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Other than a diaper cake

plain jane

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Are there any other creative ways to gift diapers to a new mom?


A good friend of mine is having her first and I just happened to find 1/2 of a giant box of Huggies in my basement. The package is unopened but I would like to gift it in a nice, creative manner, if possible. I do know she is not going the cloth diaper route. :)


What can I do with these diapers for her?

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I personally didn't like using any diapers that were in cakes, wreaths or decorative shapes. I didn't like that they were opened, handled and possibly contaminated. I also was ocd about them being misshapened and didn't like them looking nonuniform.


I personally would have enjoyed them as packaged. With diapering supplies would be nice.


Eta: If I was gifting, I'd get a specialty color clothes basket, place diapers, baby detergent, and washes, lotions, creams, etc.

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I made a diaper baby. Stuffed a sleeper (with hand covers) and put the hat on low and put a soother on the front. You can find how to videos on YouTube. It was pretty cute if I say so myself. I also put a couple things in a little diaper bag to go with her 'baby' that I made.

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I would prefer gifts of diapers in original packaging.  Just wrap it in giftwrap or use a gift bag!  The last thing (IMO) a new mom needs is cases of loose diapers that have been picked out of cutesey wreaths, cakes, and other things that have no business being made out of diapers.  :ack2: 

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There's a special circle of hell for people who make new mothers' lives difficult by doing funky things with diapers that are difficult to dismantle. ;)  Also, I hate when they get misshapen and bulky.  And I just can't allow my mind to think of people handling them and germs and... :ack2:   (I get germophobic when I'm pregnant!)


I would wrap the package up in a receiving blanket and secure it with a wide ribbon.

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She's not having a shower so this would just be a gift from me to her when I go visit them after they are home from the hospital. :)


Perfect!  Just take it to her wrapped in a blanket as another pp said and giver her another small gift festively wrapped.  She will appreciate it!


I have to say I never understood the diaper cake or other decorative things done up with diapers.  They're diapers!   I guess I never was one for cute things.   Except the babies themselves. :001_wub: 

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