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Old bed furniture?

Night Elf

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I'm trying to convince ds to let me change his twin bed for a double bed. I feel like he's old enough that he shouldn't be in a twin anymore, but he's very reluctant to change. Anyway, if I do manage to convince him, what do I do with the old bed furniture? It's a Captain's Bed style with drawers under the bed. I'm afraid Good Will wouldn't take it because it's really scratched up with cat claw marks. I mean it's really noticeable. I don't want to do Craig's list though. How awful does a bed frame have to be that it's considered not worth donating? I wish I knew someone to hand this down to.

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Why does he need to change? Has he physically outgrown it. Does his room get double duty as a guest room. OK, that's not your focus here.


If you do get rid of it, I would ask Good Will before ruling them out. I'd also ask local groups. There are a couple of charities here that furnish apartments for families just out of homelessness and they frequently put out requests.


If the bed frame is solid, some people look for stuff like that to refinish or repurpose, which is why it still might be ok at Good Will or in a free listing on Craig's List.

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I'd put it on the curb with a free sign. I've just been looking at bed ideas on Pinterest, someone will probably snatch it up quickly. As for the change, I wouldn't unless he wants. I had a captains bed as a kid, they were so cool. Of course, my room was too small for anything but a twin, so I used the bed until I moved out. 


If he wants an upgrade, how about some different bedding? 

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Have you throught about moving him to an XL twin?-- this would give him room to stretch out... Full size beds are not going to give noticible length (unless one sleeps diagonally!).  My older dds 'upgraded' to either a queen size or XL twin.  They are both out of the house now and are sharing a small house... the one with the XL twin has more free room in the bedroom than the one with a queen and she can stretch out all she wants (XL twin is as long as a king).


If the bed is as scratched up as you said, I'd just curb it and see if someone who needs it (or can re-do it) will take it away for you.

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Dh and I both went from sleeping alone on a twin sized mattress to sleeping together on a full size (same length as twin)...unless your son is well over six foot I think you should let him keep his current set up.


Around here goodwill takes anything. The other day I saw chair for 99 cents...they were coming unglued and about to fall apart. With the bed...might running some polish over the scratches make them less obvious?

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Calvin's limbs started sticking out over the edge of his captain's bed, so he was happy to change it.  I remember my mother insisting on my changing to a larger bed and being upset about it - I liked the cosiness of the small bed.  It wasn't the end of the world though.


Calvin's bed was picked up by an organisation that refurbishes furniture for people who suddenly have to find furniture (battered spouses who have to move out, etc.).  They wouldn't take the mattress, but the bed was fine.



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