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extremly cold wind chills....


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if you live in an area where the wind chills can dip down to the negative 30's - 40's...would you drive 45 minutes to an ortho appointment?  My husband wants me to consider not going...and am I am not sure if I should be concerned or not.  What would you do?  It's just a basic appointment...but they might not be able to get us in again for another month because they are very busy...but I won't know that until Monday morning because they are only in the office on Monday's and Wed.


What would you do??

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I wouldn't go.  It would have to be a true emergency for me to go anywhere in temps that low.


However, frostbite time (exposed skin) is 10 minutes at -30 to -50, and 5 minutes at -50, so if you bundled up and covered your face, you'd be fine.


I'd be concerned about how my car would respond to those cold temps.


But mostly I wouldn't go near the outdoors because it is too cold for me.

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Nope, I would cancel. 


I am going shopping to pick up a few necessities today so that we do not have to leave the house for even a few minutes on Monday with that arctic blast coming in.   Schools are already being cancelled... wind chills are so varied. They can say they are between 30-40 below, but then it gusts and gets a little stronger unexpectedly and becomes more like -50.  That's just not something to mess with, imho.

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I grew up in Alaska. I would go. I would hate every minute of it, but I would go. We would have never got anything done otherwise. But I can understand not going if temps like that are not something you are used to, or prepared for.

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I'd go.  Like some others have said, I'd make sure I had some emergency supplies in the car, but I'd go.


The exceptions would be if there were ice or other bad whether expected, or if the drive were largely rural.  I may cancel then, because if something did happen to my vehicle on the way then there may not be enough traffic to find us. 

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the road conditions will be fine, there are places along the way to stop, I have a dependable vehicle and a cell phone...so I think I will be doing it...my husband, after thinking about it too, has said it's up to me if I want to be out in the cold...I don't...but there isn't a really good reason not to go, it appears. 



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I'll be doing that here Monday.  OB appointment that I shouldn't change because of complications.  If the roads would be bad, that's more of a factor to me.  I'll heat up the car & bundle up.  The worst part will be leaving the appointment and coming out to a cold car! 


If you decide you're not comfortable with it, you could always see how long it would take to reschedule and decide based on that! 


Stay warm...ish. 

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I do that all the time.  Tuesday I have to drive 2 hours to take ds15 to his urologist appt in the city.  Windchills do not deter my driving long distances, only icy roads or winds that are kicking up too much snow to make visibility low.  The winds today are causing visibility issues on the highway so if the appt was today I would be cancelling for that reason only, just plain cold we toss a couple blankets in the trunk in case the car breaks down and we would face being stranded for a while but that's about it.

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the road conditions will be fine, there are places along the way to stop, I have a dependable vehicle and a cell phone...so I think I will be doing it...my husband, after thinking about it too, has said it's up to me if I want to be out in the cold...I don't...but there isn't a really good reason not to go, it appears. 




I would go in those circumstances. What's the actual temp going to be? I don't pay too much attention to wind chill unless we're planning on being outside for awhile. And if you live in a cold climate, it's hard to hibernate when it's cold out. :-)

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Depends on the car and the roads. Once you're in the car and on the way, you should be fine. The heat will kick on and you'll probably be too hot.


But I did postpone my dentist appt tomorrow, and I only had to drive 10 minutes across town. I had a bad premonition that our car wasn't going to start if it was -20F.


As it turned out, I made the right call. The car didn't start today, and it's only -5. ( I have no idea what the windchill is.) We can't go anywhere until it warms up a bit. (Like, to a car place to get a new battery, for example...)


But if you know your equipment's in good shape, why not?

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Heck to the no. But I live in TX and we bundle all the way up when it's 55* (that's POSITIVE 55*).

When I read all these posts about negative temps, this Carolina girl thinks, "that land should be considered uninhabitable.". :). I really have a hard time imagining what -30 degrees would even feel like when I am freezing at positive 30.

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