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Games as good as Ticket to Ride?

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I'm looking to add a few to our collection at Christmas. My DS 7.5 needs to be able to play. He's gotten surprisingly good at playing Ticket to Ride, Europe!


Any other great game recommendations that fit his skill level?


This would be for our family of four to play, my daughter is almost 11, and something that would be fun for all of us (like Ticket to Ride is). We also have all the Ten Days in.... games and love those!

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We have Catan - the regular version. My kids play with us. The 7 year old can play on her own and the 5 and 4 year olds play on a team and only need minimal help. I was surprised at how well they did. They love that game! We are going to try Ticket to Ride next.

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Of all the newer board games of the past few years, Ticket to Ride has definitely been our #1 favorite! And if you have a big group (6-8), we've also really been loving Dixit (don't try playing with fewer than 5). Here are some from over the years that have been well-loved and played repeatedly by our family:


A game involving actual play money was always popular with our DC at that age:

- Monopoly -- mostly because we made our OWN Chance and Community Chest cards; very entertaining ;)

- Masterpiece -- cause of the art AND the money!

- Careers -- okay, a HUGE part of the appeal is that it is a vintage 1960s version; But... the $$, collecting cards, checking off boxes, etc., you stay busy all the time

- Life -- $$, insurance, adding kids to the little plastic car...

- Go For Broke -- spend a million $ first to win


Other games that have been very enjoyed:

Advance to Boardwalk -- build skyscrapers; roll dice for money amount you can spend; play cards that can help you/hinder others

Amazing Labrynth -- must collect series of items from a board in which the maze changes after each person's turn

Five Crowns -- luck-based card game of building sets/runs

The Trumpet Game -- trick-taking game, in which the trumpet suit changes frequently

Fill Or Bust -- roll dice and rack up points; decide to stop and keep the points -- or risk rolling more and possibly losing the points

Sequence -- play a card each turn allowing you to cover a square and build a sequence of 5 in a row

Sequence Dice -- similar and faster to Sequence; roll dice rather than play cards



Forbidden Island

Cool, but one game once in awhile is about all our family can handle; every single turn is so intensely "decision by committee".


Tsuro of the Seas

Absolutely beautiful board game just to look at. Just be aware that *everyone* ends up "losing" (getting knocked off the board) -- the winner is the last to be knocked off the board -- can be upsetting to young players, esp. if you get knocked off the board after the first turn, which has happened once or twice here.


Settlers of Catan

Interesting, but takes SOOOO LONNNGGG to get going and to play the full game (hours), we had to adapt the rules to speed it up. Also, it may be upsetting to younger players if they get hit by the robber early on in the game and end up feeling like everyone else is way ahead of them in developing empires. (We bypass both those pitfalls by our family rule: until every player has a road and village in place, whenever the robber comes up, it gets treated instead like a "wild card" and everyone gets to draw a card of their choice to avoid the early loss of cards and to speed up the building process.  Once every single player has a road and village in place, then we revert to original robber mode.)


Camelot Legends and Overthrone

While I've not played Dominion, these are the versions of that sort of game that we own. They are kind of long and complicated to set up and figure out the rules/what all the cards do; game play is usually long (hours), and it takes playing several times to really start figuring out what the best strategies are. One DS and I tend to be the only ones who play these, which actually makes them go faster and be more fun. (I confess; I am very impatient about games that take forever for it to be my turn... ;) )



Looking into getting Takenoko this year. Also wondering what people think of 7 Wonders...? That second one looks interesting, but concerned that the "pass your hand" every turn would make it TOO random and hard to actually build and execute a strategy...

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