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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Clean kitchen



Clean out the garage - do it.

Dd - volunteering

Ds - Alg 2

Mail Dad's present and birthday card - do it

Christmas cards?



Monitor blood sugar and blood pressure

Digestive Enzymes

No rice  :crying:

Get in steps

Keep living room clean

(not on weekend - 10 min. dog grooming and green smoothie)

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Urg, I got so little done today.  I didn't even get the tree decorated.  Bah Humbug to me!


To do:


B'fast, lunch, dinner


Exercise (For the love of all that's holy I need to exercise!)


Clean kitchen


Put away stuff we bought today


Decorate tree


Clean my room (I did hang the curtains today, but did not clean the room)


Paint the dining room?  Maybe?  I'm kind of tired of looking at the 3 different paint samples we painted on the wall


GIve Dutch and Bella baths and brush Bella


Put garland around the front door?  Probably not.  It's too bloody cold.

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- dishes- done

- fold and put away one load of laundry

- clean out shed to make room for Christmas stuff- done

- take dd to Walmart to have her picture taken with Santa- she changed her mind

- dinner- chicken soup not if with noodles or dumplings yet- dumplings

- tidy up house- done

- bed time routine

Not sure of anything else :)

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Good Morning...



  • hit Costco for fresh produce 
  • already washed two loads of laundry--iron up a few items
  • tidy up and make sure everything is put away
  • check for batteries and charge all electronics as we are getting snow and ice tomorrow
  • make sure we have water, and figure out how to keep us warm should the power go out.  
  • I love snow...ice, not so much!
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We're in the snow-to-wintry-mix band as well.


Today dd has two Nutcracker performances. The first is a special one---they're performing an abbreviated version with a live orchestra for the very first time! It's a children's performance with musicians from the university (profs and students). If it all goes well, the partnership will expand in future years :)


--drop dh and dd off at the performance hall on campus (dh and a musician friend from the university are the ones who developed the partnership idea--he's so excited :D)

--run some errands

--order more gifts

--decorate a bit more

--get everything read to decorate the tree tomorrow (the college kids are coming home to help)

--go to the performance

--have dinner out with dh in town so we don't have to move the car

--watch the second performance


It will be a busy yet fun day here for the LuckyFamily :yippee:

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Morning Gals. Got breakfast going. I'm lazy on Saturday mornings and my poor starving family has to wait while I finish my coffee before I start making breakfast. Today we're having bacon and pumpkin spice waffles (don't be impressed,, it's from a mix). It's supposed to storm today, although this morning it is beautiful out. It did rain last night and right now the sun is out, the sky is brilliant and everything is washed clean. Today is my day to decorate the house, which will be a job. I have a very extensive Department 56 Dickens Village (been slowly collecting pieces for the past 15 years). I'd also like to bake some cookies. I need to go to the grocery store, too. I found a great recipe for beef/barley stew with roasted veggies in my long forgotten recipe file, so I want to make that for dinner and need fennel and parsnips. Yummy!

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Angi--I hope your head feels better soon! 


They found a rehab spot for my mom, but she developed a fever yesterday and they couldn't move her. It will be Monday before they can look at it again. One good thing is that the place is much closer to me and in north Atlanta. It would take around an hour to get there. I just don't know how long Medicare will allow her to stay. They can't get a good diagnosis on her liver because they can't do a biopsy. 



To Do:

Sleep in


Watch some stuff on Netflix and chill out



Have kids clean their rooms and bathroom

Go to cleaning job

Relax at home a little


Put up kids' trees and decorate them

Put out smaller, table top decorations


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Chores are all done already so I won't list those


Thawing chicken for stir fry for supper.


Dropped off eldest at work


Taking youngest to birthday party at 3


Have to find a birthday present for a friend, no idea what to get her, probably end up with white chocolate goodies as she loves it.


Knitting like a madwoman for Christmas presents hopefully while enjoying some guilt free tv since my hands will be busy.  I'm making pretty cabled mittens for everyone.  Nice way to use up a yarn stash and have something for everyone.


Cleaned all day yesterday so we could set up the tree and decorate, house looks and smells wonderful for however long it lasts.

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Lowe's for parts to fix water line

pick up trash delivery guys left

buy groceries


TSC for cow feed


help dh with his end of year review

help dd with English essay for TPS

tons of laundry

call mechanic and check on van

call UPS to find missing package

work on bills

wash all sheets and put on new beds

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Human care including breakfast done

Pet care done

Dd at volunteering gig

Zumba for a half hour done plus I was able to feel useful and help out a bit behind the scenes with set up etc.

Someone is running the dishwasher to assume that I must have forgotten to run it last night.  Cleaning the kitchen will have to wait until that load is done.


Next - make my bed and meds since those got forgotten in the mad dash to get to Zumba. - done and done

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Re the "No rice" on my habits list - True confessions. I had two pieces of sushi for lunch. Also true confessions. I'm not going to restart my habits streak count (day 34 today). I only added in the no rice thing 4 days ago, I think (I would need to check to be sure) and I have been keeping up with all my other habits. I've been a bit ambivalent on the no rice thing anyway. I don't really believe in cutting out entire foods except for allergy reasons. The main reason I put it on there is because in the past it has been a trigger food and causes me to overeat. There were four pieces of sushi in the box. I had two and was satisfied. So healthwise, I actually feel like I did fine. I think I'm going to keep the no rice thing on there but will allow one "cheat" on the weekend, just like I don't do the green smoothie or dog grooming on the weekend. This whole habits thing is really about instilling habits that will help me to be consistent in my health journey.

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i've got a few things to do, well actually I've got a lot to do but I've decided a lot of them can wait. Dc wants to watch a movie this afternoon, I just downloaded a new book, there is a good supply of chocolate and tea on hand...can you see where this is going :lol:


Not sure I really belong on the tackle thread today but it sure is inspiring to rub shoulders with all you productive moms. Jean, you are absolved of any lingering rice guilt :D

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Quicken/home & business accounting/bank -- 4 hrs.

Clean kitchen

Pick up donuts all over the house that fell out of box as dog was running away with it

Talk to friend #1 about power outage

Talk to friend #2 about everything and anything

Talk to friend #3 about babysitting Woofy Monday afternoon at his house

Talk to friend #4 about anything and everything

Consider making it a condition of friendship that friends will not call me!

Call DH and tell him dinner chef fell into Quicken, never to be heard from again. He's bringing take-out home.

Consider how power being out for 3 hrs means no housework can be done (this is false, but I couldn't think up any chores that didn't require water and electricity -- well pump is electric -- until power came back on)


If I accomplish anything else, I'll list it here.


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My day sucks rocks.  I went to work for the lunch rush, picked up the baking supplies needed.  BUT I was up until 4 am coughing and am still coughing so much my chest hurts today.  DD6 is going on to over 2 hours of her tantrum and I am stressed out from it.  We have not put up the tree or baked because every little thing I have asked the kids to do to help get ready has been met with nothing but attitude and fighting.  At this point I am ready to call xmas off and wonder why I cancelled a hole shift today to have family fun when they are making sure to ruin it yet again.  We have not had fun as a family for years because they always sabotage it.  I am flipping done.  If I hadn't bought primarily gift cards for xmas this year I would return everything and call it off, the spoiled brats don't deserve a flipping thing other than a kick in the ass.

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My day sucks rocks. I went to work for the lunch rush, picked up the baking supplies needed. BUT I was up until 4 am coughing and am still coughing so much my chest hurts today. DD6 is going on to over 2 hours of her tantrum and I am stressed out from it. We have not put up the tree or baked because every little thing I have asked the kids to do to help get ready has been met with nothing but attitude and fighting. At this point I am ready to call xmas off and wonder why I cancelled a hole shift today to have family fun when they are making sure to ruin it yet again. We have not had fun as a family for years because they always sabotage it. I am flipping done. If I hadn't bought primarily gift cards for xmas this year I would return everything and call it off, the spoiled brats don't deserve a flipping thing other than a kick in the ass.

Get a bucket of rocks and tell them merry freakin Christmas :) save the gift cards for when they behave.
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My day sucks rocks. I went to work for the lunch rush, picked up the baking supplies needed. BUT I was up until 4 am coughing and am still coughing so much my chest hurts today. DD6 is going on to over 2 hours of her tantrum and I am stressed out from it. We have not put up the tree or baked because every little thing I have asked the kids to do to help get ready has been met with nothing but attitude and fighting. At this point I am ready to call xmas off and wonder why I cancelled a hole shift today to have family fun when they are making sure to ruin it yet again. We have not had fun as a family for years because they always sabotage it. I am flipping done. If I hadn't bought primarily gift cards for xmas this year I would return everything and call it off, the spoiled brats don't deserve a flipping thing other than a kick in the ass.

Your kids and my kids must be twins, separated at birth. Our family fun days around the holidays ( like tree trimming, stuff like that) always ends up with me yelling, "this is supposed to be fun! Now stop hitting eachother and throwing decorations! You're all on time out!" I'm sorry you're having a lousy day.
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Your kids and my kids must be twins, separated at birth. Our family fun days around the holidays ( like tree trimming, stuff like that) always ends up with me yelling, "this is supposed to be fun! Now stop hitting eachother and throwing decorations! You're all on time out!" I'm sorry you're having a lousy day.


This brightened my mood.  So glad I am not the only one.  The last few times I was taking the kids out to a fun activity I ended up yelling in the car "This is us having fun dammit! We are a family and we love each other and we are having fun! So start smiling NOW!"  They did laugh at my tirade.  I was mostly talking to myself quite loudly but it helped a little lol


DD6 finally stopped tantrumming and decided instead to "shoot" me with the toy wooden rifle and then run away laughing.  At least that part has stopped.  I have to get the roast in the oven and then see if we can begin our family fun or if I have to see if I can get a refund for these 4 hoodlums, because there seems to be a manufacturer error in their construction.

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Re the "No rice" on my habits list - True confessions. I had two pieces of sushi for lunch. Also true confessions. I'm not going to restart my habits streak count (day 34 today). I only added in the no rice thing 4 days ago, I think (I would need to check to be sure) and I have been keeping up with all my other habits. I've been a bit ambivalent on the no rice thing anyway. I don't really believe in cutting out entire foods except for allergy reasons. The main reason I put it on there is because in the past it has been a trigger food and causes me to overeat. There were four pieces of sushi in the box. I had two and was satisfied. So healthwise, I actually feel like I did fine. I think I'm going to keep the no rice thing on there but will allow one "cheat" on the weekend, just like I don't do the green smoothie or dog grooming on the weekend. This whole habits thing is really about instilling habits that will help me to be consistent in my health journey.


Indy loves sushi!  He could eat it all day.  He would have a stroke if he could only have 2 pieces.  He likes hot stuff and loads it up with wasabi.  YIKES!  I like sushi, but only in moderation.


Urg, I got so little done on Friday.  I didn't even get the tree decorated.  Bah Humbug to me!


To do:


B'fast, lunch, dinner


Exercise (For the love of all that's holy I need to exercise!) Crap.  I got so busy I didn't!  Maybe later this evening?  Maybe.


Clean kitchen Sort of?  It's mostly clean, does that count????


Put away stuff we bought today


Decorate tree I take hours to decorate the tree, as I have to keep taking breaks, then coming back to look at it and adding or taking stuff away.  It's really an all day sort of event.  I'm wildly obsessive about it.  I *think* I'm done with it, but it may strike me later to add something else.  I cannot find our tree topper though!  Where could it have gone???  Han Solo and Indy love the tree.  Indy told me it looks like a took a bag of awesome, threw it at the tree and made magic.  Sweet boy.  He's such a flatterer.


Clean my room (I did hang the curtains today, but did not clean the room)  Urgh.  This tree thing really cut into my day.  I haven't done this yet.


Paint the dining room?  Maybe?  I'm kind of tired of looking at the 3 different paint samples we painted on the wall  Again, the tree!


GIve Dutch and Bella baths and brush Bella  This is how it goes when I give Bella a bath (you know, if she could speak):


Hey!  What's happening?  Is this water?  Am I wet?  Hey, I'm wet!  Can I drink the water?  I'm going to drink the water!  Eww, it tastes like me and dirt!  I'm going to keep drinking it!  Yay!!! Hey, wait, I forgot, I hate being wet!  Get me out, get me out, get me out!!!!!!


This is what Dutch's eyes say when I give him a bath:


​How could you do this to me?  I thought you loved me.  Was it all a lie?


Put garland around the front door?  Probably not.  It's too bloody cold. Good grief it is FREEZING!  I think I'll wait until it warms up in a few days into the 40's.

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Went to post office.  Mailed my dad's card and present.

Went to grocery store and got stuff for tonight and tomorrow plus other stuff that seemed to just hop into the cart.

Went to auto parts store and got de-icer washer fluid that the girl put into the car for me.  Plus she told me how to get my "needs maintenance" light to go off!  (Though she said she couldn't actually do it for me because she could be fined $5000 for actually touching it.  Apparently telling me how to do is not subject to a fine.)

Played with Khan Academy.  I'm progressing!  


OK - I need to finish putting groceries away and start dinner.



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Additional Accomplishments.


Meds in boxes for next week -- cannot find Monday, but I know I saw it somewhere

Set table/eat KFC and indulge in table talk about nutrition (isn't that ironic?  Call me a Hipster!)

Clean kitchen

Load and run dishwasher

Check for blood spots on the snow

Watch a documentary on youtube about Bewitched

Watch a video about tv ads from the 60s and 70s on youtube

Read a couple of chapters of Sue Ann Jaffarian's latest Odelia Grey mystery

Watch Aidan efficiently and effectively open an Amazon box with 2 space heaters in it

Talk to DS3 about Ty Cobb and read a couple of chapters of his autobiography

Throw away donut box after Aidan gets it a second time

Clean up bagel wrapper -- Aidan must have eaten the last 2 bagels

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made it back from work again.  Our dinner tonight was so yummy.  But we never did get to the tree or baking.  ds15 did manage to steal all the chocolates out of all 4 advent calenders.  I am so mad.  Every year he does this, I should stop buying them, but I hate to punish the other kids for his sh*t and I keep hoping this will be the year when he grows the F*** up.  Nope.  I have to work at 830am and need to get work done here, but having issues with his meltdowns right now.  He goes to the shrink again on the 10th, he better be getting an up in dosage on his meds or something because while they are helping, he is still an ass more often than not.

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made it back from work again. Our dinner tonight was so yummy. But we never did get to the tree or baking. ds15 did manage to steal all the chocolates out of all 4 advent calenders. I am so mad. Every year he does this, I should stop buying them, but I hate to punish the other kids for his sh*t and I keep hoping this will be the year when he grows the F*** up. Nope. I have to work at 830am and need to get work done here, but having issues with his meltdowns right now. He goes to the shrink again on the 10th, he better be getting an up in dosage on his meds or something because while they are helping, he is still an ass more often than not.

Buy some new chocolates for the youngers but hide them outside the house. Other wise prayers, hugs and a big bottle of your favorite booze or other guilty pleasure.
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Yesterday was a bit of a bust as I was out most of the day.


AM:  Morning coffee with Youth Pastor (he invited all the helpers to a drop in at his house.)


Cleaned kitchen somewhat

Did 4 loads of laundry

Sold my iPhone 4 on CL (yeah, it will almost completely cover the cost of my new phone)


Made two dishes for Pot Luck Christmas party 


Went to the local thrift store to get some vases/candy bowls to fill with candy for the gift exchange.  Found some NEW ones! Also found some very nice gift bags.  


Attended the potluck and Christmas party (thankful for wealthier friends with houses that can host 50 people for a party!)

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