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Night Elf

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I live in Georgia and we had an earthquake last night. I was in bed reading and my whole bedroom started shaking. Apparently, the epicenter was in South Carolina, near the GA/SC border. It registered as a 4.1. The weird thing was that at dinner last night, I was just saying I'm glad we don't live in an area that gets earthquakes or tornadoes.

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We are in SC (Midlands) but we didn't feel it. We were at my daughters karate party with loud music and running around. Everyone started getting texts from friends and family members in the area saying they felt an earthquake. None of us at the party felt it. I feel kind of cheated lol.

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My family is about 1/2 an hour from the epicenter, I am waiting to hear back from my brother to see if he felt it.  He was with my mom last night since he still didn't have power and she did.  I can remember a small quake around that area in the mid 80's.  It just felt and sounded like a small rumble going through the school building.

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I live in Georgia and we had an earthquake last night. I was in bed reading and my whole bedroom started shaking. Apparently, the epicenter was in South Carolina, near the GA/SC border. It registered as a 4.1. The weird thing was that at dinner last night, I was just saying I'm glad we don't live in an area that gets earthquakes or tornadoes.


glad you're fine.   I recall reading that because the bedrock on the east coast/mid-west isn't as broken up as it is in the west 'earthquake country' that the waves can travel farther and it doesn't take as large of a quake to cause damage.


my sil and her dh were in sydney austraila visiting some aquaintences shortly after the northridge quake, so their host had questions.  the host/austrailan commented how glad they were they didn't have earthquakes.  guess what happened the. very. next. moment?   it even made the international news at the time.


I have been watching how places have been so hard hit, and keep wondering when we'll get hit.  we are in earthquake country, and the cascadia plate is overdue for "the big one".  (the last one was in 1700 and the resulting tsunami hit japan. it's how seismologists know the exact date.)

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We are in Northern AL and didn't feel it.  But then a 4.1 is a rather small earthquake.  We were stationed in Southern Cal three times and each time there were earthquakes.  Most of them were bigger but they sound like they felt about the same as you are all talking about.  The ones I remember were in the 5 ranges anyway.  The worse one we had still caused absolutely no damage to us- that was one that had an epicenter about 20 miles from us and was above a 5.  It did cause a bit of damage someplaces- and I think a few people died-  like someone falling off a ladder.  All we felt was a strong jolt for when our bedroom  moved a lot (we were sleeping) and then more shaking. My then 2 year old son slept through it but not our pets,  They were freaked out.


We were never in an area when they had a large earthquake like the one in the SF/SJ area which collapsed that bridge and also caused a highway to collapse or the Northridge earchquake which also caused partial highway collapse and buildings to be destroyed.

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My kids were asleep upstairs and it woke them up. We were in the family room (addition to the original house and on a slab) and didn't feel anything. We told them it must've been ice falling off the roof and sent them back to bed. Then I saw all the FB posts! We went back up to tell them, and they were so excited! Ha! I'm a little sad I didn't feel it. We also were just talking about earthquakes last week.

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We live in oklahoma, and always used to say "Well, at least we don't have earthquakes!"    Not so much anymore, there were 4 close and large enough for us to feel, basically right under our house yesterday.  Not to mention the other 8 gajillion we have had in the last year.   It is just plain weird!

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When we bought our house 3 yrs ago our one dog Bella came with the house. She was about 1 yr old and had puppies under our deck. I found homes for the puppies, kept her and had her fixed. She is far from a needy/clingy type of dog. We have a dog pen that has a large wooden dog house in it. I have never been able to get her to go into the dog house. ever. Yesterday at 3pm I was leaving to take my daughter to karate and went to bring both dogs in the house from the pen (they are not outside dogs, they do their business, lounge in the sun and come back inside when they are done). Bella was IN the dog house, and would not come out. I tried to drag her and she bucked back like a donkey. I left her out in the pen while I ran to karate. My daughter was able to drag her out of the dog house and into our house about an hour later.

We were still at karate when the earthquake hit so no one was at home. When I got home, Bella was pushed up against the back door and almost fell out when I opened it. She has not left my side since. Even last night, she slept on the floor next to my bed when she usually sleeps on her doggy bed in the living room. She has been up my butt all day. She keeps nudging my arm, wanting me to pet her. She has never ever ever been like this before. Like I said earlier, she was a stray for the first year of her life and never a snugly, cuddly dog. Now I'm wondering if she sensed the earthquake and that is why she wouldn't come out of the dog house, and why she won't leave my side.

Anyone else have a dog that is acting strange?

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We felt it here, too.  I had no idea what it was, but it woke up the kids.  My first thought was one of our massive trees had fallen, though I didn't hear any crash.  I did go upstairs just to make sure the kids were okay and the roof was intact.  Then we took flashlights and went outside looking for downed trees.  And how's this for small town living?  I called the non-emergency police number for the city to see if anyone had reported anything.  No one had, and the girl on the phone told me she hoped it wasn't aliens! :lol:  Once I found out what it was, I called the city back to inform them (nope, they hadn't heard).  Ayiyiyi....

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We didn't feel it (near Charlotte). Gotta love a winter when you can go from 7 inches of snow to an earthquake to 70 degrees all within a week without leaving your house!


When I was a kid in the early seventies we had an earthquake in the area here. My sister and I had friends over and my mother just thought it was us shaking things :).

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