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WWYD--Start school and then get organized, or get organized and then start school?

Get organized and then start school or start school and then get organized?  

  1. 1. Get organized and then start school or start school and then get organized?

    • Get organized first; then start school.
    • Start school first; then get organized.
    • Something entirely different (please elaborate!).

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Whew. I don't know what to do...


Last year didn't go too well (after the first 9 weeks). We had disruptions and just never got back on the wagon.


I intended to do school over the summer (we usually do) but the kids' activities kept us extra busy this year.


Plus, we started evaluations and therapy with two of the three kids and the third gets her referral for physical therapy next.


Then we went on vacation and just got back a week ago.


I've done no planning. We didn't finish LAST year's work. We didn't keep chugging away over the summer as usual. So we're behind.


The school room is a disaster, with piles of papers belonging to all three kids for a gazillion different subjects at different grade levels all mingled together.


I can't even just "do the next thing" because of the aforementioned disorganization.


I would normally have started school this week (August 11) but having just gotten back from vacation August 8 and having doctor's appointments, evaluations, piano lessons, swimming lessons, and carpet cleaning this week ate up all that time.


Ideally we'd start on Monday...but I think I've mentioned I've done no planning. Unless you count printing some worksheets for religious education "planning." Oh, and I bought 3-ring binders for those papers. :001_rolleyes:


So...with that background...would you just try to start SOMETHING school-like on Monday? Or take some time (how long?) to "get organized?"


It's so funny; everyone who knows me IRL believes (and states to me--I get the comment at least once a week) that I am so organized. I would love to invite them to look in my office or in the schoolroom--where everything is organized into "piles" of miscellaneous!!!!!

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I would definitely un-bury yourself first. I have to un-bury myself every afternoon, otherwise, in a week, I would have piles like that. Calvert is all planned out, but if you want to take full advantage of it, you have to plan ahead, read ahead, underline and so on. I spend hours a week doing just that!


I'd say school can wait - or maybe like the pp said - let them work on something from last year while you take however long it takes to get out from under the piles.


Good luck!

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Have you bought new curriculum for this year? if so I would get the kids started on their Math. Then Set aside a specific day or 2 for planning each week, until it's finished then start in adding 1 subject each day!

Example: Math for the first week

Following week: Add Reading/ Phonics

Next week: Add Language ARts


Until you're working a full week of SChool!


Just my 2 cents! Your school will go much smoother with organization!


On a side note my 6th grader loves to organize, so Maybe you could incorporate their help!


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If I don't get semi-organized NOW, I'll never get there and I'll keep falling behind. So, I've given my self next week (after this birthday party tomorrow) to get it all together. Daunting task, but a friend has offered to help and as much as I hate asking or even accepting it...I might just take her up on it. My house is.a.wreck. Even dh who typically just looks past the clutter has started to complain.

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Week 1

Day 1: order math curriculum, and pay for 2-day shipping to get it there Pronto! Take a trip to the library and pick out free-reading books. If the older child reads proficiently, I'd pick out one book that they might try reading to the younger dc.


Days 2-3: Dc do free-reading and help with the organizing process to the extent that their ages allow. You organize with "both barrels" while you can.


Days 4-5: The math should have (hopefully arrived by now), so the dc do the free-reading and math each day.


During this week, while you're organizing, you're making curriculum choices each day, so that you can order whatever you need that you don't have.


Week 2

Day 1: Another trip to the library this day. You get new free-reading books, but you also pick up a read-aloud book that focuses on whatever history you've decided upon. Each day they're doing math, free-reading, and a read-aloud with you. By now you should have ordered your curriculum, pretty much finished with organizing, and you have time to add in some nature walks, drawing pictures of what they see on those walks, etc. So now you have some math, history, literature, and science. Do all of those things until your regular curriculum selections arrive in the mail.


One more thing...I'd *definitely* ask a friend to help me with the organization process, even if all they could do was lend moral support, encouragement, and sort papers into piles according to whose handwriting it looked like. It has to be your most well-organized friend though!


Blessings on you as you get through this, you can do it!


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I find that the kids spend a lot of time waiting on me if I am not organized or we forget to do something. Then it all tumbles out of control until I get my act together. I tend to start by gaining control of our school room, then of each subject, then a general weekly plan and now I need to think year plan and planning ahead.

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Dilemma - if one waits until one is organized, one might never start school. Or - if one starts school before getting organized, one will never get organized.


This is exactly it!


We have all the curriculum and school supplies we need. We don't need any more books (if one uses the logic that we aren't using what we have therefore we need no more...it will just add to the clutter!)


I just have to get organized.


I think I may use a combined approach or, as JFS points out, nothing will ever happen.


Start the kids on something they can handle while I start to get organized.


What I really want is one of those long folding conference tables so I can spread everything out and sort. But it seems that buying another something should not be the answer.


But could it be part of the answer? :confused:


It would certainly give me something to do...a distraction from getting organized and starting school.


Oh dear, better not go shopping. Should just stay home and get started. :D

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