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A new dog!


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Someone on my last thread about grieving the loss of my heart dog mentioned that there are dogs in shelters all over looking for love, so...


That got me thinking...


Which got me looking...


And I met someone!




We went to the shelter to see her on Sunday.  She was so good with our 2 year old, and she even let the older kids hold her.  She loves to snuggle!  We have her on hold and are waiting for them to approve our application.  She still needs to be spayed and vaccinated, so I don't even know when we will get to bring her home.  Eek!  I am so nervous and excited!  I didn't expect it, but my heart already hurts a little less.  


I hope she gets to come home soon!

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The shelter called today and said they would love for us to adopt her!  Yay!  We're going to sign the adoption papers tomorrow, and they said we may even be able to take her home!  It is crazy how nervous/excited I am.  I feel like I am going on a first date or something, lol.

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She's home!  She's doing great.  Her name is Penny.  :)  She was a stray, and the shelter thought she was 12 years old.  She is almost if not completely blind from cataracts, but otherwise she's in great shape physically.  I took her our vet today, who thinks she is actually more like 6 with juvenile hereditary cataracts.  She does a great job finding her way around though.  She is very cautious and has only bumped into a few things.  Her hearing is just fine, and we found that we can talk to her to help guide her a little bit.  She found the kitchen without any problems and seems to know that good things come from that room.  :)  She follows me everywhere and sits on the couch with me, so that makes her perfect in my book!  


Thanks to everyone who has been following!

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