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8/12 exercise thread

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This is what 59 degrees can do: 2.9 miles (although I think that's wrong), 29:42 which makes it a 10:10 pace (which may be wrong too). Yep. According to the USATF (US track and field) site, it was 3.06 miles. I guess it's close enough though in the grand scheme of things. Joan Benoit Samuelson told me I clock my fastest mile again - what 59 degrees will do!


Funny thing, the high school kids were out. There was one girl in a long sleeve shirt. There was another in a sweatshirt! I kept thinking "It's not that cold!" To each her own I guess.


Oh, when you wake up at 5 and can't get back to sleep, what else do you do but get your morning going - quiet time and then run. I keep hoping I'll sleep longer in the morning.

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Wow!! Way to go! I was thinking of you this morning as I was running. Wondering if you'd get another personal best! Congrats!!!!


Today was my 2 mile day where I run as fast as I can. Would you believe I did it in 15 1/2 minutes????? And, I walk the first 1/4 mile as a warm up. I'm just testing out new paces. At the end of this run I was SOOOOOO exhausted. I'd actually rather push myself to go farther than faster, so that was really hard for me!!!


Later today I'll do my ab workout.

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Great job Cheryl and Jennifer!


I think I am making today a rest day. Unless I feel like walking later. I have some shin splints and knee pain. How am I suppose to know when to press on and when I need a break?


After I did my 2.6 miles yesterday a.m., dh came home last night and wanted to run. Bleh...I had only finished eating 30 minutes before and I could NOT run with food in me. So mornings it needs to be for me. Or at the very least NOT at 8:00 p.m. I am hoping I can run at 4:15-5:00 when ds starts swim in September. There is a nice track at the park there.


Oh, but I did mostly walk about 2 miles last night with dh, ds and the dog. So that put my total of walking/running to 4.6.

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Today was my 2 mile day where I run as fast as I can. Would you believe I did it in 15 1/2 minutes????? And, I walk the first 1/4 mile as a warm up. I'm just testing out new paces. At the end of this run I was SOOOOOO exhausted. I'd actually rather push myself to go farther than faster, so that was really hard for me!!!


Later today I'll do my ab workout.


Great job! That's awesome!


Let us know about the abs...

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and it wasn't even close to 59 degrees - more like 95 - with 95% humidity!


Lucky duck with the cool temps!


3 miles when it is already 95 is a huge accomplishment!


I feel bad for your temps. I think mine are temporary. Next week it will be back to normal. (Yesterday it was so humid it was foggy here.)

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I think I am making today a rest day. Unless I feel like walking later. I have some shin splints and knee pain. How am I suppose to know when to press on and when I need a break?


After I did my 2.6 miles yesterday a.m., dh came home last night and wanted to run. Bleh...I had only finished eating 30 minutes before and I could NOT run with food in me. So mornings it needs to be for me. Or at the very least NOT at 8:00 p.m. I am hoping I can run at 4:15-5:00 when ds starts swim in September. There is a nice track at the park there.


Oh, but I did mostly walk about 2 miles last night with dh, ds and the dog. So that put my total of walking/running to 4.6.


Great job with the running. Shin splints you may be able to run through. But take it easy on the knee pain. Only world class athletes... Well I was going to say only world class athletes should run through knee pain. But even they should take off. Pain means something is wrong. Listen to your body. Maybe it's shoes. Maybe it's running surface. Maybe it's running gait. Whatever it is, take off for a while.

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The baby slept awful last night, waking up at 4am, and then my 8yo was up with a nightmare, so I never really went back to sleep. I waited a little too long in bed (to make sure baby stayed asleep so hubby could get ready- his first day back to work after an appendectomy last week). So, I got in a 2 mile run in under 22 minutes. Not bad, but not where I want to be. I'm trying to work on both my speed and my distance. I'm doing better on shorter speed distances- I ran a mile in 8:52 yesterday on the treadmill :hurray:, but I'm having a harder time extending my distance. I really want to be able to do 4mile runs easily.


I'm going to go to the Y this afternoon, but I was thinking about taking a flexibility or pilates class to give me a good stretch.


And, I decided yesterday that Wednesdays will be my day off of running. That gives me something in the middle of the week to look forward to :D

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Everyone here is such an inspiration.

It is a glorious morning here also.

I did 7 miles on the bike first, before it started to get windy.

Then I decided to walk.

I think I must have looked really funny walking when I first finished the bike. My legs felt like jello. I ended up walking 3.2 miles at a brisk pace once I found my legs.

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This is what 59 degrees can do: 2.9 miles (although I think that's wrong), 29:42 which makes it a 10:10 pace (which may be wrong too). Yep. According to the USATF (US track and field) site, it was 3.06 miles. I guess it's close enough though in the grand scheme of things. Joan Benoit Samuelson told me I clock my fastest mile again - what 59 degrees will do!



Wow! Great job!


It's raining here right now so I'm going to wait until it at least slows down a bit. The high is only supposed to be 86 today so even if I have to wait until this afternoon, it still won't be much worse than most mornings.

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The baby slept awful last night, waking up at 4am, and then my 8yo was up with a nightmare, so I never really went back to sleep. I waited a little too long in bed (to make sure baby stayed asleep so hubby could get ready- his first day back to work after an appendectomy last week). So, I got in a 2 mile run in under 22 minutes. Not bad, but not where I want to be. I'm trying to work on both my speed and my distance. I'm doing better on shorter speed distances- I ran a mile in 8:52 yesterday on the treadmill :hurray:, but I'm having a harder time extending my distance. I really want to be able to do 4mile runs easily.


I'm going to go to the Y this afternoon, but I was thinking about taking a flexibility or pilates class to give me a good stretch.


And, I decided yesterday that Wednesdays will be my day off of running. That gives me something in the middle of the week to look forward to :D


Great pace! Do the stretchy thing. You're muscles will appreciate it.

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I did 7 miles on the bike first, before it started to get windy.Then I decided to walk.I think I must have looked really funny walking when I first finished the bike. My legs felt like jello. I ended up walking 3.2 miles at a brisk pace once I found my legs.


I had the jello legs last week. Great job getting all that in!

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Okay, I did it, but it wasn't pretty. It started raining again soon after I started running. I only managed to do 2 miles in about 22 minutes. So when will I actually start enjoying running? And when will I ever make it to 3 miles?



I'd like to know the answer to that as well. How long have you been running? I still can't run more than ALMOST a mile without stopping to walk a while....in my defense I am running on my street which is a hill and I just can't run up it yet. So I walk up and run down. Running in the rain is kind of neat though isn't it? I did it Monday...

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Okay, I did it, but it wasn't pretty. It started raining again soon after I started running. I only managed to do 2 miles in about 22 minutes. So when will I actually start enjoying running? And when will I ever make it to 3 miles?


I gotta' say that I don't really LIKE it while doing it. I actually HATE running as I'm in my bed in the morning knowing I still have to do it. But, once I get past 2 miles, I get into a groove and don't mind it so much. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE running when I make the final turn to my house!!! I LOVE it when I get into my house. I love the way I feel the rest of the day knowing I've exercised. I love the way I feel when I go to the doctor and he can tell I'm getting healthier.


Scarlett - I've been running/working out for 7 1/2 months now. I started running in April. I don't think I could go more than 1/2 mile running straight until June. Then, things just started falling into place. It got much easier. It started to be easier to keep running than it was to stop and start running again. Oh - and this wasn't on hills either! That makes a huge difference!!

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Nice run!


When I got up I felt so sore from yesterday's Body Pump class at the Y. That's what increasing the weights will do :) Really felt like rolling over at 5am but I forced my feet to the floor, dressed and headed off to the Y.


I 'ran' on the elliptical machine for 70 minutes, kept the settings at a crossramp of 4 and resistance of 6 cause I was really feeling yesterday's body pump workout. Love that class! Then I did 45 minutes of biking.


As of today I am now down 32# from Jan 1st. (20 - 30# to go)



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Nice run!


When I got up I felt so sore from yesterday's Body Pump class at the Y. That's what increasing the weights will do :) Really felt like rolling over at 5am but I forced my feet to the floor, dressed and headed off to the Y.


I 'ran' on the elliptical machine for 70 minutes, kept the settings at a crossramp of 4 and resistance of 6 cause I was really feeling yesterday's body pump workout. Love that class! Then I did 45 minutes of biking.


As of today I am now down 32# from Jan 1st. (20 - 30# to go)




Great job!


Really the best thing to do when you are sore from a workout, is to workout. May not make a lot of sense, but it's true.

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Great job everyone! I HAD to get up early today as our school officially started here! I exercised from 6:00-7:00. Did 4 miles on my bike and then a 5K course. I'm not going as fast as I can lately, so don't know what's up. Maybe eating a banana or something my help? I did the 5K in 29 minutes, which isn't that great for me. Any suggestions?:)

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Great job everyone! I HAD to get up early today as our school officially started here! I exercised from 6:00-7:00. Did 4 miles on my bike and then a 5K course. I'm not going as fast as I can lately, so don't know what's up. Maybe eating a banana or something my help? I did the 5K in 29 minutes, which isn't that great for me. Any suggestions?:)



Umm . . . run faster? :lol: (I hope you take that as a joke!)


Anyway, I don't really have any suggestions. Could it be that your body is recovering from your triathlon training? How was the weather? I've been surprised at how much it affects my run. I hope someone else thinks of what it could be or what could help!!

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Okay, I did it, but it wasn't pretty. It started raining again soon after I started running. I only managed to do 2 miles in about 22 minutes. So when will I actually start enjoying running? And when will I ever make it to 3 miles?


But you did it. It will get easier over time.


I can't say that I always enjoy running. But mornings like today scream at me to get out there. There are certain fall days when the heat is gone and the humidity is low that do that to me. Even if I am not currently running, I just have to go on those days. Then there are other days when I'm tired and I think "what am I doing??" But it's a routine with me. Just like brushing my teeth after I shower. It's what I do. I can skip it, but it feels off if I do.

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Wow, you guys all inspire me. All I can manage is 30-50 workout videos. And can I just state for the record I really hate running. I have never hit any kind of groove or high or anything. And what did you do Carole? 70 min. on elliptical and 45 on the bike. In my dreams. Good job to all of you. I did manage a 30 min. video today.:tongue_smilie:

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I did 32 minutes on my exercise bike and it was 6.2 miles. I have never tried running, but love walking. I really hate the humidity here in GA, and prefer walking outside in spring, fall, and winter. I'm not sure my knees could take running. I have one that hurts occasionally.


I've been noticing this thread for a few days. It definitely motivated me to do that today. THANKS!!!!:001_smile: I got the bike and started using it in late June; however, I haven't been consistent. I've had to go out of town to my sister's 3 times in the last month and a half, plus we started school 2 weeks ago. She is disabled now and had medical procedures then became very ill.


Any advice on being more consistent? Today, I let the kids take a break from school after lunch to have time to do it. I don't know if it's going to be hard to get them back into it, though. We don't have much left thankfully!

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Wow, you guys all inspire me. All I can manage is 30-50 workout videos. And can I just state for the record I really hate running. I have never hit any kind of groove or high or anything. And what did you do Carole? 70 min. on elliptical and 45 on the bike. In my dreams. Good job to all of you. I did manage a 30 min. video today.:tongue_smilie:


I listen to my IPod and right now I'm trying to get through all of SOTW 3; to give me a quick history refresher of what happened during the time period we will be studying this year.


Also, the Y I go to has about 50 tv's going so there's always some visual to catch my interest but I'm usually just in deep thoughts listening to my IPod.

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Great job!


Really the best thing to do when you are sore from a workout, is to workout. May not make a lot of sense, but it's true.


It is very true and while I still feel soreness in my upper arms I like it that I burned 700 - 1000 calories in this mornings workout.

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I ran up to and around town a bit to get in 4 miles. Met Hans & the boys and my parents for breakfast. Biked a few miles back home. Getting ready to head out to dairy judging. Way to go on your run, Cheryl! The cooler temps can make a big difference. And Jennifer in MI, 2 miles in 15:30? You cheetah, you! Congrats to everyone for getting moving!:)

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I ran up to and around town a bit to get in 4 miles. Met Hans & the boys and my parents for breakfast. Biked a few miles back home. Getting ready to head out to dairy judging.


Gret job on the ride Colleen!


Dairy judging, hmmm. That would be so out of my realm of experience. I'm glad there are people who actually know what is what.

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Great job everyone! I HAD to get up early today as our school officially started here! I exercised from 6:00-7:00. Did 4 miles on my bike and then a 5K course. I'm not going as fast as I can lately, so don't know what's up. Maybe eating a banana or something my help? I did the 5K in 29 minutes, which isn't that great for me. Any suggestions?:)


I say you did a great job! But I know what it's like to have those just past times. Could still be recovery time. Could be the heat/humidity. Could be whatever time of the month it is. Could be that you got up early and the (however big or small) stress of starting school.


Try the banana or 1/2 bagel (bread always helped me) and see if it helps.

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Wow, you guys all inspire me. All I can manage is 30-50 workout videos. And can I just state for the record I really hate running. I have never hit any kind of groove or high or anything. And what did you do Carole? 70 min. on elliptical and 45 on the bike. In my dreams. Good job to all of you. I did manage a 30 min. video today.:tongue_smilie:


videos count! It's not running or biking or walking that we are exclusive to! It's exercise. It's getting out there and moving. It's being good to ourselves! And see, videos kill me, I'd rather run!


Great job!

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I did 32 minutes on my exercise bike and it was 6.2 miles. I have never tried running, but love walking. I really hate the humidity here in GA, and prefer walking outside in spring, fall, and winter. I'm not sure my knees could take running. I have one that hurts occasionally.


I've been noticing this thread for a few days. It definitely motivated me to do that today. THANKS!!!!:001_smile: I got the bike and started using it in late June; however, I haven't been consistent. I've had to go out of town to my sister's 3 times in the last month and a half, plus we started school 2 weeks ago. She is disabled now and had medical procedures then became very ill.


Any advice on being more consistent? Today, I let the kids take a break from school after lunch to have time to do it. I don't know if it's going to be hard to get them back into it, though. We don't have much left thankfully!


Consistency is something that is hard. For me I've noticed that if I don't go in the morning, I don't go. I notice your oldest is 11. Can she stay and watch your younger? One thing that helps is putting on exercise clothes. I go no where in my running tops and skorts unless I absolutely have to!


Great job on the bike!

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Consistency is something that is hard. For me I've noticed that if I don't go in the morning, I don't go. I notice your oldest is 11. Can she stay and watch your younger? One thing that helps is putting on exercise clothes. I go no where in my running tops and skorts unless I absolutely have to!


Great job on the bike!


Thanks! I've been told that here kids are supposed to be 12 before they are left home alone. I would definitely stay close to the house in our neighborhood and give her a walkie talkie. She tends to not pay attention because she always day dreaming, so I'm not sure how comfortable I am with it. I think she would do it, if she knew she had to. I'm so not a morning person. I wish I was so that I could do it early while my husband's still home. Any advice on becoming a morning person when your naturally a night owl?

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I'd like to know the answer to that as well. How long have you been running? I still can't run more than ALMOST a mile without stopping to walk a while....in my defense I am running on my street which is a hill and I just can't run up it yet. So I walk up and run down. Running in the rain is kind of neat though isn't it? I did it Monday...


I think I've been running for 10 weeks now. Which means that I should be done with the C25k, but I still haven't been able to do week 7 consistently - 25 minutes of running with no walking. One time I ran 2.75 miles which took about 28 minutes, but that was definitely the exception.


I'm glad that I don't have to run hills - I wouldn't be able to do that for a mile either.

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I did not run today. I have not gotten up to running, but I walked about 4 miles today. I started off walking half way around my lake (which is about one mile) then turned to walk to the high school track. My sons and I arrived at the track then walked four laps (my younger son ran six laps) around the track and then walked home to finish out the lake. We had a killer mountain toward the end of our walk that really tests how in shape you are. Unfortunately today, I did not make it. I had to stop twice on the mountain after this rigorous walk. I did get home. It was 2 hours and 4 miles uphill.







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I did not run today. I have not gotten up to running, but I walked about 4 miles today. I started off walking half way around my lake (which is about one mile) then turned to walk to the high school track. My sons and I arrived at the track then walked four laps (my younger son ran six laps) around the track and then walked home to finish out the lake. We had a killer mountain toward the end of our walk that really tests how in shape you are. Unfortunately today, I did not make it. I had to stop twice on the mountain after this rigorous walk. I did get home. It was



Karen, that is wonderful! It's not about running, it's about exercising. If you want to run, great! If you want to walk, great! If you want to do a video, great! 2 hours and 4 miles uphill is awesome!

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Any advice on becoming a morning person when your naturally a night owl?


I grew up with morning people as parents. I think that's why I am a morning person. I'm getting dh to be that way, sometimes.


If you are not comfortable leaving them home, then you aren't comfortable! No need to force it until all of you are ready. Didn't you say something about an exercise bike earlier? Is that at your home or do you have to go somewhere? I still say put on exercise clothes first thing, it will help.


Personally, I have a dog that gets very excited when I do, so I wait until I am ready to go out the door before I change. :tongue_smilie: It is nice to have someone go with me though.

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Okay. Here's the thing I was out of town visiting relatives yesterday but I did manage to run 1.5 miles leaving a trail of niecs and nephews to fend for themselves. They thought they'd enjoy running with me:D they were walking back to my sisters house totally out of breath. The weather was so nice in GA and we eat so bad when we all get together. Today I drove by myself 3.5 hours with my 2.5year old so that was my "endurance" workout for the day.:tongue_smilie:

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Okay. Here's the thing I was out of town visiting relatives yesterday but I did manage to run 1.5 miles leaving a trail of niecs and nephews to fend for themselves. They thought they'd enjoy running with me:D they were walking back to my sisters house totally out of breath. The weather was so nice in GA and we eat so bad when we all get together. Today I drove by myself 3.5 hours with my 2.5year old so that was my "endurance" workout for the day.:tongue_smilie:


I love it. Kids are fun though.


Yes, 3.5 hours in the car with one that young is enough.

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Just got back from the Y after doing 30 min on the elliptical, 15min mile walking straight uphill, and then another 15 min on the bike (3+mi).


Feeling good!!!




Oh, yeah, and I did all my yoga poses on my Wii Fit this morning too!


Great job. You ladies do so much timewise!

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Would someone who knows tell me if I should run in the morning or not? My knee was hurting some last night...not so much tonight. I did not run or even walk today at all. I wouldn't say it hurts right now, but I'm definitely aware of it.


It is my left knee and earlier in the week I had some pain in my right buttocks (said in my best Forrest Gump voice) or rather just below it...and I wonder if I was favoring my left side because of my right tush pain. What is that muscle that meets the tush?


I want to run in the morning....should I?

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