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For all you females with , umm, certain hormonal issues

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I wanted to share with you what I experienced today with my doctor's visit. I went to the gyn to talk about hormone levels. She discussed with me all of the symptoms and issues I have been dealing with. She agreed with my suspicions of progesterone imbalance. For dealing with it, first of all, they are doing an ultrasound tomorrow to make sure the area looks okay and nothing is amiss. She prescribed a compounded cream right away! She did not try to get me to take a pill or anything! The cream was what she mentioned.


Then we talked about vitamin supplements and exercise. She wants me to really try to get out and walk more often. She wants me to keep a daily record of my moods and feelings (physically) to chart where I am in relation to my cycles and see how things are going. And then, she wants me to come back in a talk when I have gone through a certain length of time with charting my moods. She told me to NOT feel bad about the previous day. Just move forward and not beat myself up over things.


I know this is just the start, but I wanted to share with others who are going through similar things. I am very happy that I went to see her. I almost didn't, thinking they would just try to get me on some sort of pill thing. Not even mentioned! I will now have someone working with me to help in this area of trying to stabilize my moods. After a while, we may tweak other meds but only wants to start with the progesterone cream.


There is hope out there! Doctors can and will listen and help and surprise you with their responses. So that's my story thus far.

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I LOVE it! It bothers me when they jump to conclusions and don't really listen--then treat the symptoms instead of the real problem! Sounds like this lady is really working with you! It'll be healthier for you as well!


Are you joining the Run/Walk/Breathe threads here? Those are great! Very motivational for me!


I'm glad things went well, keep us posted on how things are going!

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That is so wonderful that you found such a great dr. I've been dealing with one and I won't be going back to her. She really wasn't listening to me and just prescribing things here and there. She wouldn't even test my blood levels, even though I brought paperwork showing my hormone levels have been out of whack in the past. Sigh.


So, I don't know anything about you (age, weight, health status, etc.) but you did mention wanting to walk more. I just wanted to put in a good word for Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home DVD's. I am quite overweight myself and have needed to exercise not only for my hormones, but general health, as well. I love the DVD's. With my two little ones, I have found it near impossible to exercise. I have been getting up early, though, and walking one mile with Leslie each morning. It is only 20 minutes to do a mile (about 30 if you want to do a 2 mile walk) and I truly feel great. I've noticed a big improvement in my moods and the way that my body feels with just that little bit of exercise. So, forgive me if you are a real fit/healthy person, but if you are looking for something light, I just wanted to put in a good word for it. :) Another positive - we live in extreme heat, so it doesn't matter what the weather, I can always walk. And DS likes to join in an "walk" w/ mommy, too.


I've been seeing the threads for the walking/running/biking but I think I missed out on that...and you people sound a lot more active than me. :)


Again, so happy to hear about your dr. - it's really hard to find a good one.

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I want to be happy for you, I really do. But I don't know if it would be in my best interest to be set free from my hormone curse.


Let me explain.....


Last month I had a throwdown fit during that "time of the month". As a result of that fit my husband installed a new light in my dark kitchen, dug out the documentation proving that we were entitled to a not only a replacement soap dispenser but also a replacement for the leaky sprayer (I kept a towel wrapped around the sprayer at all times to soak up the constant leak).


I had mentioned these issues to him in a calm manner for the last two years. This course of action was ineffective. But a crying fit? That got his attention. And I need hormones for a crying fit. I am not the crying fit type of person, I can't just work up misplaced emotion like that. I have got to have some help.

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That is great, Melissa! Isn't it wonderful when they actually listen to you and suggest something that will help right away. Progesterone is a God-send for so many women at this stage of life. It certainly makes me feel better when I take it. I've used the cream and I've taken Vitex which encourages your body to make more progesterone. Unfortunately, I can't take it for very long at one time because it triggers migraines. The one thing that makes me feel so much better at this age and it ends up being a wash in the end because the migraines are so bad. I will be praying for you that it will make your symptoms improve like night and day! I have found that the walking does wonders also. Too bad we don't live closer, we could be walking buddies! :grouphug:

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That's great, Melissa! What kind of cream is it? Just progesterone cream?

Where do you buy this and is there a brand name?


I'm fighting the Hormone Battle of '08, too. I have even cried in the last couple of months, and I'm the opposite of Pam - nothing, but nothing turns on my waterworks. I generally go for the homicidal version of hormone imbalance. A cream to stop that might be nice. :D

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A great book that talks about progesterone cream is by Dr. John Lee Called Hormone Balance Made Simple




Sorry I don’t know how to shorten this....


Anyway- 42 here- And I couldn’t figure out WHY my TOM got to be such a big deal all of a sudden. I started on Progesterone cream and I take an herb called Dong Quai -that is a great adaptagen for women’s hormones. Red Raspberry is also great to slow a heavy flow.

One thing about your progesterone cream- make sure it is natural- they make a synthetic version also. You can get natural PC at most health food stores- I use Life Flo brand.


It is also great to hear your Dr visit went so well. I am encouraged because I need to go myself (been several years) and maybe I can find a Dr with similar outlook.

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That's great, Melissa! What kind of cream is it? Just progesterone cream?

Where do you buy this and is there a brand name?


I'm fighting the Hormone Battle of '08, too. I have even cried in the last couple of months, and I'm the opposite of Pam - nothing, but nothing turns on my waterworks. I generally go for the homicidal version of hormone imbalance. A cream to stop that might be nice. :D


Well, the one I have now is from a compounding pharmacy. They make it themselves and distribute via prescription. If you look in Dr. Lee's book. as linked above, you will find a list of reputable brands according to him.


I decided I wanted to do this with my doctor and not on my own since I have issues with anxiety and depression to that they can help adjust my meds if needed for that. And I feel better having someone who knows and understands on the job for me, you know. And they can run tests if needed as well.


I know that there are so many of us in that phase right now. It is really hard and very frustrating. I am not willing to give up a better quality of life. I need to be better for myself and my family. I deserve that. And I need to make the efforts to try to find out ways that are reasonable to accomplish that as well. I wanted to share this (Pam told me to ;)) with you all because it is too important to ignore. We need to help each other, stick together, and try to find good ways to deal with this stuff. So, I am putting most of it out there at the risk of sounding like who knows what on the chance that this will help someone else just as others have helped me

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Well, an update. I went back for an ultrasound today. They found a cyst on one ovary. I will go back in a month for a recheck to see how it is then. One really good thing is that this had confirmed what I was suspecting. Everything that I mentioned to her along with the test results all point to what I thought I was experiencing! It makes me feel good about knowing my body and what it is doing. Now, I just need to fix it! But this is a good start.


I am going to try to eat even better, walk more, get out more, and keep a journal charting moods and physically how I am each day. Thanks for the support and all. You all are wonderful!

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I NEED your doctor!


The last time I went in to try to get help for my cycles, it was a total waste of time and money.


I am so sorry! I hope you can find someone who works for you. It is so frustrating and leaves you feeling vulnerable. It is a shame that we can't all get good people working for and on us. :grouphug:

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Melissa, I'm so glad for you! A doctor who listens....wow! So glad there's someone who understands, is compassionate, and apparently competent.


May you feel better soon! I've been feeling better than I have in years b/c of progesterone cream and some other supplements. It was just June when I was so tired I couldn't get out of bed. There is hope.

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Melissa, I'm so glad for you! A doctor who listens....wow! So glad there's someone who understands, is compassionate, and apparently competent.


May you feel better soon! I've been feeling better than I have in years b/c of progesterone cream and some other supplements. It was just June when I was so tired I couldn't get out of bed. There is hope.


How (what days and how much) do you use the cream and what supplements are you using, if you don't mind my asking? Feel free to pm me if you don't want to put it all out there!:tongue_smilie:

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I can't agree with you more. I waited too long and put my family through a lot of discomfort. I wish I hadn't been so stubborn, wanting to go all natural. It didn't work as well as the compounds do. I have backed off trying to encourage others to go see a doctor because so many seem to think it is admitting to aging. I have menopaused, but having younger kids at my age keeps me around younger moms, and they don't want to admit their hormone problems once they find out my age. It's rather comical. They go on and on and we all relate, but once I encourage them, their response is always, "Well, when I am your age, I'll see the doctor. Thanks for the advice, though." I am pretty easy and just respond with, "Suit yourself." (It's funny to hear my 9yo kiddos say that now.)

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