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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I called in sick to the daycare so no hours there today.  I still have to do my cleaning shift at the diner.  If I wasn't so desperate for the paycheque I would have quit that place this weekend.  My boss is such a toxic person and I can't stand her but I have to support my family.


Anyway: to do monday


work diner 8-9pm

dd6 sparks 6-7pm

school x4 (make sure teens get a cooking lab in)

clean bathroom again (ahh the joys of the flu, certain rooms must get the bleach down daily)

deep clean kitchen

pick up mail


try rest lots

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Oh, Monday, why are you upon us again so quickly.  I had a lovely relaxing weekend.  We went to a movie for James Bond's b-day on Fri, I stayed in my PJ's all day Sat, and today I mostly loafed around the house.  I did go to the commissary, as we do need to eat this week.  Stupid need to eat!


To do:


B'fast, lunch, dinner (Chicken broccoli casserole with rice)










-Greek vocab


Empty the dishwasher


Obsess over the last episode of Sherlock, as I'm still in some sort of shock-SHERshock?


1 load of laundry


Sweep and mop kitchen, LR, DR and entry


Change the sheets on our bed


Clean the MB and powder room


Obsess some more about Sherlock


Work on planning the WDW dining reservations


Watch Sleepy Hollow and Castle  (YAY!) and record The Blacklist to watch tomorrow


Obsess even more about Sherlock


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Not sure I can do much since I have just been labeled "old" in the "Older People and Modern Parenting" thread.

But...old as I am, I do have a job interview tomorrow. Can someone pray that - if this is a good fit for me - that I get it and if it's not, that the door will shut? I curently have a job but it's a 2 hour round trip and not really worth that kind of expenditure in time and money.

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The last few days I was feeling so tired, that even writing a todo list was too much.


I'm going to try tackling today, though.


Plans for today:

-dd10: Math, English, Biology, Logic, Studyskills

-dd7: Math, English, Dutch, Copywork, Reading, Geography

-dd5: Math, Spelling, Copywork, Reading

-everyone: read aloud during lunch

-everyone: traffic education



-Greek & Latin vocab

-study Latin

-take a nap?

-read a book



-get enough steps (fitbit) -- I bought Vibram 5finger shoes on Saturday ( :lol:), my feet really need to adjust, I'm taking it easy today...so I probably won't get enough steps in.

-vit D & multi & fish oil



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I called in sick to the daycare so no hours there today.  I still have to do my cleaning shift at the diner.  If I wasn't so desperate for the paycheque I would have quit that place this weekend.  My boss is such a toxic person and I can't stand her but I have to support my family.


Anyway: to do monday


work diner 8-9pm

dd6 sparks 6-7pm

school x4 (make sure teens get a cooking lab in)

clean bathroom again (ahh the joys of the flu, certain rooms must get the bleach down daily)

deep clean kitchen

pick up mail


try rest lots


Brandy, I hope you get enough rest! :grouphug:


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Tress and Brandy---I hope you both feel better!


Monday---here we go!


breakfast and lunch for dh

coffee and computer time

breakfast for the rest of us

ds' school: Awana, science, math, grammar, spelling, history, cursive

dd' school: Haven't seen her schedule yet; I give her a list for the whole week, and she schedules it herself.

exercise with the kids



go to Spanish and tea


more laundry

watch the next episode of Sherlock 



protein smoothie


schoolwork/paperwork put away

track food on app

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Feeling off, kinda crampy, lower back hurts, having some contractions, can't sleep; hope this is a sign Juli will be here soon... But any ways

- dishes- done

- one load of laundry- in the dryer

- tidy living room and kitchen- done

- quick clean bathroom- done

- get dd off bus- done

- dinner- thawing

- bedtime routine

- finish mei tai?

- nap- done

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Juli sure is making her presence known, Melissa! Get some rest today :)


And my Monday:

--school: maths, English, history, sciences

--pick up dd18 after her winter session class


--update Goodreads w weekend reading

--some more paperwork

--some emails

--pick up a prescription

--roast chicken for dinner


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Good Morning...


Melissa, she will be here before you know it...hang in there and rest all you can.


Tress and Brandy, hope you both will be feeling better soon.  Tress, love those Vibrams! 


We had a good weekend, Saturday we just hung out and it rained all day.   Watched movies and relaxed.  Sunday, we slept in and then hubby took me to lunch at Bonefish and then to movies.  We picked up Cheesecake factory cheesecake for all of us and came home and had coffee and cheesecake for dinner.  



  •  school..it's our first week back full on.  I changed how we school this semester.  We have 4 classes each day, and those classes get 1 1/2 to 2 hours of work each day.  We are going to be schooling on Saturday until May expect when visiting family.  
  • tidy the house-vacuum, dust and mop
  • wipe down bathrooms
  • tackle laundry--1 load of white, dark and towels
  • clean out refrigerator and wipe it down, clean oven--tired of smelling something burning each time I turn it on. 
  • finish up meal plan for 30 days and commissary/costco list for Wednesday
  • clean up my desk and go through crafting supplies and make sure I have everything for some projects for Feb/March
  • watch Blacklist tonight....I love that show and I'm so ready for it to be back on.

Have a great Monday!!

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Normal day plans have been derailed by the fact that dh worked last night from 4 pm-9 am. He just got home and is going to crash for a while, as he will have the same schedule today/tomorrow as well.

I think I'm going to get the kids out of the house for a while, maybe hiking. So school will have to wait...I'll aim for afternoon school but usually by that point dd8 can't focus, so.....


Dishes are caught up as is laundry. Floors were all vacuumed yesterday, and wood floors were mopped. I may just sweep them today. Toilets are done daily, so I'll get to those.


Breakfast was made and cleaned up. Need to get the kids dressed and out the door. Wonder if I could bring a book to read aloud? That way, when we have a break from hiking, I could read? Hmmm.

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 I hope everyone feels better today!  We are getting things together after a busy weekend.  Everyone is still sleeping, so I will have coffee and read the paper for a bit.



school for all

dd1 is behind and has to get moving.

ds3 needs to move faster

ds1 needs to move fastest


dust downstairs

oversee chores

pay bills and make some calls

PM practice: swimming and water polo



green smoothie (I was very good last week and ate well and not much- and I weigh exactly the same as last Monday, Argh. Not even one ounce difference!)

Art/Craft for 30 minutes

write 30 minutes

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I so don't want to.  sigh

school with youngest

collect and empty household trash and take down to curb

take 13 year old cat to vets at 1:50, still losing weight precipitously

school planning for the rest of this semester (I did do this week out)

Wishing I could hear my husband's voice, he is still in Sierra Leone til Thurday

put away laundry





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The last few days I was feeling so tired, that even writing a todo list was too much.


I'm going to try tackling today, though.


Plans for today:

-dd10: Math, English, Biology, Logic, Studyskills

-dd7: Math, English, Dutch, Copywork, Reading, Geography

-dd5: Math, Spelling, Copywork, Reading

-everyone: read aloud during lunch

-everyone: traffic education



-Greek & Latin vocab

-study Latin

-take a nap?

-read a book



-get enough steps (fitbit) -- I bought Vibram 5finger shoes on Saturday ( :lol:), my feet really need to adjust, I'm taking it easy today...so I probably won't get enough steps in.

-vit D & multi & fish oil




After dinner check in:


No nap, but I feel okay.

I won't get enough steps, my feet feel a bit tired, but I don't have pain!

No self-ed Latin, but maybe putting that on the list was a bit too enthousiastic.


My dh has taken over argueing with the educational publisher who won't sell to homeschoolers. Drives me crazy. :banghead: Dh kinda enjoys the challenge.


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Ds started this morning off complaining of being sore in his neck and having a headache. He has a slightly swollen lymph gland on one side but no fever. I'm making him lay around all day and rest. I hate for dd to miss Spanish, so I might drop her off there and just go sit in a parking lot and read or something. I don't want to stay there because other siblings come and play, so he'd be miserable watching them out running around since it's a pretty day here.


Hopefully he's just fighting off a virus or something.


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Well things are getting done here albeit slowly, I can only last about 15 minutes before the nausea and dizziness take over but at least progress is being made on the chores.  Laundry is going, kitchen is nearly done.  Once kitchen is finished the teens will be able to do their cooking lab for school.  Youngers are already driving me nuts today, it seems the days I just want some peace they need to ask me something every 5 seconds.

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Getting a late start today.


Drop dd off at coop and pick her up -done

Grocery shop-done


Put away 4 loads of laundry

Wash sheets and put away-done

Clean/vacuum family room- done

Clean out kids underwear drawers (never did get to this on Saturday)-done

Make banana bread- done

Prepare supper-done


Too bad I'm sitting here watching Downton Abbey.

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Well, tears abounded during dd2's math test.  I am hard on her, but she can do it, and must marshal all her effort to do so.  She goes along so well, and then it gets just too hard.


Dyslexia sucks.


I am tired of hassling and cajoling all the creatures in my house.


We will all have lunch and a second wind, I hope.

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Happy Monday!

Today I have:

almost finished w/school
played w/little one
cleaned kitchen
wiped down all cabinets in the house
cleaned/wiped down doors
swept and mopped--ds1 vacuumed last night
made bed

Still need to do:
Take boys to a park or something outside.  It's so nice out
Have boys write and mail thank you card
Mail netflix movie back
Pick a new book to read

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Happy Monday!  I've been tackling it in full force today!



up, showered and dressed


fold 2 loads of laundry and put away

strip bed linens, wash, dry and put back on beds


     dd6: handwriting, math, phonics, spelling

     dd9: Megawords, Wordly Wise, math, handwriting, reading

    ds: Wordly Wise, science, math, handwriting, reading

    dd16: Pre-Calc, APUSH, AP Language, finish Spanish homework

dd16: Economics class (9-10:30)

chores: empty/reload dishwasher, wipe down bathroom & kitchen counters, sweep/vacuum, wash pots & pans, trash & recycling

start dinner in crockpot

watch friend's daughter while she has an appt (11-1pm)

history lessons with dd9 and ds 



read Jungle Book with ds and dd9

request library books for this history unit

pack clothes to take to the gym

dd6: dance class (4-5pm)

dd16: dance classes (4:30-8:45)

go to gym (after dd6's dance class)


go to Aldi's

ds & dh : Boy Scouts (7:30-9pm)

list items for sale / continue decluttering

mop kitchen & bathroom floors



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Whoa Jenn, I need a nap after reading your list!


We've managed to get through English and history and have lunch. The second load of laundry is almost done. I answered a bunch of calculus questions from dd18. And I texted with dh---he's having a rough day with his father who really should retire. Grrrr.


Dd did plan out her week, so that's good :) She has no evening commitments on Mondays-----it makes for relaxed Mondays. Normally I'd be on her case about only two subjects being completed by 2:30!


Math awaits after our tea/cocoa break.

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Kitchen is still a work in progress, I was doing well despite the big breaks but then I put the kids in charge of making lunch and well it's a mess again. It's supper time in about an hour so no point in worrying about it right this minute.  ds15 shovelled the front sidewalk, it was long over do and trampled down so he had to chip away at it but got right to the cement all the way along and it looks so great.  He then hauled the cardboard to the garage and larger garbage items to the pile in the alley that were under the awning near the front entrance.  I got outside for a few minutes to salt the path from the main sidewalk to the front door so it can be shovelled up tomorrow.  Sent dd14 to the grocery store to pick up a snack supper for the kids (pizza pops, they like when mom is sick), and bread for ds15s bagged lunch tomorrow.  Got confirmation of the kids registration in 2 new online classes for next semester.  I put in the requests yesterday so today was no work on my part, just got the confirmation.

Did some more laundry, and made the kids to do list for tonight to make sure everything is in garment bags/backpacks in the trunk for tomorrow (teens have to iron their cadet uniforms and polish their boots, youngers need to put their swim suits and towels into bags and dd6 needs to toss in a brush, dd14 needs to be sure to pack her hair items).  I need to get my pile of things ready for tomorrow am and make ds15s bagged lunch (He starts his community service hours tomorrow with an 8 hour shift).  And everyone needs to scatter around the house and find the various library items that need to go back tomorrow.


My headache is much better, the dizziness and nausea still hit hard when I am on my feet for more than 10-15 minutes but I am hopeful those will improve as the headache goes away.  When dd14 went to the grocery store she kindly picked up some gingerale for me (though it was my money anyway, I hadn't asked for it, she just thought I would like it).  So going to relax a minute before getting dd6 ready for sparks (she is playing in the bathtub right now)

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Oh, Monday, why are you upon us again so quickly.  I had a lovely relaxing weekend.  We went to a movie for James Bond's b-day on Fri, I stayed in my PJ's all day Sat, and today I mostly loafed around the house.  I did go to the commissary, as we do need to eat this week.  Stupid need to eat!


To do:


B'fast, lunch, dinner (Chicken broccoli casserole with rice)










-Greek vocab


Empty the dishwasher


Obsess over the last episode of Sherlock, as I'm still in some sort of shock-SHERshock?  Yep, working on it


1 load of laundry Not enough to make a full load!


Sweep and mop kitchen, LR, DR and entry


Change the sheets on our bed


Clean the MB and powder room


Obsess some more about Sherlock Yep!


Work on planning the WDW dining reservations Still working on it!


Watch Sleepy Hollow and Castle  (YAY!) and record The Blacklist to watch tomorrow


Obsess even more about Sherlock  Yep!


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I just got back from being gone for 3 hours.  In that time I have gone to the big city to the specialist - verdict:  I am still very ill and am going to be on at least 3 more weeks of antibiotics.  I also talked to hte doctor about getting a flu shot since dh is very worried that I would end up in the hospital or worse if I got the flu this year.  The doctor agrees in theory but says that I am much too ill right now to even think about having a flu shot.  


I have gone grocery shopping, gotten my prescription filled, gone to the meat market and let RC have a long and rambling talk with my dd to keep her out of my hair (my dd, not RC).  

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