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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Plans for today:
-pray for Jean :) - DONE
-give dd3 birthday presents :hurray: - DONE
-clean living room  - DONE
-laundry - DONE

-make report cards for kids - DONE
-my parents are coming to visit - DONE
-give everybody cake (don't eat cake myself!) - DONE
-make grocery shopping list - DONE
-grocery shopping? me or dh? me! - DONE

-bake 'oliebollen' (don't eat them!!!!)  - DONE
-Greek DONE & Latin DONE vocab
-study Latin. I got some excellent advice from my friend's husband, so now I have a plan again! - DONE
-threadmill - DONE
-read a book
-games/movie/food with kids and dh, let kids stay up late until they collapse :D.

-get enough steps (fitbit) - DONE
-vit D & multi & fish oil - DONE
-NO SUGAR - so NO cake, NO oliebollen. Really!

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Lets see...

- laundry- load in dryer, so will have three to fold and put away, two loads folded not putting away until all is done

- dishes- in progress

- take out trash- done

- tidy up- in progress

- get gas and pay a bill- done

- dinner

- get dh to bring boxes out if the shed so we can get the tree down

- bedtime routine

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Jean, hope the antibiotics help and you will be on the mend soon.


Tress....those look yummy!!


Today will be an errand day for me...

  • hit the bank
  • pay the bills
  • shop at Costco, Wal-Mart, Aldi
  • quick tidy of the house--vacuum main floor, dishes and wipe down kitchen
  • home to relax and enjoy the last day of the year. :)


May you all have a wonderful day and a great start in the New Year! 

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Thanks to Jean for posting the thread even when she is not well.


Thanks to Tress for the delicious looking oliebollen. Good luck avoiding that temptation!


To do

Go to gym- gotta fit in the last visit of the month.

Meal plan the rest of the week.

Pick up helmets

Clear away level 2 of holiday mess

Make end of month purchases.

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Good Morning!

Jean, you get some rest now! Praying that you feel better soon!


Tress, those look yummy. They look like traditional Mennonite New Years Cookies ( though at other times of the year we call them raisin fritters).


Nothing much going on here today. The kids and I are having breakfast at IHOP with my parents, just for fun. Then I guess I'll do some grocery shopping. Trying to keep things low key. No one feels really good around here because of the bad air. I'll probably do some long term lesson planning, etc.

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And for the last day of the year...


--dd will meet w a Science Olympiad partner in, gulp, a few minutes!

--take donation items to Goodwill (dh)

--get passport photos taken (me, dh, the girls)

--grocery store for dip fixings

--exercise: cardio for 60 min

--finish updating Goodreads so I can begin 2014 organized (in the book sense)

--hang with the fam :D

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Self-ed Latin: I switched from studying Ovid to Pliny. Pliny (the Younger) is sooooo much easier than Ovid! I read 15 lines with (relative) ease. :hurray:



I can't believe I wrote that about a Roman author :lol: .


Pliny isn't easy, but Ovid made me cry, it was soooo bad.

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Tress, those look like they were made with love.


Ahhh, uhmmmm, that was a stock photo :blushing: .


I asked my dd10 to take a picture of my oliebollen. I make them with lots of apple, that's how my mom makes them. Traditional Dutch oliebollen are round, but mine are...knobbly :D.




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Ahhh, uhmmmm, that was a stock photo :blushing: .


I asked my dd10 to take a picture of my oliebollen. I make them with lots of apple, that's how my mom makes them. Traditional Dutch oliebollen are round, but mine are...knobbly :D.




Ahh, so they are different from what I'm talking about, we don't put apples in ours. Ours are just a batter with raisins in it, drop it by spoonfuls into hot oil, fry till golden brown and immediately roll in sugar. Best when eaten hot. Definitely not for dieters, but ohhhhh so good! Yours look very yummy, too.
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Ahh, so they are different from what I'm talking about, we don't put apples in ours. Ours are just a batter with raisins in it, drop it by spoonfuls into hot oil, fry till golden brown and immediately roll in sugar. Best when eaten hot. Definitely not for dieters, but ohhhhh so good! Yours look very yummy, too.

Yours sound really similar to traditional Dutch oliebollen.


I have no idea why my mother's recipe calls for lots of apples, I still remember visitors at my mom's home being very surprised when they saw our oliebollen :lol:, but they were always a huge hit and dh&kids&I much prefer them over the traditional oliebollen. They just don't look as pretty :D.


And I have been strong :D, I haven't even tasted one. I'm not dieting for weight loss, but the last few years eating food with lots of sugar and flour (pancakes, waffles, oliebollen, pepernoten, apple cake) makes me very ill. It's just not worth it.

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I've made my breakfast and eaten it.

I've made my bed.  

It is 11 o'clock in the morning.  Ugh.


Ds has been assigned the humongous task of organizing his hacker space.  He is having fun pawing through wires, capacitors and resistors as well as other things that I have no name for.


Dd has been assigned the task of putting away the props used in the Christmas pageant.  


My next huge task - manage to get dressed.  

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I had a long soak in the tub, then thought I would come here and read a bit before making my tackle list and starting my day officially, but between the meanness online last night and then seeing a bunch of my posts were deleted for no real reason (meaning posts where I answered the OP, or related my personal story were reported for whatever stupid reason), I am not in the mood.  Frankly I think I need a board break so I can start my new year off with a good feeling instead of the one I have right now. Spending my time putting thought and energy into responding to posts etc and then having them thrown away for no real reason is disheartening.  I have played by the rules even when others have been outright mean.  So yeah, no tackle list from me today, I am going to do stuff around here, and hang out with my littles and drown my frustrations with smores pop tarts. I did want to saw happy new year to all you tacklers though.  I don't know if my break will only be for today or longer, we'll see.  I refuse to allow any extra negative into my life if I can help it, I have enough of that in spades as it is and the extra stress makes me really sick, so anyway, yeah.  I hope you all have a wonderful new years eve!

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:grouphug: Brandy. Dealing with some irl meanness here as well, I am sorry and hope we can both start off the New Year with good feelings toward our fellow persons.


Hope you are feeling better, Jean!


Late again, the later morning practices and then "Mom, I have to climb!" means I don't get back to the house until after 1 pm. So nothing will get tackled today.


Have a Happy New Year everyone!

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I hope you are well soon, Jean.


I think I am taking today off. There's nothing that has to be done today.  The house is clean, food is accessible, dh is home.  It's cold outside.  It's warm inside :)


Well I went to the kitchen to make  myself lunch and ended up cleaning out and organizing 2 more kitchen cabinets.  Then I made cookies and later ended up playing on the sewing machine for awhile.  Not a bad day at all--just not the one I envisioned :)

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Jean, hope the antibiotics help and you will be on the mend soon.


Tress....those look yummy!!


Today will be an errand day for me...

  • hit the bank
  • pay the bills
  • shop at Costco, Wal-Mart, Aldi
  • quick tidy of the house--vacuum main floor, dishes and wipe down kitchen
  • home to relax and enjoy the last day of the year. :)


May you all have a wonderful day and a great start in the New Year! 


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Lets see...

- laundry- load in dryer, so will have three to fold and put away, two loads folded not putting away until all is done

- dishes- in progress

- take out trash- done

- tidy up- in progress

- get gas and pay a bill- done

- dinner

- get dh to bring boxes out if the shed so we can get the tree down

- bedtime routine

All done but the tree, still fighting a cold, my back, BooKs, and girly parts all hurt (sorry I know TMI) so I'm going to bed early. Dh can handle the rest of dd's bedtime routine (a story).
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So happy I went to Target.  Picked up some appetizers just in case.  As soon as dd and I pulled in the driveway, ds17's friend rode up on his bike.  Guess who's staying with us for the evening?  :laugh:


I couldn't say no.  His parents moved out of state and he's living with his brother until he leaves for boot camp.  He's a nice kid, but he talks so loud! 


Blessings to all of you !  Have a fun and safe evening... :grouphug:

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