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Spin off on the house keeping thread. . . pulling out major appliances?

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How often do you do this?


I am getting a new washer and dryer today. See other post. I cleaned where the old ones were and oh my it was yucky. When/ how often do you do this lovely chore? DO you do all applainaces at once or stagger them? Or do you even do it? Thanks.


ETA: It was especially bad becasue washer, which died, had blown a seal and there was transmission oil all over mixed in with the umteen dust bunnies unknown to us.

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never pull out appliances. I guess we will in a few weeks/months when we put down new flooring in the kitchen. It has been the same at the three houses that we have owned since we married. We only move appliances when we are remodeling the kitchen. Until I read (on these very boards) about someone moving her refrigerator to clean, I had never heard of such a thing. Maybe that shows how inept I am as a housekeeper?

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In my old house, it was easy to move the appliances (ceramic tile), so it was done about once/month. We've since moved and have hardwood down. I'm so afraid I'll scratch them I haven't done the fridge since we moved (6 months ago!). I did the stove by pulling out the bottom drawer after I was embarassed by the guy who came to fix it last week.


Now I'm motivated to figure out a way to pull out the fridge!


Washer and dryer? Ummmm . . . Maybe when we move again. Or, when we get a new one.

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Our next door neighbor is a repair man. Per him you need to blow out the refrigerator at least once a year. What does blowing out the refrigerator entail you might ask? You need to move it out and take a strong blower, we used a leaf blower, and get the dust off the coils and stuff underneath and behind the frig. Dust goes everywhere!!!! After that procedure you have no choice but to deep clean everything.

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Do you really? Is it that dirty, or does it just creep you out to find crackers that you know you haven't bought in say, six months?



I don't want bugs that start with an R and are famous in the south LOL! Yes, I am paranoid and weird. :D And remember I have lots of teen boys wo can slide things like fridges and stoves without me having to move a finger LOL.

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Do you really? Is it that dirty, or does it just creep you out to find crackers that you know you haven't bought in say, six months?



garden - Quiver has an army in her house. I'm guessing she gets the kids to do it. The rest of us, who have teensy families, have a good excuse for never, ever doing it.


About every ten years the refrigerator at our house is replaced, and that's when it gets cleaned back there. Same with all the other appliances.




Yes. We're pigs.

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When we move house, which is roughly every two years. I guess I'll have to give the issue more thought, and perhaps even some action if we ever buy a house. It's one of my aims in life to have children big enough to help me spring clean. Dh always manages to have something more important to do when I get in such a mood...



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I don't want bugs that start with an R and are famous in the south LOL! Yes, I am paranoid and weird. :D And remember I have lots of teen boys wo can slide things like fridges and stoves without me having to move a finger LOL.


That's a good reason! Thankfully, we don't have those R things very often, and I've found beagles like to eat the occasional stray R thing.


Maybe I should get dh to do it, I know it's been at least 2 years. :blink: Who knows what's back there. I'm afraid to look!


I forgot about blowing out the refrigerator coils, too - I really need to do that.

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When you pulled the fridge out, it bumped into the penisula counter right in front of it. There was no way to get around it without climbing over the counter or running out the front door to come in the back door to clean the other side. Very awkward to accomplish with a vacum cleaner attached to your hand!

For whatever reason that I can't rmember, when my SIL is here visiting we end up needing to pull out the fridge.

We just remodeled and got rid of the penisula so it will be easier next time he comes!

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I can't imagine why none of the real clean-fiends here on the board haven't answered yet.:bigear:


My new fridge is on wheels, though so heavy it's still dangerous. What if it fell over while you were pushing it? Not a pretty thought. And the stove is really light, but I didn't want to scrape up the vinyl flooring.


But I really, really hate the thought of all the spills and junk down the sides and under the appliances. So I bought those cool slippery plastic furniture glide things, and stuck them under the appliances. :D Love 'em. I move those two appliances once a month to clean the sides and beneath.


And I bought some huge ones for the huge, heavy armoire in the bedroom, 'cause I could *see* the dust bunnies hiding back there, I just couldn't quite get to them with the extender wand of my vacuum.


The washing machine gets dusted underneath with a felt-covered yardstick. The dryer was lightweight enough and easy to pull out, but unfortunately we had to install a vent hose that was much shorter than previously due to a leak. At least that will cut down on the dust being blown back there. I can use my felt yardstick all under and behind it, without moving a thing.

No more lost socks for us!

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