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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Clean kitchen

Laundry - bring up all clean laundry and fold.  Finish the last of "last week's laundry" that is down in the laundry room.

Manage library account

Run numbers on the insurance again - since I got a letter saying that the last numbers they gave us were wrong.

Ds - go over all his schoolwork together.  

Dd - math, Japanese, logic, writing together

Dd - history reading on her own.

Put Kindle app on the laptop?

Call new vision therapy doctor and ask the same old questions about costs/ assessment etc.

Call Mom and Dad

ETA: put away 5 things (at least) from the dining room.



Get in my steps 
 Monitor blood sugar and blood pressure  
 Digestive Enzymes 
 Keep living room clean.  
No Rice
10 min. dog grooming
green smoothie
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I work until 7am-ish Monday morning

Check kids backpacks

Take kids to school

Come home and SLEEP

Pick kids up from school

Insist that kids do chores to include vacuum front room, clean off kitchen table, and sweep/mop kitchen



Help children with homework

My homework (study for exam)

Do my absolute best not to be a crab@ss all day. I typically feel like I got hit by a truck after working my night shifts and going with little to no sleep for 72 hours. ;)

Crash out as soon as DH turns on a movie

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Okay, lady, I'm in.  Stupid Monday.  Grumble.  Not everything got finished from Sunday (and a few from Sat!), so I've got a lot to do, but i know I can't do it all in one day, so I'll have to spread it out over the week.


To do:


B'fast, lunch, dinner (enchilada casserole, as requested by Indy)














-Empty and reload dishwasher


-Sweep and mop kitchen (AGAIN)


-1 load of laundry


-Put lights up on the porch?  We'll see


-Take the boys to get flu vaccines 


-Drop Dutch and Bella at the groomers


-Redo our holiday wreath


-Watch TV and mope because there won't be a new Castle until Jan, but watch the Blacklist instead and be semi-happy




-Try not to lose what's left of my mind


-Eat cookies

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Okay, lady, I'm in.  Stupid Monday.  Grumble.  Not everything got finished from Sunday (and a few from Sat!), so I've got a lot to do, but i know I can't do it all in one day, so I'll have to spread it out over the week.


To do:


B'fast, lunch, dinner (enchilada casserole, as requested by Indy)














-Empty and reload dishwasher


-Sweep and mop kitchen (AGAIN)


-1 load of laundry


-Put lights up on the porch?  We'll see


-Take the boys to get flu vaccines 


-Drop Dutch and Bella at the groomers


-Redo our holiday wreath


-Watch TV and mope because there won't be a new Castle until Jan, but watch the Blacklist instead and be semi-happy




-Try not to lose what's left of my mind


-Eat cookies


- Update blog (Your last update was Jan!) :)

You forgot something. I added it in bold above.

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It's a good thing I was so productive yesterday! My dd2 had a fever last night and was crying almost the whole night. So I didn't get much sleep and I'm not sure I will be able to tackle everything on my list, with dd2 clinging to me all the time.

Plans for today:
-dd10: Math, Dutch, English, Latin, History, Geography, Biology, Logic
-dd7: Math, Dutch, English, Copywork, Geography (test), Reading
-dd5: Math, Dutch, Copywork, Reading
-everyone: read aloud during lunch

-Traffic education
-Greek & Latin vocab
-clean kitchen

-translate 2nd-3th-4th-5th chapter of Competitive Math workbook
-study Latin?
-write Christmas cards

-order rice milk

-get enough steps (fitbit)
-vit D & multi & fish oil

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You forgot something. I added it in bold above.


I know, I know.  I've just lost my blogging mojo.  After Google+ ate 5 YEARS worth of photos, my blogging joy just feel way.  I still haven't finished blogging our cruise.  I still have Greece, Naples and Vatican City to go.  Urgh.  Maybe that will be my NY resolution.

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I know, I know.  I've just lost my blogging mojo.  After Google+ ate 5 YEARS worth of photos, my blogging joy just feel way.  I still haven't finished blogging our cruise.  I still have Greece, Naples and Vatican City to go.  Urgh.  Maybe that will be my NY resolution.

:) I just altogether quit my blog. I just wasn't feeling it anymore. I've been thinking about picking it up again to journal pictures of the kids but I think it would just become one more thing that I feel like I HAVE to do.

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To do:


vacuum and mop

lesson plan for the next two weeks

help dd with pen pal letter, math review

help dd with pillow and blanket for her stuffed bunny (it's a Christmas present)


Find a time and place to work on dd's peg dolls.  I keep thinking I can do this, but I'm afraid I'll run out of time.  http://www.pinterest.com/gottabesmee/peg-dolls/


Dinner, advent readings, family movie (Christmas related)




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- dishes- done

- laundry- load in dryer, will have two to fold and put away- done

- pay house payment, go to library- done

- tidy up house- done

- nap- done

- crochet- I think I'm done for the day but who knows

- get dd off the bus- done

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw- done

- decorate for Christmas (have to wait for dh, the tree is in his truck- started, will finish tomorrow

- bedtime routine

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Lovinmomma--how do you do that? I hope you get some good rest!


Tress-- :grouphug: for you and your dd!


We spent the weekend traveling back home, stopping to see my mom, and unpacking.  The doctor's think her liver problems are very advanced, and she's continuing to build up fluid that they are having to try and get off. She start wheezing before we left Saturday, and she had Daddy call the three of us girls during the night because she couldn't breath and was afraid she wasn't going to make it through the night. She was better by morning, but they are having to restrict how much she drinks now, too. They are going to look at rehab places possibly close to my older sister so Daddy can stay with her. That would put her an hour closer, so I'm hopeful it will happen. It still means driving through Atlanta (the worst part of all our trips!), but I'll be able to see her more.


On to today because I have a lot to do!


breakfast and lunch for dh

plan assignments for December for ds and make a checklist of all of it

breakfast for us

Ds' school: give mostly independent work today because of all I need to do to get ready for the book club I lead tomorrow

Dd' school: same thing

Call assisted living to arrange singing time for our children from church

Call Honda dealership about recall notice we got in the mail


Bake cookies for tea this afternoon Dd did this for me!

Go to the bank

Take keys by the office I clean

Take dd to Spanish

Stay for tea


Clean main living area (living room and eat-in kitchen)

Laundry (1-2 loads)




Book Club to do list:


finish planning discussion

make a list of literary devices definitions kids are to add to reading notebooks

make copies of all handouts for kids

type up directions for each unit study station (working on this now)

make a sample of the art project

go to library for a book or two about Christmas traditions around the world

get a short lesson ready on Christmas around the world




Protein green smoothie

D/B vitamins

Put away all schoolwork/paperwork



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Back to a somewhat normal schedule, with the Nutcracker complication (a rehearsal or performance every day until Dec 15 :eek:)


--school with dd: maths, sciences, history, English

--plan weekly to-do

--plan meals for the week

--plan school for the week

--check to see if I need to request any DVDs or books from the library for the next few weeks; request if needed


--switch sheets to flannel

--put fall decorations away in the attic; drag Christmas bins down from the attic

--dd to rehearsal w live orchestra at the university




That's enough!

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So much going on and so much to do, but I'm focused on finding balance so that we can savor the season and truly enjoy Advent. 


Advent reading

print off Advent writing sheets for kids

make Advent ornaments

listen to Christmas music


    dd6: handwriting, phonics, math, math puzzles

    dd9: handwriting, TT, FLL, Advent writing, Wordly Wise, Megawords, history

     ds: TT, Wordly Wise, Advent writing, Science, history

     dd16: Pre-Calc, Spanish?, APUSH, AP Language

household: empty/reload dishwasher, sweep/mop kitchen & bathrooms, wipe down bathroom counters, 2-3 loads of laundry, vacuum

work on getting inside Christmas decorations set up

hang Jesse Tree

go to bank for GS troop to make deposit

get money to pay for Barbie items that I'm purchasing for dd6 from a friend ($16)

clean up front porch (put away all the rubbermaid tubs with extra lights)

dinner prep?

dd16: Govt class (9-10:30am)

dd6: dance class (4-5pm)

dd16: dance class (4:30-8:45)

dd16: run by Sally's to pick up needed items for next weekend's parade

dd16: earrings for parade (borrow from friend? or go to store?)

dd6 & dd9: 1.5 mile run

ds: 2.5 mile run?

me: exercise (treadmill)




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ds15 has court this morning so that is up first.  after that my goals are:

buy a new broom (again...seriously I should just buy stocks  in the broom companies)

work job #2 3-530

dd6 sparks 6-7

3 hours of school work somewhere in the day

1 hour over at the diner somewhere in the day

clean alcove

clean livingroom including vacuum the couches

clean kitchen

pick up mail


ETA laundry, how could I forget to put laundry on the list, it will definitely be getting done, I have already started the first load

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Woofy went home, so I have to resurrect my routine.


Clean kitchen, sweep, mop

Toss Thankgiving leftovers and wash containers

See if I can climb onto counter to clean kitchen window and do it

Menu plan and grocery list

Tidy and vacuum dining room

Tidy, vacuum, mop living room

Tidy bathroom


Laundry loads  1  2  3  4

Fold and put away 5 loads laundry from before

Tidy master bedroom

Weekly pellet stove clean out

Figure out what to make for dinner and cook it

Serve/eat/clean up after dinner

Call Friend #1 re broken gate on dog's pen, killing a deer for me, and going to lunch on Weds

Call Friend #2 to offer to help today with prep for dog club banquet

Find out what time friend's collie goes back to vet on Thursday

Call Friend #3

Comb Aidan, Frontline, Heartgard (snow, freezing weather, and I found a small tick on him last week)

Call vet to see if she can test Aidan's tick for Lyme disease

Remind DS2 to call orthopedist for appt

Remind DS2 to call insurance re approval and repayment for meds

Remind DS3 to fill out forms for Office of Vocational Rehabilitation

Find gift tags and wrap presents

Order World Series jacket for DS3

Order from Best Bully Sticks (Woofy got into my stash)

Bank statement/Quicken

Pay bills

Finish drafting new lease and decide on lease term length

Aidan:  walk, walk, train, train, train, play, clean pen

Figure out why ink cartridge made for printer won't stay in slot

Order Christmas gifts for niece

Order Birthday gifts for niece




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Whew, you guys are so busy!  I hope you are all hanging in there.


I am in the throes of another Thanksgiving meal because our "son" was away with his family and it just wasn't the same without him.  He got home late last night and worked at 6am so I have yet to see him.  Can't wait.  Turkey ready to go in the oven at 2:00

(background you may feel free to ignore, he is the son of a dear friend who moved in with us two years ago. He is the dearest, sweetest, kindest young man and the kids adore him, best big brother they could possibly have)


School is in the process of getting done.


Heading out for a Christmas errand with my Mom, she is going to do a basket of teas for our eldest and has no idea what to get.  There is a new tea and spice merchant in town so we are going to check that out and have lunch.


Major heart attack for about an hour.  Stupid therapy bunny wanted to come out of her cage so I let her out and then she disappeared!!!  Had to wake up dd after I had exhausted all possibilities so she was hysterical.  The silly creature usually comes when it's called for treats but nothing.  Finally found her sitting on top of her cage in a blanket.  Probably snickering at us.  Bad therapy bunny!



washed dining room floor

folded laundry

fed feathered, finned and furred

made dh's lunch and sent him off to work

wrapped another couple of presents that have trickled in this morning from Fed Ex





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Wow, you guys are busy! My day started early with practice (last week, the am practices were at 8:30, now back to 5:30/6). Feeling the need for a second cup of coffee already.


To do:

Bills/post office

clean master bath

dust living/dining room

school for dd2/ds3

oversee teens

oversee chores

plan out food for week

finish (no, really, I mean it) AP syllabus

school administration

sports administration

work on quilt if time

PM practice: swimming/climbing/aikido/water polo



Healthy lunch

Turn worry into gratitude

Write for 45 minutes

Drink 2 glasses of water in morning, 2 in afternoon


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12:45 check-in: Productive day so far.  I'm off to shower and change out of my running clothes while the kids eat lunch and do some chores.


Advent reading

print off Advent writing sheets for kids

make Advent ornaments

listen to Christmas music


    dd6: handwriting, phonics, math, math puzzles

    dd9: handwriting, TT, FLL, Advent writing, Wordly Wise, Megawords, history

     ds: TT, Wordly Wise, Advent writing, Science, history

     dd16: Pre-Calc, APUSH, AP Language

household: empty/reload dishwasher, sweep/mop kitchen & bathrooms, wipe down bathroom counters, 2-3 loads of laundry, vacuum

work on getting inside Christmas decorations set up

hang Jesse Tree

go to bank for GS troop to make deposit

get money to pay for Barbie items that I'm purchasing for dd6 from a friend ($16)

clean up front porch (put away all the rubbermaid tubs with extra lights)

dinner prep?

dd16: Govt class (9-10:30am)

dd6: dance class (4-5pm)

dd16: dance class (4:30-8:45)

dd16: pick up dress from the tailor

dd16: run by Sally's to pick up needed items for next weekend's parade

dd16: earrings for parade (borrow from friend? or go to store?)

dd6: 1 mile run

dd9: 2 mile run

ds: 3 mile run

me: exercise (treadmill) did week 2, day 1 of C25K (had to start over since I hadn't done it in so long!  I did 2.25 miles in 30 minutes


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And some things were added to my list:


--made a roasted veggie quiche for dh to take to a potluck (hahahahaha) holiday lunch for a senior center investment club he speaks with quarterly (in his defense, he was all set to make it this am but got hung up on the phone w a client)


--searched for classes that fulfill a specific requirement for dd18 (the two she had listed as options both filled up right before her registration time--she sent me a panicky text while walking into French)


As for the regular list, well... I did a load of laundry, we studied some archaeology, and dd's partway through her English for the day.



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Just a short break while I take my meds:


Human care including breakfast done

Pet care done

Half of the dishwasher unloaded.

Watched and discussed lecture on the Metaphysical Poets with ds16

Went over his Latin and Robotics together.

Dd - history and Khan academy on her own today.

Did some hand laundry

Washed my CPAP


Now back to school with dd

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Well court went okay I guess.  Ds15 was given probation and if he meets the terms the charges will be dropped.  I finished up some more xmas shopping on the way home so that means I am done my folks, my sister and about 1/2 of what I am getting the kids.


I have been trying to relax since getting back since my stress was so high, it's not working well, so now I am making seom pillsbury sugar cookies and we will see if that works.


I have a ham in the oven so the kids can have that for late lunch/early supper tonight when I am at work.

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4:15pm.  Had lunch and showered & changed out of running clothes...then we had a really productive afternoon! Yay! 


Advent reading

print off Advent writing sheets for kids

make Advent ornaments Moving this to Tuesday's list

listen to Christmas music


    dd6: handwriting, phonics, math, math puzzles

    dd9: handwriting, TT, FLL, Advent writing, Wordly Wise, Megawords, history

     ds: TT, Wordly Wise, Advent writing, Science, history

     dd16: Pre-Calc, APUSH, AP Language

household: empty/reload dishwasher, sweep/mop kitchen & bathrooms, wipe down bathroom counters, 2 loads of laundry (First Load in Progress), vacuum

work on getting inside Christmas decorations set up

hang Jesse Tree

go to bank for GS troop to make deposit  Pushing this to Tuesday's list as I did not drive into town today

get money to pay for Barbie items that I'm purchasing for dd6 from a friend ($16)

clean up front porch (put away all the rubbermaid tubs with extra lights)

dinner prep?

dd16: Govt class (9-10:30am)

dd6: dance class (4-5pm)

dd16: dance class (4:30-8:45)

dd16: pick up dress from the tailor

dd16: run by Sally's to pick up needed items for next weekend's parade Pushing this to Tuesday's list as I did not drive into town today

dd16: earrings for parade (borrow from friend? or go to store?) Pushing this to Tuesday's list as I did not drive into town today

dd6: 1 mile run

dd9: 2 mile run

ds: 3 mile run

me: exercise (treadmill) did week 2, day 1 of C25K (had to start over since I hadn't done it in so long!  I did 2.25 miles in 30 minutes

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Afternoon check in:


I didn't get to quilt and have about two hours worth of work still on the syllabus, but nearly everything else is done or will be done while I wait at practice. And I dropped stuff off at Goodwill.


Still have to oversee some chores,and make sure everyone packs some dinner for our late night.


Have a nice afternoon, everyone!

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Ds dropped the coffee press in the kitchen.  There is shattered glass everywhere!  This the second coffee related thing he has broken.  It's a good thing we ordered a stainless carafe from Amazon to replace the one he broke last month.


Just need to decide on dinner and vacuum. 


Laundry will be an ongoing process tonight. 

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5pm checkin:


Okay, lady, I'm in.  Stupid Monday.  Grumble.  Not everything got finished from Sunday (and a few from Sat!), so I've got a lot to do, but i know I can't do it all in one day, so I'll have to spread it out over the week.


To do:


B'fast, lunch, dinner (enchilada casserole, as requested by Indy)


Exercise!!!!!  School and other things got in the way!  I have to exercise tomorrow!!!!










-ORGANIZE MY CLOSET! I got my new shoe racks put together.  Does that count??????


-Empty and reload dishwasher


-Sweep and mop kitchen (AGAIN)


-1 load of laundry  Nope, didn't happen.  If I don't do some laundry tomorrow, I'm going to be running around topless, and it's just too cold for that!


-Put lights up on the porch?  We'll see  I tried, but out outside outlets aren't working, so I had to call the electrician.  He's working on it now, so maybe tomorrow.  I didn't want to do all that work if he couldn't get the outlet working.


-Take the boys to get flu vaccines 


-Drop Dutch and Bella at the groomers  The groomer called and apparently Bella flipped out on them, so they couldn't get much done.  She weighs 4 pounds, how hard can it be?


-Redo our holiday wreath I'll do this after the boys go to bed, probably while I watch TV


-Watch TV and mope because there won't be a new Castle until Jan, but watch Sleepy Hollow and the Blacklist instead and be semi-happy  Still planning on this!




-Try not to lose what's left of my mind  TOO LATE!


-Eat cookies  I may have more later!  Dammit, I have to got to get up earlier so I can exercise before I become as big as a house!!!!


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Well, I'm not getting to the cleaning stuff tonight. I had some calls about my mom this afternoon before we left. I had to go to 2 different libraries to find what I needed for tomorrow. We were out later because of tea, so the kids were hungry. We stopped and ate out, so I'm not eating a protein smoothie today. I've still got to get the rest of my stuff ready for book club tomorrow, too. 


Dh is spending the night in his work town tonight, so at least I can sleep later in the morning! 

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Went to job #2, ended up staying 30 minutes late finishing cooking sugar cookies with the kids, zoomed home, grabbed ds15, dropped dd6 off at sparks, made ds15 help me at the diner doing cleaning.  He did a good job with little complaint after the first few getting into the car.  Went and picked dd6 back up, submitted her form and money for camp, grabbed the mail.  Found a lovely card there as a surprise that really made my night.  Now back home, having a bite to eat, and in a moment I will be switching the laundry and doing more cleaning.  We did not get 3 hours of school done.  Only 1 hour was done, but I am going to have the teens do a bit more tonight.  Still not 3 hours but better than nothing, which is what we usually do in december.

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OK - whine ahead.  It is COLD and sleeting outside.  I do not want to go out to get in my steps.  It is only a 5 min. drive to the Y where I can get in my steps in the warm dry building.  But I don't wanna.  But I will because I'm on day 29 of my habit and I just can't quit now.  So. . . I'm pulling myself up by my bootstraps (or sneaker laces) and am going out.  Then it will be time to bring kids home from their activities anyway.  

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OK - whine ahead.  It is COLD and sleeting outside.  I do not want to go out to get in my steps.  It is only a 5 min. drive to the Y where I can get in my steps in the warm dry building.  But I don't wanna.  But I will because I'm on day 29 of my habit and I just can't quit now.  So. . . I'm pulling myself up by my bootstraps (or sneaker laces) and am going out.  Then it will be time to bring kids home from their activities anyway.  


It's not sleeting here, but it is bloody cold.  It's supposed to be even colder later this week.  

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Keep living room clean - done.  Had to dig deep here too tonight. I was so tired and achy that the last thing I wanted to do was to clean up the living room tonight. But - I had to be able to honestly cross it off my habits list. So I got each of the kids to pick up their stuff and I picked up my stuff. I even did a quick vacuum!

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