krisitin--hope today is better than yesterday!


Angi--hope you have a successful day!


My day so far:  cleaned first floor, washed up dishes and tidied my bedroom.  Showered and dressed for the day.


To do:  

Laundry--3 loads

music lessons at 5pm

algebra class with ds

dinner and a quick tidy of the rest of the house.


Have a great Wednesday ladies!  :D


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Good morning! I hope everyone has a better day. Tress, sorry about your car! But good news about the rabbits, right?


Back from am practice, and everyone has a lot to do.


To do:

ds1- calls to make, school, plan Europe trip (purchase stuff in the next few weeks)

dd1- school, chores

ds2-school, chores

dd2-a lot of school, back tracking on poorly done assignments (sigh...give them an inch....), lunch with confirmation sponsor

ds3-school, chores, pet chores


Me: general clean up, school, laundry, clean up study, check bills, write, art/craft

PM practice: swimming, climbing, aikido


Have a great day!

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I need to add lamenting over next year decisions to my list!


I direct our co-op, but I'm seriously thinking of not participating next year. Dd will be a senior next year and possibly going away to college. It's the last year for them to be together. I might do some Latin together, and I just found the Signs and Seasons curriculum at Classical Astronomy which we might could do together. She'll be doing dual enrollment, but her classes would not be on Fridays, which is the day the co-op meets. The technical college here is closed on Fridays and only has M/W or T/TH classes. She would probably only take 2 classes each semester, and I'll need to drive here there at first because she won't have her license until later in the fall. 


I want it to still be there the next year, so I'd have to see if one of the moms would be willing to take it over. I tend to be the one among our group who is the most willing to lead things. 





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Make snacks for tonight's high school bible study

clean master bathroom

do school with 7 year old

send transcripts, SAT scores, AP scores, resumes, meningitis vaccines, etc... to 4 colleges on behalf of my oldest son

look for local volunteer opportunities for my 15 year old

cook pinto beans for burritos

make pumpkin chocolate chip muffins for this week's breakfasts

think about looking at my Motivated Moms list ;)

make almond milk

toast almonds


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I need to add lamenting over next year decisions to my list!


I direct our co-op, but I'm seriously thinking of not participating next year. Dd will be a senior next year and possibly going away to college. It's the last year for them to be together. I might do some Latin together, and I just found the Signs and Seasons curriculum at Classical Astronomy which we might could do together. She'll be doing dual enrollment, but her classes would not be on Fridays, which is the day the co-op meets. The technical college here is closed on Fridays and only has M/W or T/TH classes. She would probably only take 2 classes each semester, and I'll need to drive here there at first because she won't have her license until later in the fall. 


I want it to still be there the next year, so I'd have to see if one of the moms would be willing to take it over. I tend to be the one among our group who is the most willing to lead things. 


Planning high school schedules with multiple kids is so stressful for me! We have to coordinate dual enrollment, a part time university model school, another co-op for my 7th and 9th grade sons, and Classical Conversations for my 7 year old.Uggh! So stressful! Add scouts, possibly speech and debate or youth in government. I wring my hands about how it's all going to come together and how we're going to juggle who gets the cars on which days. I'll be glad when it's all settled. God always seems to work it out just perfectly, though. Be anxious for nothing!

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Planning high school schedules with multiple kids is so stressful for me! We have to coordinate dual enrollment, a part time university model school, another co-op for my 7th and 9th grade sons, and Classical Conversations for my 7 year old.Uggh! So stressful! Add scouts, possibly speech and debate or youth in government. I wring my hands about how it's all going to come together and how we're going to juggle who gets the cars on which days. I'll be glad when it's all settled. God always seems to work it out just perfectly, though. Be anxious for nothing!


This is exactly why I think I want to pull out and be home as much as possible next year. She will probably want to find a part-time job as well to start saving spending money for college and such. I think ds is really going to miss her if she goes away to school, so having as much time as possible together really appeals to me. 

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I've been sick since Sunday afternoon--sinus infection.

Not a lot going on around here
I've done a couple loads of laundry

Everybody is fed
School is done--#1 did half of school last night and finished up this morning

Taking #1 to the library
I hope #2 will agree to a quiet afternoon and cartoons


I'm thinking bacon and eggs for supper.

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Just checking in...we have a bad case of senioritis going on here. It is not helped by needing to be done with everything by May 1, as he is heading on a solo Europe trip for a month then. I think he will be done, when he works, he works hard and well.


Everyone else is having a bit of spring fever, I think. It has been in the upper 50s and sunny here for the past five days. It feels like summer is just around the corner. But we know it is not.


So, I have been a cheerleader for all the kids this morning.  We just need to limp through a couple more weeks until spring break!


Kristi, I hope you feel better soon. Bacon and eggs sound great for supper....

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We are about to leave for part 2 of the day.  It was a bit rough going today, but most people managed to get most of their stuff done.


Teens, even when fairly cheerful, are very tiring and much harder to motivate than the little kids.  In fact, the limits of my ability to prod and push are very apparent. Prayer is about the last thing I have going.


Have a great evening everyone!



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Well, today has gone better. 100% better. Everyone is done with school. No battles. Well, one but I pulled out the old..."you're in a position now where you can either keep being disrespectful and uncooperative and end up in your room all afternoon, or you can turn around this attitude, get your work done and have a good day!" Fortunately, for all involved, he made the correct choice.


** school - done!

** rocketry work - coming up!

** dishes - in the dishwasher and going!


Now, I'm sitting here, it's quiet, kids are out enjoying the sunshine and I am having some peppermint tea and listening to my favorite talk radio host.


Kristi - hope you feel better. I hate sinus infections!

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Dh poured me a glass of wine after we arrived home at the same time----me from dropping dd/grocery stopping/library run and him from his Mandarin class. No exercise for Karen today!


We're having a lovely evening together, talking, cooking, and now eating. A foretaste of after dd graduates!

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