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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Re-organize the bookshelves (Got one finished, off to bowling and will tackle the other when I get home.)

Bowling with friends

Clean out the craft/school supply cabinet

Clean and organize the game shelf

Get the boys to finish their thank you notes.

Mail the thank you notes.

Put away the Christmas wrapping things and turn the wrapping table back into the sewing table.

Email/FB our former exchange students.

Email my mom.

Pull the last of the kale from the garden box.

Take the boys to the bank to deposit allowances and Christmas money.

Pick up our Japanese student from the airport. (Not sure what time, she hasn't texted me yet.) Never mind, she just texted me, and she and her sister decided to meet in L.A. for a few days, so she won't be back until next week.





Iron and vitamin D

Get outside for at least 15-20 minutes. (While I pull the kale will work tomorrow.)

Be patient!


Jean, I don't see rest and drink fluids on your list. I hope you're feeling better tomorrow!



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Plans for today:

-Greek & Latin vocab

-get all the library books from the kids' rooms
-study Latin - 10 lines of Ovid
-finish history lessons prep
-go to circus with dd10, dd7, dd5 and my father :hurray:
-read a book

-get enough steps (fitbit)
-vit D & multi & fish oil

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Another light day :)


--8 bajillion loads of laundry

--exercise: Pilates arms and back

--get passport photos taken

--get dd13 to plan her bday meals :)


--library for two fiction holds for me!!!

--read, see above

--play game or watch movie with dh (he's working from home today)

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Things have turned a corner for me last night.  My throat is still sore and swollen but more normal sore and swollen - not the big shards of glass are in there kind of pain.  I woke up with pink eye.  At least pink eye I have meds for and can do something about.  


Cat - I'm putting rest and fluids on my list!  I actually slept fairly well last night for the first night in 3 nights.  I'm still congested though and can't really use my CPaP.


Oh - I do have to clean my CPaP really well today.  I don't want any germs staying in there and making me sick when I do use it.  

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Plans for today:


-Greek & Latin vocab

-get all the library books from the kids' rooms


-study Latin - 10 lines of Ovid


-finish history lessons prep

-go to circus with dd10, dd7, dd5 and my father :hurray:


-read a book



-get enough steps (fitbit)

-vit D & multi & fish oil


-NO SUGAR - 2 sweets


The circus was awesome!! Cirque du Soleil type of circus, no animals. Really awesome!


No time for the treadmill today, I'm going to put the kids to bed and read my book in bed.


See you all tomorrow!



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*eyeroll* so apparently the stars are already falling out of alignment.  my folks were supposed to keep the little kids until jan 2nd (my sister even offered to watch them new years eve so they could go out).  Mom just called, they want to bring them home on the 30th.  They didn't even make it 24 hours with them before deciding to ditch them 3 days early, I need those 3 days.  My folks know how sick I have been for the last month, how much work I need to get done around here, how much I just need a break, but nope they couldn't make 24 hours.  I still have to drive into the city on the 2nd to pick up the teens so it's not like it is even helping me out with driving or anything.  Mom just said she is done having kids around.  She has had ds10 since the 12th (her choice, she asked to keep him), so I get that, but still when the plans are made, the kids were excited about doing new years at auntie's, I was excited to finally have some breathing room, nope sorry mom doesn't want kids around anymore.


As for my list, I had a fitful sleep last night, I have 2 cats in heat in my house, they are annoyingly loud all night yowlling to get out.  But I am up and at 'em now, just finishing some breakfast (at 1130am) and then time to actually tackle my list.

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I have a blessedly short list today.


My parents are moving, so from 8-12 I had to wait for their cable to get hooked up and their new washer and dryer to be delivered.  I can check those off the list.


My brother bought a new gun safe, which will be delivered today between 1-5. I'm sitting at his house while he's off of work, eating his food and watching his apple tv ... waiting for the delivery. I hope to check that off the list in the next hour or so.


Last item I'll do tonight when my brothers are home and I can get our kids together. We'll make and email my young nephew a video from the iPad. He's in ICU today, following a nasty asthma attack. My mom flew out this morning to be with him, and says he could use some cheering up from his cousins.



Keep plowing through Christmas leftovers

walk the dog

don't peek through my brother's mail <-- FAILED! His holiday card pile proved too tempting



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*eyeroll* so apparently the stars are already falling out of alignment. my folks were supposed to keep the little kids until jan 2nd (my sister even offered to watch them new years eve so they could go out). Mom just called, they want to bring them home on the 30th. They didn't even make it 24 hours with them before deciding to ditch them 3 days early, I need those 3 days. My folks know how sick I have been for the last month, how much work I need to get done around here, how much I just need a break, but nope they couldn't make 24 hours. I still have to drive into the city on the 2nd to pick up the teens so it's not like it is even helping me out with driving or anything. Mom just said she is done having kids around. She has had ds10 since the 12th (her choice, she asked to keep him), so I get that, but still when the plans are made, the kids were excited about doing new years at auntie's, I was excited to finally have some breathing room, nope sorry mom doesn't want kids around anymore.


As for my list, I had a fitful sleep last night, I have 2 cats in heat in my house, they are annoyingly loud all night yowlling to get out. But I am up and at 'em now, just finishing some breakfast (at 1130am) and then time to actually tackle my list.

I'm really sorry, Brandy! I wish you could have had those three days to tackle stuff and to get some rest! :grouphug: Can your sister help you out?

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I am late, swimming doubles all week (except Christmas day...that was nice). I came home of a patch of soggy drywall fallen down in the garage. I panicked at the thought of thousands of dollars for a bathroom remodel. The handyman came, great guy, damage looked awful, but is a leak in the toliet, one sheet of drywall to replace, one roll of insulation, and the sub floor just a little damp and will dry in a few days.


I feel like I dodged a huge financial bullet.  But it really brought home to me, how much I need to get a little job. So I am going to put that on my to do list. It has been 18 years since I worked last, I wonder what I am capable of doing.


But today is a waste.

I need to clean up the kitchen, clean some bathrooms, still have to eat a little lunch, and head on the road again.




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I'm really sorry, Brandy! I wish you could have had those three days to tackle stuff and to get some rest! :grouphug: Can your sister help you out?


not likely. I was okay with her watching the kids for new years eve because it helped my parents out but I wouldn't allow it longer than the 1 night.  I can count on one hand how often we have spoken since last xmas and her hurtful comments.


I am not surprised they are wanting to bring them home sooner. I just hoped they stuck to the plan.  Oh well, that's my family for you.


As for my list, I was making good progress but the cook scheduled tonight was a noshow again so I am heading into work for a shift, which is fine with me since we were closed wednesday for my normal shift.

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not likely. I was okay with her watching the kids for new years eve because it helped my parents out but I wouldn't allow it longer than the 1 night. I can count on one hand how often we have spoken since last xmas and her hurtful comments.


I am not surprised they are wanting to bring them home sooner. I just hoped they stuck to the plan. Oh well, that's my family for you.

I'm sorry! :grouphug: Your sister sounded helpful, I had no idea you were not on good terms. :grouphug:


ETA, I try to read all posts on this thread every day, but due to the time difference, I sometimes miss the later posts.

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Done: laundry, master bedroom, grocery shopping, nap. 


To do:  vacuum/mop after dinner


Cannot be done:  library is closed until after New Year's.  :sad:  This was very sad. Dd and I had our book lists made out and were ready to go.  We went to lunch at Panera instead.  Dd asked that we do a girls only lunch 1x a month.  I like this idea!

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I have been lazy.  I read my book and slept for part of this afternoon.  I am putting warm compresses on my eye.  And I'm drinking lots of hot drinks (mostly herbal tea or Emergen-C).  


I made a sort of "hash" for dinner out of all the Christmas dinner leftovers.  Looked weird but was pretty tasty.


I got the kids to do a "laundry blitz" with me - we got two loads of clean laundry folded and put away.

Bedding is almost all washed and dried.  

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