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So if you are an early riser

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What time do you go to bed? In the thread about the alarm clock there were quite a few very early risers. I'm naturally a night bird and even when I did work outside the home, I hit snooze until the very last minute.


But I'm wide awake until after 12 every night.


What time do you go to bed if you are up by 6 or earlier?

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Last night I went to bed at 11:30pm and was up at 5am, heading off to the Y.


Normally I go to be between 10:30 and 11:30pm and am up at 5am every morning except Sunday. On Sunday's I get to sleep late, until 6:30am when I get up and run my boys to their inline speed skating practice that starts at 7:30am.

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I'm in bed by ten. I like catching the weather and the first part of Jay Leno as I wind down. I actually DVR Leno so I can watch it a day later but earlier--right after the weather at 10:18. :D


This morning I was up at 4:30 am. I predict I won't make it through the weather tonight.

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I'm naturally a night person, too--I feel like I do my best thinking in the wee hours. But I've had to change that because DH must be at work by 6 AM. So he's up at 4:30 (!!!) every workday. No option there. So over the years, I've become a morning person--not in my soul, but in my behavior, IYKWIM. So I really need to be in bed before 10, and sometimes when I get run down I'll try to get in bed by 9. It's tough, especially in the summer! My kids are in bed between 7-8.

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I wake up, (dc wakes me up) at 6:30am and we all hang out with dh in the morning before he heads out the door. I go to sleep between 11:30-1:00am, yah. Last night, I went to sleep at 1:00am. I also have (i think) restless leg syndrome, so it takes me a while to sleep.


love COFFEE!

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Dh has to be at work at 7:00 and has an hour commute. So I get up at 5:15. I would love to be in bed by 9:00 every evening, but that rarely happens. Usually I go to bed around 10:00. 11:00 is getting really late for me. I have stayed up until 1:00 or 2:00 a few times lately, but just because I had a lot of extra stuff to do and I could finally work on it after the kids went to bed. I get really grumpy if I don't get enough sleep!

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I get up at 5 am. I really need 8 hours a night so usually I'm in bed by 9 and asleep by 10.


I'm naturally a night-owl but I've adjusted the past 5 yrs. I go into the hospital everyday to see patients. It's a time that I can easily work while dh is home and it works great for us as a family. It was tough at first but now I'm so used to it I hardly ever sleep past 7 am even on vacation.

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I try to be heading to bed around 9ish and read/relax for about an hour. I have a hard time falling asleep, so I try and wind down and hopefully am asleep by 10. I get up about 5ish in the morning.

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I've always needed alot of sleep. I need at least 6 hrs but 8 would be better. When school starts, I need to start going to bed early again...grrr... My special needs child goes to school early. I need to feed him and get him ready before the bus arrives. When he first started going to school, I had to get up at 5. Now that I've gotten my routine down pat, I need to get up at 6. I can't go to bed before 11 on any given night usually closer to midnight. I have to feed ds at night via a machine after he falls asleep. I go to sleep when he's done. I sleep in on weekends during the fall because I feel so sleep deprived during the week. By wintertime, I start looking forward to summer again when I can sleep later.

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10pm is my bedtime.

Last night it was 9.30pm because the previous few nights I had been waking up unreasonably early- 4am, 5am- and I was short on sleep. Early nights are the best way to catch up for me, since I dont naturally sleep in, and this morning I slept in till 6am!


I do love the early morning quiet, and when I went to school I had to be up very early so i sort of got into the habit. But I have plenty of time to myself during the day, even while the kids are doing school- the kids are older now. When they were little, I would get sleep whenever I could. Since I don't lack "me" time, I don't feel the need to stay up late. In fact I love going to bed after the kids have gone to bed, and curling up with a book till i am too tired to read anymore. My kids go to bed at 8pm and read. Husband works evenings.

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