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My dd took the SAT in an unheated classroom. WWYD?

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Okay, they had a little space heater in classroom of 15 students, but it didn't help.  Outside it was in the 40s.  


It wasn't for college admission, only TIP, and I suspect it didn't affect her scores much, and in a few years we'll take it elsewhere.  But I feel I should speak up for the students, present and future, who would take an important exam in discomfort.  


Should I call and complain or just let it go?  WWYD?



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I guess I would complain in writing, politely but firmly, so they can't just shove the complaint to the back of their minds and forget it right after you hang up, but I would be sort of gentle in my approach.  If they get ticked off, they may not fix anything.  Also, they might not have realized just how cold it was going to get, did the best they could with what they had and already feel badly.  They should definitely fix the issue more effectively, though.  That is not really acceptable circumstances for taking the test, especially if you paid for it.  If the goal is really to have them make a change, I have found if I put things in writing, and am polite but firm, I get a lot more done than just a frustrated phone call...good luck.

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I would have complained at the door because both my kids would have shivered and not be able to concentrate at that temperature. We are all bundled up in layers when it is 65 deg F indoors.  When my older attended B&M school, the teachers always remind kids to layer up, not sure if that comes into play in your situation as in the kids are used to having to layer up just in case.  

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I would have complained at the door because both my kids would have shivered and not be able to concentrate at that temperature. We are all bundled up in layers when it is 65 deg F indoors.  When my older attended B&M school, the teachers always remind kids to layer up, not sure if that comes into play in your situation as in the kids are used to having to layer up just in case.  


Sadly, they forced me to drop off at the door while they escorted dd to her classroom.  Do you think I should complain to the host school or to the College Board?  


I agree, I hate being in the cold.  

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I've completed an online form and received a fairly standardized email response, asking me to provide detailed info about my dd (sex, birthday, ssn, etc.).  They also warned me that my "scores could be delayed while we investigate your complaint."


Now, I'm willing to let the scores fall where they may (this was for talent search, not college admissions, so the stakes are fairly low).  We can always retest.  But I don't really want to raise a stink.  So I thought a phone call might help me to better explain the situation.


So I called the CB and after a few menus, reached a human with a heavy accent.  This was a problem because I could not understand a lot of what she was saying.  Several times she said she would tell them the temperature was 40 degrees Celsius, which would be unbearably hot!  I needed to correct her for that, but I couldn't really understand a lot else that she said.  At one point she thanked me for calling and asked if I had any other questions.  This was before I even informed her of the center or any other specific info.  So I was in the weird position of having to ask her, "So...is this call over, or are you going to transfer me to another person...?"  I just couldn't understand what she was saying.  


I ended up giving her specific info about my dd's account, which makes me a little nervous, that her scores will be delayed or nullified or who knows what?  Now I am to wait 14 business days for a call back from CB.


I also took some time to do a web search, and found some similar complaints (about other test centers) on College Confidential about cold and small desks (smaller than the test booklet and no room for a calculator.)  I think our moral is we should do some research before registering for standardized tests, particularly if we have a choice of locations.  Now if only there was a yelp for SAT test centers!

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  • 3 weeks later...

As promised here is the conclusion to this episode of the too cold SAT testing facility.  We received a form letter in the mail indicating they made a "thorough investigation" and have determined that "no irregularity occurred that would affect the validity of your scores."   We were given the option to cancel the scores and register for a future test date at no additional cost.  


We weren't really arguing the validity of our scores.  We just thought it would be nice if they provided heat to the classrooms when the exam was offered, out of consideration for the students.  


My lesson learned is to investigate testing centers more thoroughly in advance.  And it's good to  know that a test can be retaken if you feel your scores were affected.  

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Thanks for the update.  The more I hear about some testing issues, the more I like our public school.  We still have a few issues (esp with the PSAT and not being able to turn off bells), but nothing compared to some places!


I'm glad you found out before any "high stakes" testing.

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I had to laugh when I picked my son up from PSAT testing a couple years ago. The test date fell during homecoming spirit week. It was "favorite team day". There were not only kids dressed in their favorite team jerseys, but girls done up in shorts, crazy striped knee socks, etc.  I remember thinking that some of the kids could have been very cold or uncomfortable during the testing.  (This is a school that gives the test to ALL 9-11th graders who are in school on test day. So if they were there, they were testing. Crazy clothes or not.)



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  • 2 weeks later...

One more thing for future test-takers.  Issuing a complaint will seriously delay your score reports.  It's been about a month since everyone else received their scores, and we haven't received our report yet.  They did tell us the scores over the phone, but we really would like the paper report for our records and to send to some programs.  I called today asking, and she said she didn't know if they were on their way, but couldn't order a score report for me because they might be on their way.  Sheesh.  

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