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WWYD: in-law holiday fruit salad ingredients dilemma


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My family are teetotalers too...which is fine. But, we served wine at our home and eventually everyone brought their own bottle to my parents home and now it's been going on for 10 years. There is one person who overdrinks, but they do that wherever they go. My family won't buy the wine but they are now okay with us having it if we bring it. It was a bit awkward the first few times..and probably offended, but hey..we all need to enjoy the holidays and now we do! Everyone is okay or at least accepts the arrangement now.

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I would probably bring conventional  (nothing else will be organic and I also noticed that regular strawberries are $5 a lb atm) grapes, strawberries, and booze of choice.


I am bringing moonshine with me. I am considering putting a jar of moonshine in the dirty Santa game for lolz.


People are saying different things are rude but there is no way I would  observe half of these as being rude. I am extremely grateful that my MIL doesn't get overwrought about such things. I could probably not handle a control freak MIL.

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Whaaaaa? I've never heard of such a thing! Just thinking about it made me shudder IRL. I have to know, what did she serve for the rest of the meal if no one cooks?




Waldorf salad is  an old fashioned recipe that has been around awhile. 








a bit of honey




It is like fruity chicken salad but leaving the chicken out.

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It feels wrong to me. But everyone is saying "bring the grapes as requested and drink wine beforehand". Seems like it should be "take the grapes as requested".


Where are the grammar police ? I just need to know if I am nuts.


Yes, it's "take". It would be "bring" if she were already there, or making the request of someone else.  Like this:


Crazy MIL:  Will you please bring the grapes and strawberries?

Poor Ranch Girl:  Yes, I'll take them, even though you're a whackadoodle and I can't stand you.

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I can totally understand why people wouldn't understand why this is an issue, but those people don't have this type of MIL. I guarantee it.  Based on what you've said, your MIL is just like my former MIL (and Sparkly's and some others who have posted here) and it's obviously a dig.  


I'd still take the damned strawberries and grapes, but I would not go to any extra effort.  I would not go out of my way to be extra nice.  I would do nothing but take them.  She would not have any indication from me that she got to me.  And I would have a few drinks before I left my house.  

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If you drink enough before going there, it won't matter if you hurl the grapes in the general direction or just squash them...or flick them...or run them over with your car....or stomp on them...or whatever.  It'll all be good...


And on that note, the MIL wasn't specific.  She never said the grapes couldn't be crushed and fermented.  Pour that over her fruit salad and you have a nice sangria.

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Hello, my MIL has lived with us for almost 14 years, so I think I am pretty qualified to help. The thing is, even if you "win" this controversy, you lose, because really all you gain is her hostility, especially if she has issues and you two do not get along. Also. It puts pressure and stress on your spouse, because she will give him grief and undermine you when you are not around. With in-laws, the best solutions is to take the high road and avoid controversy whenever possible. You are going to have to sit across the table from her for many years, so don't raise her ire over grapes and strawberries. Just take her the fruit, whatever you do, do not buy organic, and hand them to her in the grocery bag with a smile on your face.

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I would bring the grapes and strawberries and be happy that my ils were actually going to serve fruit for once, and then, if I wanted to bring something else, I'd do that too. No reason you can't bring something you made and the fruit for the salad. Maybe she is making some kind of family salad where each family brings a part and it is symbolic or something. ;)

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If you offered to make something to bring to your in-law's Christmas dinner (because you're a great cook and a generous person), and she replied a week later with what I consider to be obnoxious specific shopping assignment:  "bring grapes and strawberries for my fruit salad". 


Would you just bring what you were assigned, or ask her to pick them up and offer to reimburse her, or what?  We only buy organic fruit so it will be a bit tricky to find grapes and strawberries at this time of year, but probably not impossible.  I might be able to order them online.  My in-laws don't eat anything organic, but they know we do (and this, along with everything I do, really bugs her.  She totally hates me.  I used to care, but I don't anymore.  I mean, even recycling offends her.  Forget homeschooling...).


I am just annoyed because when someone offers to bring something to my house, I will say "thanks, what do you feel like bringing?"  "bring your favorite salad or side-dish" or "bring a dessert".  Not "bring ingredients for this dish I am making".  It may or may not be relevant, but she came to my house for a birthday/early Thanksgiving dinner, where I cooked a turkey and all the trimmings and she did not offer to bring one thing.  She never offers to bring anything to any meal I prepare.


On the positive side, this is a step-up.  She once asked me to peel the potatoes when I offered to bring something.  Not buy them, not cook them, just show up and peel them for her.


Anyhoo, this got longer than expected.  I am looking for a creative way to shut this down, because I just have no desire to bring grapes and strawberries.  My husband says it's my own fault for offering to bring something at all.  All I can think of is to put together the most beautiful grape and strawberry plate that has ever been imagined.  Cover some in chocolate, form an intricate design, etc.  But then she couldn't use them in her fruit salad.


I *wish* she had asked me to bring applesauce (like someone else posted about here around Thanksgiving)!



Go to the bakery and buy a really fancy fruit tart that includes both grapes and strawberries. If it doesn't have grapes, buy a little bunch of grapes and use it as a garnish on top of the tart.


When your MIL says she asked specifically for grapes and strawberries, look shocked and amazed (practice in the car visor mirror on your way to her house so you'll have just the right expression,) and swear up and down that she told you to bring something WITH strawberries and grapes, so you slaved all day baking this lovely fruit tart. Be sure to say this emphatically in front of all of the other guests, and end your explanation with a sad little comment like, "But if you don't think anyone will eat it, I guess I could just put it back out in the car..."  

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Hello, my MIL has lived with us for almost 14 years, so I think I am pretty qualified to help. The thing is, even if you "win" this controversy, you lose, because really all you gain is her hostility, especially if she has issues and you two do not get along. Also. It puts pressure and stress on your spouse, because she will give him grief and undermine you when you are not around. With in-laws, the best solutions is to take the high road and avoid controversy whenever possible. You are going to have to sit across the table from her for many years, so don't raise her ire over grapes and strawberries. Just take her the fruit, whatever you do, do not buy organic, and hand them to her in the grocery bag with a smile on your face.


Well, this is wise and sane. :iagree:

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It's funny. I'd have never thought this was an outlandish request. My sister makes our family Christmas dinner each year. One of the things she makes is chocolate fondue and a homemade pound cake. She always has my oldest sister bring strawberries, grapes and pineapple to dip in the chocolate. I wish she'd have me do that so I wouldn't have to cook for my family that morning then cook something to bring to her house too!

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